Feb 11, 2009 04:16
sobbbb wtf is this noise. I've been hearing it for an hour or two. It's like someone's in the next room bouncing one of those toy bouncey balls kids get ONLY THE ROOM IS EMPTY 8( And the only other person awake is my brother who's way on the other side of the house using the laptop. I CHECKED. TWICE. And then I made him come check it out and of course the noise fucking stops.
AND THEN IT STARTED AGAIN. 8( And ffff what if there is something in the wall. It sounds like it stays in the same basic area; the section of interior wall just behind the computer desk. How do I even get in there to get it out. WHAT IF IT BURSTS OUT WHILE I'M SLEEPING AND EATS ME. I bet there's a hundred scary movies that start out like this. First it's things scuttling around in the walls that only you can hear, and then you've feet sticking out the ceiling and undead cats busting out of the cupboards and trying to claw your eyes out.
I will probably collapse for sleep soon anyway, but I bet I have nightmares because of this. sob I am going to sleep on the couch
my life has become a horror film?!