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Comments 9

dlevey March 24 2011, 16:24:55 UTC
At one point, just before starting a soloist position (already contracted, but before start date) I went to the synagogue to get an idea of what they wanted for their services. I got to see the person I was replacing, who was, shall we say, nice and enthusiastic. That was fine, until the rabbi made a point of introducing us - and saying I was "his replacement". What possible purpose could that have served?

It *might* be worthwhile for you to meed with the person the eventually select so that you can give them the run-down and do the hand-off. On the other hand, if they didn't like/trust you enough to keep you there, even that may not have a purpose.

Things may be coming to a head because March is often the month used as a deadline, and as we get closer to the end of the month they may be panicking a bit. Good to actively send the no-thanks messages; the Bergen place may be somewhere you need in n years as a just-in-case.


jimpage363 March 24 2011, 21:25:25 UTC
Oh, I made it a point to introduce myself and be nice. I will also leave everything in as good and useful order as I can. After all, it's not my successor's "fault" and s/he will be taking care of people for whom I have cared. I would want to leave the best possible situation, as was left for me by my predecessor. I am just trying to be as professional as I can be, although it sometimes slips.

I can't believe the rabbi at the place you mentioned in your post. YIKE.


kassrachel March 24 2011, 17:36:37 UTC
So glad that plans are coming together, even if this whole process has been nutty and perhaps not what one might have wished. *hug*


jimpage363 March 24 2011, 21:26:12 UTC
Thank you, ma'am. I just keep reminding myself that I get to choose how I respond and then try to fake it as if I were someone really classy and together. :-) It's working, mostly.


shrewreader March 24 2011, 18:39:47 UTC
Oh, thank heavens, I was worried NJ had retracted their offer.

And seriously, WTF current people? Have you no tact?


imkalena March 24 2011, 18:54:04 UTC
They sound like absolute idiots.

"We fired you? Oh, no hard feelings, and wouldn't you like to train your successor while you're at it?"

I'm kinda waiting for that one.


shrewreader March 25 2011, 01:12:21 UTC
Because, see, it's all for the Greater Glory, so we're not supposed to need to be professional or anything.

Yeah, I get that from the Presbyterians across the street. Especially at Christmas & Easter.


imkalena March 24 2011, 18:56:41 UTC
Honey, these people, I swear!

I think the shooting icon works for this one, too.


taselby March 25 2011, 01:30:42 UTC
I'm glad things are working out for you, even though I would have preferred (for purely selfish reasons) to have you closer.



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