Title: Moments 5/14
jiji_bean Characters: Nine/Rose, glimpses of Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Time Line: "Rose" to "Doomsday"
Summary: What happened between the first time the Doctor asked Rose to join him and when he came back the second time?
A/N: I don't own Doctor Who - I just like to play with it sometimes. Keep in mind, I write very short chapters :D
One Two Three Four ***
The Tardis materialized in what appeared to be a giant slab of concrete. But, like most things in the universe, the giant slab turned out to be something more than just that.
As he stepped out of the Tardis, he could hear a laser of some kind off in the distance. The sound made the Doctor’s skin prickle with a sudden chill. He could hear people talking, but none of the voices resembled Rose’s.
Where and when had the Tardis brought him?
He decided to follow the strange voices, quietly so as to not startle whoever was on the other side of the concrete wall. A door was open and he peered in, curiosity masking the fear that was crawling up his throat. He couldn’t understand why he felt it, only that it was there.
The Doctor looked in and quickly threw himself back when he saw his own nearly bald head. He was going to end up with a backache if he kept doing that.
“She was 19 years old…” he heard himself say. More followed the sentence, but he couldn’t quite process it.
He must be talking about Rose. Wait, what did he mean by was? He could feel his hearts stop as he let the words sink in. Maybe he was talking about someone else. Surely he’d never let…
And then he heard it. That voice. That mechanical, cold, ruthless voice. A voice that wasn't a voice. One he never wanted to hear again. A voice he thought he had gotten rid of…and at what a price.
“What good are emotions if you cannot save the woman you love?”
The Doctor didn’t know what had shocked him more: the fact that there was still a Dalek in existence or that the thing was talking about love. Unable to quiet his curiosity and fear of not hearing Rose’s voice once since his arrival, he dared to look into the room.
Upon doing so, the Doctor could see Rose on the screen, but his delight in seeing her, alive and well, was quickly ruined by the presence of the Dalek standing behind her. How had the future him let that thing get within one inch of Rose?
And wait a second…did the Dalek just say…woman you….love?
The Doctor flew back into the Tardis soon after repeating the Dalek’s words over and over in his mind.
Woman you…love.
That’s what that thing had said.
He paced around the console, his arms clasped tightly around his chest.
How close had he let her get?
And most importantly…why?
Without a quick comment to his beloved machine, he pushed and pulled at buttons and levers and let the Tardis decide his next stop.