Moments 2/14

Nov 26, 2010 21:12

Title: Moments 2/14
Author: jiji_bean 
Characters: Nine/Rose, glimpses of Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Time Line: "Rose" to "Doomsday"
Summary: What happened between the first time the Doctor asked Rose to join him and when he came back the second time?
A/N: I don't own Doctor Who - I just like to play with it sometimes. Keep in mind, I write very short chapters :D



The Tardis came to a bumpy stop. He figured she was still disappointed in him. But he lost his planet, his people, his friends and family, he saved the world each day…if he wanted to give in to curiosity, he would. No one was going to stop him.

He stepped outside and saw that he had materialized right where he wanted to be (perhaps the Tardis wasn’t that mad at him). He was outside of the Powell Estate. According to the dial, Rose would be ten years old at this time.

A couple of boys yelling caught his attention. As he turned their way, he saw that they were yelling at a girl.

His stomach churned. They were yelling at a mousy-haired, rail-thin Rose Tyler. He stared at her, idly wondering about the present day Rose and how…attractive she had become. Still, seeing her as a little girl, she was very beautiful. Her sight warmed his hearts.

“Po’ Rose Tyler. Po’ and ugly!” the boys cackled at their taunting.

The Doctor clenched his fists. He had to remind himself that he couldn’t get involved.

“Leave me alone!” yelled the young Rose. She broke away from the huddle they had trapped her in, running up to her mum’s flat. The Doctor couldn’t help but smirk. Even as a tiny thing, she still had the courage to stand up for herself.

He could hear the boys cackling. With a wide stride, he walked over to the boys who grew incredibly quiet when he stood with them.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, playing dumb.

The boys merely stared up at him and mumbled, “Nothing” under their breath.

“What,” continued the Doctor, looking down at them, “don’t like it when some one taller than you, stronger than you, and much more clever than you, towers over you?” He let his voice drop to a rumble as he let the intensity, the anger of what they were doing to Rose drip, intertwined with his voice. He knew he shouldn’t be scaring children, but he couldn’t get the image of an upset ten year old Rose out of his mind.

The boys’ eyes widened and they scurried off, running fast to get away from him.

The Doctor grinned at his deed as he walked toward the Tardis, ready for the next moment.


With a push of button and a lift of a lever, the Doctor set out for the next moment in time. The Tardis materialized in front of Rose’s old school. He calculated that she would be…16. He’d have to be a bit more careful so that she didn’t see him. Surely, if she saw him now, she’d remember his daft old face and large ears. Not to mention his nose…

Grinning slightly, he opened the large doors of his blue box and stepped out into the street. When he looked toward the school, he felt like the air had been knocked out of his chest. There, slightly hidden behind a wall of the school was Rose Tyler…snogging some leather-jacket punk. The Doctor felt his blood boil underneath his skin, reaching the tips of his ears…and that was saying something. Instead of running over there and pulling him off of her (like he really, really wanted to), he reluctantly hid behind the Tardis. After a few moments, he wished Rose would come up for air at least. The Doctor wasn’t too far away from them so he tried not to stare so intently, instead he pretended to merely be idling outside a big blue police box. Nevermind the fact that they hadn’t been around for quite awhile.

Eventually Rose did come up for air. Her skin was flushed and her lips were red and swollen. The sight angered the Doctor, but it lingered in his mind as well. She looked so blissful, he began to wonder if that’s how she’d look if…

He chided himself for such thoughts. He also tried to not focus on what Rose was wearing: a pale pink v-neck jumper that dipped way too low in the front, a black miniskirt, short black boots, and a jacket that covered nothing.

Shaking his head, he strained to hear what they were saying.

“Alright, Jimmy, I’ll talk to you later!” Rose bubbled, smiling from ear to ear. The Doctor cringed as Jimmy merely nodded and winked. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he watched Rose walk away in the direction of the Powell Estate. The Doctor was just about to follow her when he heard Jimmy’s Neanderthal-sounding voice. Well, that’s just not fair, what did the Neanderthals ever do to you, thought the Doctor.

“Hey babe,” his voice dripped with drool and un-cleverness.

The Doctor looked up to see a blond hugging Jimmy. Had Rose returned?

The blond laughed with giddiness and then proceeded to snog Jimmy. Only that blond wasn’t Rose Tyler.

The Doctor could feel frantic anger rise up again, boiling his blood.

That idiot had the opportunity of having Rose, and he was mucking it up with someone else.

Whoa, thought the Doctor, halting his anger, where had all this come from? You’d think he was a stupid ape. He was about to walk down the street in the direction he had last seen Rose leaving when she beat him to it. He jumped behind the Tardis, feeling idiotic at doing so.

“What the hell! Jimmy!? What are you doing?!” she screamed at him.

The Doctor couldn’t help but smile.

“Wha’ babe? She’s just a friend,” his voice was indifferent with a small twitch of what could be worry. The Doctor rolled his eyes but continued smiling: he’d seen Rose Tyler mad, and boy, was Timmy in for a beating.


The Doctor’s head snapped up. Had he just heard Rose say…


Where was the feisty blond? Why wasn’t she yelling at this idiot?

He saw the other blond scurry away while Rose glared at her. Then she simply took her place next to Jimmy’s smirking self and they walked on down the street to the Powell Estate.

The Doctor was dumbfounded…which was saying a lot.

He didn’t have to follow their future to know that he’d break her heart. The only questions were when and to what extent?

As he walked back into the Tardis, it suddenly clicked for the Doctor. The boyfriend…Rickey or something…he sure seemed pretty safe to be around, to care about. Had Rose learned to play it safe?

Once inside, the Doctor smiled as he pumped the lever and pressed a button.

It sounded like Ms. Tyler needed a little adventure in her life.


ten, fandom, moments, fanfic, doctor who, nine, rose tyler

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