Title: Twin Suns (1/1)
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2; after The Age of Steel but before Army of Ghosts
Summary: Perhaps going to one of the coldest planets in existence wasn't the best plan the Doctor could have had...
A/N: Written for the prompt "waking up some place with snow" given by
redknightalex; I hope you like it!
Twin Suns
Rose huddled under the heavy blankets, still shivering despite their warmth. The Doctor moved to place more kindling to the fire. It had been a massive mistake to bring her to this planet. He knew it would be cold, but they would have been fine as long as they stayed near the Tardis. He only wanted to show her the twinkling violet stars and barren icy landscape of the planet of Nyss.
He hadn’t taken into account what could have happened…such as the Tardis powering down, leaving them stranded and freezing.
Well, Rose was freezing. The cold was merely uncomfortable for him.
The Doctor watched her snuggle up against all the pillows, cushions, blankets and coats he could find littered among the rooms of his ship. Her brow furrowed and her lips trembled despite his tries at keeping her warm. He would have hugged her if he could, but then he’d have to remove the warmth from her first and he wasn’t about to do that.
Quietly, so as not to disturb her, he stood up. He made his way out of the library, leaving the crackling of the fire behind. Without hurry, he made his way through the corridor to the console room and past the main doors. They cracked under the accumulated ice that had trimmed its edges.
There was an undisturbed blanket of snow in every way he looked. No tracks of any kind or even a gust of wind disturbed the landscape. It was morning so a faint golden glow fell on the snow. It was sunrise on the planet of Nyss. He had wanted to show all this to Rose. There was no sound, only that of his breathing and the crunch of his trainers as his steps fell into the snow.
The quiet was further disturbed by an additional crunch of steps. He turned quickly to see Rose, her eyes half closed from the drowsiness of sleep, walking toward him.
“Rose, it’s too cold, you should get back inside,” he took note of the worry in his voice.
“M’ fine,” she mumbled, drawing the heavy coat that he remembered from a previous regeneration tight around her shoulders. He could see the long scarf piled around her neck. The Doctor smiled.
Maybe it was the sight of her in an earlier regeneration’s clothing or the guilt for having her be so cold, but he reached out without a thought and grabbed one of her hands to pull her forward. She hadn’t even taken the time to pull on gloves.
He heard her make a noise, but chose to ignore it and in a swift move she was in front of him, her back to his chest. He let go of her hand only to reach around her with both arms, hugging her to his body.
“You have to stay warm Rose,” his voice was barely even a whisper.
She stayed quiet and soon her trembling stopped. He tried to ignore the sensations that her body caused in him even through the many layers of fabric between them.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.
The Doctor hugged her tighter, the glow of the twin suns beginning to rise into the sky showering them with their color.