Title: For a Human (1/1)
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 1; before Captain Jack
Summary: Rose has been traveling with the Doctor for awhile - she knows how to get those double hearts pumping (lol)
A/N: Written for the prompt "victorian age" given by
phoenikxs ; I hope you like it!
For a Human
“So, who are we seeing again?” Rose asked, hidden behind the dressing screen in the wardrobe room.
The Doctor, who refused yet again to change his jacket and jumper, was toying with the sonic screwdriver. He was impatiently waiting for her to finish her change of clothes.
“Gilbert and Sullivan. One of their comic operas. Now, will you finish up already? I don’t know why you insist on changing, we’re just going to hear…”
His words dropped off of his tongue as she moved from behind the partition. Her hair was piled up with tendrils falling, framing her face. A simple silver hairpin decorated the perfectly mussed tresses. Rose’s pale skin glowed in contrast to the dress that hugged beautifully to her curves. It was dark blue with a neckline that scooped from shoulder to shoulder which gave him a glimpse of her collarbone. There was an intricate silver lining that adorned its edges, drawing attention to her chest. The fabric embraced her torso so that which was normally hidden by t-shirts and sweaters was made most noticeable to him. Her slender waist growing to curves usually hidden in baggy jeans. The skirt of the dress fell in waves, the same lining following them down to the bottom, her feet hidden.
The Doctor’s gaze flowed upward again and the blush across what was visible of her chest caused him to realize what he had been doing. Abruptly shaken with the realization, he dropped the sonic screwdriver. The clang rang against the walls of the large room.
“So, I’m guessing I look the part?” her question was soaked in teasing.
“Uh,” he bent to pick up the screwdriver, “yeah.”
He couldn’t look at her, his idiocy showing on his face. He could feel the blood heating up his skin. Her laugh echoed around them.
“Not bad, for a human, yea’?” she chuckled at his previous words from a past adventure. A throwback to what he knew she thought was a back-handed insult.
The Doctor looked at her and with all sincerity and a heated look, said, “Not bad at all.”