
FIC: Not Another Moment (With Rai_Daydreamer)

Sep 15, 2008 21:33

Title: Not Another Moment
Challenge prompt: 10. "Love is for the fools who fall behind" --
20_inkspots (Dark set-- full table here) with Rai Daydreamer. 
Which came first: Art

Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: R (with yummy NSFW thumbnail!)
Word Count: 1300Summary:  After a long week of emergency after emergency, Superman finds himself summoned to Batman's side for reasons unknown.

"Superman.  I need you here.  Now."  Batman's voice crackled over the communicator, imperious and demanding.  "Track these coordinates."

Clark sighed as he flew toward Bruce's location, somewhere in the South Pacific.  The last week had been one emergency after another--interstellar invasions, natural disasters, a power-grab by Luthor, a couple of temporal anomalies that needed attention--there had been little time for much more than fighting and an occasional hour of sleep.

Maybe the worst part was that he hadn't been able to spend any time with Bruce.  Oh, they'd seen each other here and there, even worked together, but it had been all business.  There was almost nothing in their terse exchanges that would reveal that they had just--finally, finally-- become lovers a mere eight days ago.  Almost nothing in their interactions that would indicate Clark had at last found out what Bruce's eyes looked like lit with ecstasy, what his voice sounded like calling out Clark's name in rapture.  Bruce had been bright and dark together, mystery and clarity, passion and restraint--

Clark caught himself as his cape brushed the waves;  he'd wandered off-course a bit, lost in vivid memories.  Memories were all he'd had since that first time, memories and a few fleeting touches, a few moment's glances, just enough to keep him smoldering through a week of nonstop crises.  And now there was something new that needed attention.

Well, he consoled himself, maybe he'd have a chance to brush against Batman in passing, to hear the heartbeat spike upward and the breathing stutter, to revel in knowing the other man wanted him too, even when duty and responsibility seemed to be consuming every moment they had.

It would do.  For now.

As Superman drew nearer to the coordinates, an island hove into view above the horizon, green and sparkling as a lump of jade.  The water had darkened from the slate of the northern Pacific to the deep and gem-like sapphire of the south, dotted with breaking lines of foam.  There was no sign of trouble, no turmoil anywhere.  And yet Batman's voice had been taut and urgent.  A plague to stop?  A politician murdered and abandoned on an island paradise?

The island seemed entirely uninhabited, the only human heartbeat he could detect Bruce's own, somewhere in the interior.  Clark put on a last burst of speed and found Batman standing at the edge of a pool deep in the jungle.  A waterfall cascaded down mossy rocks into the brilliant turquoise waters, and the foliage was heavy with hibiscus, orchids, and jasmine.

"Batman," Superman acknowledged the other hero with a stern nod.  There may be no other sign of human life on the island, but it would hardly do to sweep the man up in an embrace.  However much he might want to.  "What's the emergency?"

Batman wasn't smiling, but the lines of his jaw were relaxed, his mouth softened from its usual grim line.  "The emergency is that the JLA has noticed that one of its members is dangerously overstressed and overworked and has requested that I be sure he gets a little bit of rest and relaxation."

Superman stared, then snorted.  "That's hardly an emergency, Bruce."

Now the other man did smile, just a little, just enough to make every nerve ending in Clark's body flare.  "Ah, but I have been tasked with making sure you take some time off."  He reached up and pulled off the cowl, very slowly.  "And I'll have you know that I take my duties very, very seriously."

There was a smudge of sweat on Bruce's temple;  Clark resisted the temptation to taste it.  "I don't have time for this.  There are things to--"

"--J'onn was quite insistent," Bruce said as he peeled off a black glove, dropping it onto the mossy ground.  "And believe it or not, Clark, there are no pressing intergalactic crises right now."  The other glove came off quite slowly, revealing Bruce's skin bit by bit;  Clark swallowed hard, remembering what those hands had done to him--  "I did make them promise to contact us if anything came up," Bruce noted.  His eyes flicked across Clark's body.  "Something seems to be coming up indeed," he smirked.  "But I think it's a crisis I can deal with single-handedly."

The air was very sweet and heavy with the scent of flowers.  Clark imagined suddenly, with a vivid intensity that seemed quite involuntary, how Bruce would look laid out on a bed of scarlet hibiscus, draped with creamy jasmine.  Bruce's small smile widened and Clark knew some of his reaction must have shown on his face--or elsewhere.  Bruce began to undo a seemingly endless assortment of buckles and clasps, dropping the utility belt onto the ground and following it up with bits of cloth and armor, leaving more and more of him exposed to the damp, warm air.  Clark wasn't sure if he should be taking off clothes as well, but the flirting flicker of Bruce's eyes seemed to indicate he should just be enjoying the show.

Oh, how he was enjoying the show.

"I shouldn't be wasting time here," he grumbled half-heartedly, but he knew his avid gaze contradicted his voice entirely.

"Exhaustion decreases focus," Bruce said as if he were lecturing one of the Robins, as if he weren't almost entirely naked.  "Pleasure and relaxation are basic needs of sentient creatures."  The last bit of armor fell away and he was gloriously nude, bare toes deep in greenery, lithe muscled body framed by palm fronds, an Adam in Eden.  He put his arms above his head and stretched luxuriously, eyeing Clark.  Clark moved forward and Bruce pivoted with a grin, sprinting to a rock at the edge of the pool and diving in, his body a perfect curve of temptation, a bright arc of desire and joy.

Clark meant to strip and meet him in the pool, but found himself staring breathlessly at the pale body in the aquamarine water, caressed by the foam from the waterfall.  Bruce surfaced and shook his dark hair back, water spraying like gems.  "Do you need an engraved invitation?" he called.

Clark didn't.

Bruce's lips tasted of orchids and moss, as if he were some woodland spirit Clark had captured only briefly, one that could disappear without a trace, melt into the trees and flowers once more.  But his hands were solid and sure on Clark's body as they splashed and floundered into the shallows, greedy and needful as they dragged Clark close.  "I couldn't wait any longer," Bruce panted, writhing against him, head flung back, hair trailing in the water like a dark cloud.  "Not another moment."  His hands roamed over Clark's wet skin as if starving for touch.  "Don't--don't make me wait."

"Not another moment," Clark agreed between long kisses, drinking deep.

: : :

A bird shrilled off in the jungle, a glint of scarlet between the leaves.  Nothing else was moving.  Clark was lying on his back in mid-air, hovering above the pool, letting the hot air dry their gleaming skin.  Bruce was draped across him as if on some exotic chaise longue, one leg nestled between Clark's, one foot hooked across Clark's ankle.  All the muscles in his body were relaxed, loose and languid, resting on
Clark with utter confidence and trust.  Clark let sheer wonder waft him upwards a little more, an updraft of possibilities.

At the motion, Bruce propped himself up on Clark with one elbow and opened eyes sated and smoky with afterglow.  "I trust you will report back to the League that I have discharged my duties to the best of my ability?"

Clark's chuckle shook his chest;  Bruce held him just a little tighter.  "You think you're done?  Oh no.  It's been such a difficult and stressful week, I think it will be at least a little longer until you've fully discharged your...duties," Clark said with a smirk.  "Barring emergencies," he added hastily, but Bruce just grinned.

"Let no one say Batman was ever less than thorough in carrying out League business," he said, and bent to kiss Clark again.


fic, co-write

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