
Songs: Air, Llewellyn, Kitaro, Francis Bebey

Apr 01, 2007 00:09

Happy birthday to
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Comments 27

spix_in_lj March 31 2007, 19:09:48 UTC
what do you think about Moby?
I like some of his songs and I have some in my OTP mp3 list^^


jij April 1 2007, 00:37:35 UTC
Oooh, which songs? I don't have many of his, but I have one from the "Devil Wore Prada" soundtrack called "Beautiful," which I like a lot for S/B...although it refers to the subject as "girl," unfortunately...


vespa331 April 1 2007, 00:55:40 UTC
I thought of the James Blunt song when you said that, and the "You're beautiful it's true...but it's time to face the truth, I will never be with you" suddenly hit me as fitting S/B. As much as I love happy Clark/Bruce (or Dick/Bruce, I'm making a mix for them and having the same issue) fics, they always end angstily in my head...good thing I'm not the one writing them eh? :D


jij April 1 2007, 01:10:42 UTC
That James Blunt song is very good too, I agree! And yeah, the funny thing with Clark/Bruce is that it seems half the writers can't possibly get them together happily, and the other half can't split them up easily. :) Although I love the happy endings, I have to admit there's something of a dearth of angsty Clark/Bruce out there, so hey, if the muse grabs you, go for it!


arch_schatten March 31 2007, 20:53:07 UTC
I love this song presents! It's like fic presents, they can be enjoyed by everyone! Makes me terribly happy to have pretty music :)


arch_schatten March 31 2007, 20:54:13 UTC
By the way, totally stealing the idea, lalala, since I have no fic... music presents!


jij April 1 2007, 00:39:04 UTC
Steal away! Between the two of us maybe we can come up with a couple of satisfactory songs... *grin*


taro_twist March 31 2007, 21:43:47 UTC
Thanks for the music, Jen! I'm with Mina ... these are lovely presents for vespa331 and all the rest of us, too. :D

And by god, that Air song is beautiful--probably one of the best things I've ever heard from them. And the lyrics are so poetic! It's a shame they don't seem to be posted anywhere--I tried to find them too ... they're too pretty not to be hunted down! They painted gorgeous, sad sad pictures in my head ... very Clexy indeed.

I'm still in the process of downloading ... I'm going backwards, and am listening to the Camarounian song right now ... I like your idea of singing it to "unborn fic." *grin* Stories are our children after all. :D


taro_twist March 31 2007, 21:46:49 UTC
Agh, the Air song is eating my brain ... now I really want to see an AU Clex fic set in the 1800s or something where they have a pistol duel ...


jij April 1 2007, 00:42:10 UTC
The Air song eats my brain too! I always feel so torn when I come across a great song that I love and doesn't fit S/B! :)

The Forest Nativity song is one of my favorites, sappy as it is. :) Sometimes my stories need to hear that the coast is clear...

Oh, and I JUST read (like a half hour ago!) the first appearance of Lori Lemaris in Superman! Have you read it? She is awesome!


taro_twist April 1 2007, 01:13:57 UTC
I always feel so torn when I come across a great song that I love and doesn't fit S/B!

LOL. Me, too, as much as I'm beginning to like Clex ... and I keep coming across more and more Clex songs! It's unnerving. But I comforted myself over the Air song by deciding that it could apply to Clark and Bruce in DaMo's "Mask Behind the Man." It seems to fit the confrontation on the beach really well.

Oh, and I JUST read (like a half hour ago!) the first appearance of Lori Lemaris in Superman! Have you read it? She is awesome!

Woohoo! Yay for Lori! *dances* :D I think I've read her first appearance, but I'm not sure. Is it the one where Clark saves her from rolling down a hill by burning the rubber off of her wheelchair wheels, then later has all these daydreams about how he wants to serenade her with floating orchestras and what not? I think that's the story of how they first met, but I don't know if it's the first time she shows up in Superman. *bounces away*


vespa331 April 1 2007, 00:41:16 UTC
Thank you so much!! This is so sweet! ::wipes tear from eye::

Sanctuary is so calm and pretty, it's definitely going on my yoga mix. Shimmering Horizon is like being in the middle of an epic story. Kamakshi is haunting and mesmerizing. Forest Nativity has such cool drums, I love drums, and the idea of you singing it to your fic is highly amusing. The Air song...wow, yeah, that's perfectly CLex. I died at the "before we walk the agreed number of paces and turn to face our fate" and had my jaw dropped for the rest of the song.

Thank you again, you are beyond awesome! :)


jij April 1 2007, 00:57:34 UTC
Like taro_twist says, the Air song is one of those that totally eats your brain! For some reason it had me at the counting at the beginning...I have no idea why, you wouldn't think there could be such a thing as angsty counting, but there it is. :)

I'm sooooo angry because I heard a song that was totally Clex the other day and now I can't remember it.... *cries* It was from Clark's point of view and had a line about how "you went east to the city and left me here," and now I can't find it....*rummages through 20 gig of music*

Happy birthday!


spix_in_lj April 2 2007, 15:58:41 UTC
Well, right now I´m in love with:
"The Sky Is Broken"
"Natural Blues"
"In My Life"
"When It's Cold I'd Like To Die"
"Into The Blue"
"Everytime You Touch Me"
"Let's Go Free"
"All That I Need Is To Be Loved"
Someway they seems perfect to my OTP idea of music^.^
I´m dowlanding all I found so later I´m doing a new selection!


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