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Comments 36

measi January 2 2010, 02:16:56 UTC
That bar scene was epic. And it truly is the Doctor Who version of the Star Wars Cantina.

And then there was the Millennium Falcon (or was it Starbug from Red Dwarf?), complete with lazer turrets.


I can't wait for Eleven. And all the while, I'll still be hugging on to Ten. :)


jigglykat January 2 2010, 02:24:53 UTC
I seem to recall reading in "The Writer's Tale", RTD wanted the Shadow Proclamation to be full of all the different alien species we had seen on the show so far (as well as classic), but the budget wouldn't allow it. I feel like the Cantina scene was him getting it in the end.

Weeeee, Eleven! The trailer looks awesome.


taraljc January 2 2010, 02:29:19 UTC
I assumed it was Susan. Cos then you have the parallel of Wilf as Donna's grandfather and the Doctor as Susan's grandfather, and that makes it work for me.


jigglykat January 2 2010, 02:31:12 UTC
Oh, I didn't even think! I... kind of love that.


taraljc January 2 2010, 02:43:14 UTC
I figure, why else cast a woman with short dark hair?


jigglykat January 2 2010, 02:54:30 UTC
Nah, you're making some sense. Or bringing sense to WTFery. One of those.


(The comment has been removed)

jigglykat January 2 2010, 02:44:22 UTC
What, at Gallifrey? Party it up all Tiem Lord style? No hazing, please!


lovingthecubs January 2 2010, 02:46:23 UTC
I was so worried when there was that not-so-subtle shot of him in the church with the words "those men who have died for their country" or something

I SAW THAT, TOO. And I promptly freaked out for 10 minutes.

I didn't get Martha leaving Tom for Mickey, either. And, she was engaged in S4, BEFORE she met Mickey, right? So... yea. Don't get that, but it was nice seeing both her and Mickey on screen again, even if it was weird them being all lovey.

STAR WARS REFERENCES FOR THE WIN. Way to be, RTD. The bar scene, as well as Wilf/the Vinvoci shooting the missiles. hahah, loooved it.

But RTD still sucks for killing off Lucy; that just made me aggravated. He totally could have written it a billion other ways, but no. He had to kill her in 3 minutes.

And who DOESN'T like recently-regenerated-Doctors-in previous-Doctors'-outfits? :P


jigglykat January 2 2010, 02:53:18 UTC
But RTD still sucks for killing off Lucy; that just made me aggravated. He totally could have written it a billion other ways, but no. He had to kill her in 3 minutes.

I know, RIGHT? I loved crazy!Lucy/Harry. WITH PASSION.

And who DOESN'T like recently-regenerated-Doctors-in previous-Doctors'-outfits?


OMGGGGGGGG, I have to do animation freelance SO BAD, but I can't concentrate at all!


neadods January 2 2010, 03:00:15 UTC
What are the theories about MYSTERIOUS TIME LADY? I’ve heard Romana, I’ve heard the White Guardian? Anyone else have theories?

I'm voting Susan, personally.

Enjoy Gally! I shall alas miss that - but shall we meet again at NYTARDIS? Practically on your doorstep.

I’ll be drowning myself in fanart

I still want to see the one you hinted at at ChicagoTARDIS, the one with 10 Babydocs standing around Matt Smith's crib.


jigglykat January 2 2010, 03:39:56 UTC
LOL. Dude, I completely forgot about that fanart. If I don't write it down immediately on The List, I forget.

Enjoy Gally! I shall alas miss that - but shall we meet again at NYTARDIS? Practically on your doorstep.

I hope to make it to NYTARDIS, but from what I've heard, it's not THAT close to me.


neadods January 2 2010, 15:40:20 UTC
Write it on the list! Write it on the list!

from what I've heard, it's not THAT close to me.

Well... closer than Illinois or California!


jigglykat January 2 2010, 16:22:15 UTC
This is true. But I seriously doubt it'll be anywhere near the city. It's too expensive! They better get cracking on their website if they want people to come!


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