Fanart - Girls' Night In

May 12, 2008 10:10

Title: Girls' Night In
Artist: jigglykat
Rating: PG (for alcohol consumption)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Martha Jones, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Sarah Jane Smith
Disclaimer: Characters used are owned by the BBC.
Warning: It's dangerous when companions meet. Even more so when they get along.
Spoilers: S4-ish? Don't know! Hasn't happened yet!
Notes: We all have our hopes for the S4 finale. This one is mine.

After saving the Universe, the Doctor's female companions promptly commandeered the TARDIS for some well-deserved R & R.

Meanwhile, Jack is outside slamming his head on the doors, confused as to why there are four attractive women inside refusing his advances. The Doctor is off sulking, not understanding why Rose would come all the way from an alternate universe and not want to be with him.

PS. Can anyone recommend an LJ comm where companion fanart would be appreciated? I was going to ask loves_them_all, but I'm not so sure.

silly, fanart, who

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