LARPers to my left!

May 19, 2008 23:48

I am so tired and sore from my weekend of awesome. Thank god it’s Memorial Day weekend next weekend. I’m gonna need it to recuperate.

Friday night was spent at South Paw seeing my director Alan’s band ten minute turns play. I hadn’t been to one of his shows before, but they’re quite fantastic! And they also sing the theme song for Three Delivery, but despite a good portion of AC showing up to support our co-workers, it was not played live. What. Ever. We work together, we play together!

I ended up crashing at basalt and doven’s place and did a sort of Walk of Shame back to my house to try and nap on Saturday before Who Party at jisuk’s. Her roommate graciously let us use his digital projector and 100+” screen to watch the episode. Seriously, folks. When the theme song plays, it’s like you’re IN the Vortex! We then topped it off with some Korean show and an episode of MST3K.

Sunday was the NY AIDS Walk. I got up at the asscrack of dawn to meet jisuk and basalt at the Apple Store ( the one RTD blew up in “The Sound of Drums”). We walked 10k through Central Park all the way up to 110th Street, then cut across and walked back along the Hudson. It’s absolutely gorgeous over there, too!

Afterwards, I proceeded to go home and collapse into my bed for a few hours before I walked (yay more walking!) to J-bot’s house for some awesome BBQ and s’mores.

A good weekend, yes. But my shins are hurting like nothing else.

My walk to work on Friday. I was going to do a meme where you had to take at least eight pictures of your daily activities for a week, but I sort of got lazy and forgot. Oh well, here’s one of them. I pass by Times Square every day. *sigh*

ten minute turns show on Friday night. Alan is the guy on the left. Maasa is on keyboard in the back behind him. More pictures here!

Line for check in for the AIDS Walk at the Apple Store.

Some statue thingie.

Meeting area in the Mall. Look at how green and pretty everything is!

This guy had a parrot on his head that would catcall people as they walked by. Nice.

Go Team Phillips Broadcasting Formerly Duke Phillips House Of Chicken And Waffles! WOOOO.

Lesbian Mafia. Look out.

Lots of walking.

Drag queens.

The night was topped off by walking from J-Bot’s to the cemetery to watch the sunset. Sort of pretty, eh?

Thanks jisuk for the extra photos!

A rather fun episode. I haven't read any Agatha Christie, but I still quite enjoyed it.


I would like psychic paper so I could crash 1920s parties. I have a flapper dress!

“What d’you think? Flapper? Or slapper?”

I like the Doctor’s hesitation. Like he’s actually considering! Be careful, Doctor. One of these answers will give you a slap in the face! It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out what!

“Flapper. You look lovely.” Ah, well done, Doctor. *claps*

Glee! Love them! And love her dress, too!

Hmmm… I wonder what could be going on here… I like when slashing is canon.

“Typical. All the decent men are on the other bus.”

“Or Time Lords.”

What… are you implying, Doctor?

Donna out-fangirled the Doctor in this one!

So the running theme is Donna and the Doctor denying they’re a couple this season? Has it happened in every episode? I can’t remember! And I’m too lazy to check.


“Professor Peach in the library with the lead pipe?”

And now I have a blazing urge to watch Clue. Which I don’t own on DVD. I must fix this.

I love how the Doctor is always shoving things into people’s faces to smell. WHO DOES THAT?

Plucky!Donna is… well, not so plucky.

But the Doctor sure is! And there he goes, fangirling again.

Why, hello there, sailor! What are you two fellows up to?

Um… guys? Why are you going off into the bushes hand in hand?

Can I come?


*coughs* Not so much.

I like the atmosphere in this shot. And the fact that she’s getting shitfaced before her party.

And the Doctor reminisces to that time during “Blink”, apparently.



Don’t know why, but this sort of reminds me of that last shot in Episode 1 of “Blackpool”. There’s something about the lighting…

MAIDEN. Laughed my ass off for a good three hours.


Honestly, Doctor. How did you not detect your cyanide when you took your first sip? Failboat most definitely.

Hehehe. I have no words. Oh Tennant!acting, how I love thee.

Okay, so first, he dumps ginger beer all over himself.

Then, he eats walnuts for protein.

Yells at Donna because she can’t play charades very well.

Yells some more. They’re very good at yelling, these two.

Eats some sardines…

Sort of spasms…

Needs a shock to the system…

To which Donna delivers…

And the whole time, I’m thinking… my god, his breath must smell/taste AWFUL. Not to mention it didn’t seem like he finished chewing everything. I hope that little sardine bits didn’t pass on to poor Donna.

Anyhoo… onwards pass the silliness!

Something about a napkin tucked into his collar makes me OMG.


I love fake lightning.


With this hand…

…and this one, all I could think of… HEY. I can make a new “OBJECTION” icon!


Love ‘em to bits.

C for Cybermen… C for Carrionites… you know, it sort of bothers me that we STILL have yet to see anymore of the TARDIS. The Doctor said that he was going to put the Carrionites in the TARDIS attic in “The Shakespeare Code”. Ummm… last time I checked, “attic” did not mean underneath a grill in the console room!


“No one knows how they’re going to be remembered… all they can do is hope for the best.” Yes, Doctor. Stick to your own advice!


No Who next week. Nothing is playing next week! FREEDOM.

piccies, real life, work, nyc, who, picspam

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