And Her Lips Were Cherry Red - J2 - NC17

Jun 13, 2008 22:21

Title: And Her Lips Were Cherry Red
Author: jeyhawk
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. fic•tion noun 1. a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact, 2. a deliberately false or improbable account [syn: fabrication]
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~ 46,000
Notes: Written for spn_j2_bigbang, extensive notes can be found in the End Notes And Credits. Sequel to Heaven's Just A Sin Away, but can be read as a one off.

After separating from his lover of five years, psychic Jared Padalecki finds himself at loss for what to do, but a plea from help from the FBI turns his life around and soon Jared and his estranged lover find themselves knee-deep in mystery, murders and ghosts with a very real threat towards their lives hanging over their heads. Can they unravel the truth before it's too late, or will their separation turn out to be of the terminal kind?

Master Post | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six |
Part Seven |End Notes And Credits| Art by faith_mars

ghost!verse, j2

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