I've now handed this journal over to my friend Aly, as she doesn't have a LJ and she wanted to read my entries... so if you still have me on your friends' list and you don't want someone who's not a friend (well she might be, I don't know) reading your friends-only entries, you'd better delete jetfighter. :)
If you still have 'jetfighter' on your friends' list you should take me off! This journal is officially dead and I am now at 'homebysix'... and have been for a long time, so get your arses in gear!
I have a new journal which will be treated as the journal I used to keep here (I'm getting rid of that one); I was going to make it friends-only because it's going to be more honest, more personal that this journal or any other LJ I've had, but I decided against it. I might change my mind. Please update your friends' lists if you care; I'll be
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My temper is sky-high and I want to throttle someone. Anyone. I feel like my heart is about to explode, my blood is boiling in my veins and I'm slamming on these keys as if playing a violent anthem on a piano. I hate the feeling where my teeth clench and more than anything I want to dig my nails into their skin and pull their hair and scratch out
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Every time I move I feel like I'm moving twice the distance I'm actually moving. It's such a strange sensation. I'll go to lie down and it'll feel as if I'm falling. My head is so crammed with thoughts, things that need to be done before Sunday
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I'm growing very tired of the world. I love you, let's run away. Let's get away from all of them and sit together in the sun, in the moonlight, in the fresh air. Let me hear your heart beating. I miss you so much.
I just received the most delightful piece of hate mail. It differed from the usual tripe in the way it was written - a new fan, seemingly. I know you all want to read it. ;) Here it is, along with (probably fake) e-mail address: