in your dreams (sungyeol/myungsoo) (7/7)

May 09, 2013 20:18

in your dreams (7/7)
pg-13; sungyeol/myungsoo.
guardian cats and warriors of justice? myungsoo thinks lee sungyeol is insane. (sailor moon!au)

+ this is the final chapter. ;~; i can’t believe it lol. this became a lot longer than i intended and i never even expected anyone to like it haha. there is an epilogue so it’s not really over yet! but i hope you guys have had as much fun reading this as i have writing it! ^^ ♥

According to Dongwoo, Sungjong’s injuries weren’t as bad as they looked. He had a handful of bruises and cuts that were easily healed into mere scars, and Myungsoo couldn’t be anymore relieved. Sungjong was still unconscious though, and probably would be until morning.

“Saturday.” Sungyeol murmurs absentmindedly. He and Myungsoo were on the couch, Myungsoo’s head leaning on Sungyeol’s shoulder as Sungyeol’s head was on top of his. “We need a plan. Namsan Tower is...a bit far on foot, and even on the subway too...” He sighs. “Transforming and hopping buildings will get us there in no time, I’d assume, but we have to make sure we aren’t seen.”


“We?” He asks out loud, even though he knows there was no reason to do so. “I have to go alone, Yeol, I’m not putting any of you in danger.” He frowns

“And you will go alone.” Sungyeol points out. “We won’t be with you, we’ll be at the bottom of the tower.” He explains. “Do some sort of signal, like...yelling a certain word or something. We’ll rush up there, kick her ass, and voila, she’s done for and it’s all over.”

Myungsoo keeps back a sigh. “It’s not that easy!” He exclaims. Was he really the only one who read manhwa around here? “You can barely even hear. That almost never works, it’ll end up with one of us dead.” He replies.

Sungyeol stares down blankly at him. “Are you seriously paranoid because of the comics you read?” He lifts his head and tilts up Myungsoo’s chin. “Seriously?”

Myungsoo doesn’t see any problem with that, it was a legitimate fear!

Sungyeol snorts, grinning. “You’re...something alright, Kim Myungsoo.” He says quietly. “But that’s why I love you.” He leans forward and gives Myungsoo a small peck on the lips.

Myungsoo wants to say it back, tell Sungyeol he loves him too, but the words are stuck in his throat and he hates himself. He just nods, managing a small smile.

“Yah, could you not do that here?” Sunggyu grumbles from his position on the floor where he was apparently trying to take a nap.

(Myungsoo thinks he takes enough of those already.)

“This is my apartment, hyung, I can do whatever I want.” Sungyeol retorts. “I thought you were asleep, anyway.”

“I can’t sleep with all of you blabbering! Every time I almost make it, one of you talks extra loud.”

Myungsoo wonders if Sunggyu’s sole purpose in life is to complain.

Sungyeol laughs quietly. “He gets better, I swear.” He says softly. “He just has to get used to us.”

Myungsoo raises an eyebrow. “Whatever you say.” He mutters.

“I have a recording session tomorrow, it’s going to be hell going down to the studio with barely any sleep.” Sunggyu continues.

“Yeah, yeah, we get it, hyung.” Woohyun calls out from the kitchen. He was making a little dinner (even if it was almost nine o’clock) since none of them had apparently eaten anything. “You’ll get your food soon and then you can go to sleep.” He replies.

“Good.” Sunggyu says under his breath.

Knock. Knock.

“If it’s that blasted cat...” Sungyeol sighs, standing up and making his way to the door.

Myungsoo peers over the couch to see the blasted cat in question, along with...

That had to be Hoya, Sailor Jupiter.

“We’re complete.” Luna begins as she walks into the apartment, Hoya following behind her. He seems very well built, with nice muscles and he isn’t that bad looking either--

The glare he gets from Sungyeol only makes him smile back.

“As I’m sure you’ve all figured out already, this is Hoya. Sailor Jupiter.” Luna jumps onto the back of the couch. “And it’s just in time, too, seeing as how I’ve heard about the Queen’s proposal.” She goes on. “Saturday at the Namsan Tower...” Her voice trails off. “I’m sure we can do it. Do we have a plan?”

“Yes.” Sungyeol answers the same time Myungsoo blurts out a “No”.

Luna turns around on the couch to stare at the both of them with narrowed eyes. “Which one is it? Yes or no?”

“We do, he’s just paranoid.” Sungyeol quickly replies.

He has a reason to be!

“Plans always backfire, Sungyeol!” Myungsoo exclaims. “We can’t end up being this lucky, it’ won’t work!”

“Myungsoo...kind of has a point.” Dongwoo clears his throat. “It’d be too weird for it to work. Even if it’s seven of us against her, we don’t know what kind of tricks she has up her sleeve.”

Myungsoo smiles with a nod of his head. He knew he liked Dongwoo for a reason. “See? Hyung is right.”

Sungyeol groans, tugging at his hair in frustration. “Look. We’ll go with Plan A, but we’ll have a Plan B in case, okay? We have until Saturday to figure something out, it’s only Monday. We can do this.”

Myungsoo hopes so.

Hoya is, as Myungsoo expected, extremely good at fighting. Hoya had explained that he had taken taekwondo in the past and kept on practicing it, incorporating some of it into dance moves.

“I told you, Soo, we have this.” Myungsoo swears if Sungyeol says that again he is going to punch him so hard--

A slap to the back of his head makes him whine in pain and he gives Sungyeol a small pout. “That hurt, asshole.” He hisses.

“You’re the one that wanted to punch me.” Sungyeol points out with crossed arms. “I know you’re tired of hearing it but I’m going to keep saying it until you believe it. It’s obvious you don’t. And don’t give me that manhwa bullshit, there’s more to it, I know you.”

Myungsoo opens his mouth to answer, then shuts it. His fists clench into fists by his sides. “I don’t...I don’t want this to be the end. The end of all of us, I don’t want to chance anyone dying. It’ll be my fault.” He whispers.

“I couldn’t deal with that. We don’t know what this Queen is like, we don’t know what she’ll pull. She wants energy, and the only way to get it, since she has no human energy because we kill her monsters, is by taking my powers. Taking all of our powers.” He says quietly. “The only way to accomplish that is by taking my brooch, and what if she does that? Then what? I’m powerless and most likely going to die.” He’s starting to sound hysterical and he shuts his eyes tightly.

Does it make him pathetic if he cries?

“Hey, hey.” Sungyeol murmurs, cupping his face and stroking his cheeks with his thumb. “Hey. I understand, I get it. Open your eyes, please.” He requests quietly. Myungsoo does so, avoiding looking at Sungyeol.

“Don’t do this, Soo, please.” Sungyeol whispers, giving him a small kiss on the lips. “I get how you feel, I really do. But we need to at least try this, okay? We’ve got a damn good amount of battles on our belt. We have all types of powers, we can do this.”

Myungsoo doesn’t think he’s ever wished so hard for something to be true in his life.

A week full of school and training bring them to Saturday, and Myungsoo can’t stop pacing the floor of Sungyeol’s apartment.

“You’re going to wear a hole in my carpet.” Sungyeol says with a frown, leaning against the couch with one leg tucked underneath him and the other bent at the knee. “We still have about twelve more hours, just sit down and eat some lunch.” He gestures to the bowl of ramen noodles on the coffee table.

Myungsoo pauses in his steps, turning to face Sungyeol. “I’m scared, Yeol, if I eat I’ll probably throw it right back up again.”

He had, with his breakfast. Sungyeol had made some pancakes and even though Myungsoo had eaten all of it, he had immediately run off to the bathroom to throw up.

His nerves are eating up his insides and he thinks he has the right to be afraid. What if this all backfired? What if their plans were seen right through?

Sungyeol sighs softly and stands up, walking over to Myungsoo and grabbing his shoulders, effectively stilling him. “Calm down, okay?” He squeezes. “I know you’re scared, hell, so am I, but getting yourself sick and upset about it will not do you any good.”

Myungsoo knows he’s right, but he can’t help it.

“Why don’t we watch a movie? A comedy or something.” Sungyeol suggests.

Myungsoo wants to, he really does, but he knows he won’t be able to sit still.

Sungyeol sighs again and pulls Myungsoo by the shoulders over to the couch, pushing him onto it. Myungsoo blinks, only for his eyes to widen when Sungyeol sits down in his lap, straddling his thighs. “Or, there’s always another alternative to take your mind off of everything.” Sungyeol replies, raising an eyebrow.


“S-Sungyeol-” Myungsoo squeaks out.

Sungyeol leans down and kisses Myungsoo gently, running his hands up and down Myungsoo’s arms.


The kiss breaks so slowly Myungsoo knows Sungyeol is doing it on purpose and he frowns. Sungyeol always uses kissing as a distraction and while he likes it, he doesn’t think it’s fair at all.

“The others won’t be here for another few hours, you know...” Sungyeol murmurs as he leans down to Myungsoo’s neck and tugs on his shirt.

Myungsoo utters a loud noise, quickly pushing Sungyeol away with wide eyes.

Sungyeol groans as he nearly topples off the couch. “What the hell was that for?” He mutters.

Myungsoo’s face is so red he can just feel it radiating heat. He and Sungyeol have kissed plenty of times, yes, but they had never gone any further than that and-

“Sorry, I was...surprised.” He mumbles.

“That’s an understatement.” Sungyeol says under his breath, rubbing at his tailbone. “You could’ve just said something.”

“Sorry.” Myungsoo repeats quietly, feeling guilty.

Sungyeol dismisses the apology with a wave of his hand. “It’s alright. I’m just trying to get your mind off of everything. How about...” He tilts his head in thought, then grins. “You have some manhwa here, right? We can read together.”

Over the past few weeks, Sungyeol’s apartment was slowly turning into his and Myungsoo’s. More and more of Myungsoo’s stuff ended up there and he never bothered to take it back home (he was rarely there now, anyway).

There’s a part of Myungsoo, a small part, that feels a bit hurt that his parents nor his brother don’t care where he is half the time, but if they don’t bother caring, why should he?

“I do.” He says, pointing to the bookcase Sungyeol had against the wall. “But you don’t have to do that, Yeol, I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate anyway.” He manages a small smile. “I’ll take you up on that offer some day, though.”

Sungyeol nods. “You should at least eat, then.” He gestures to the bowl on the table again. “Please? For me?” His lower lip juts out in a pout.

That wasn’t fair either.

Myungsoo sighs and grabs the bowl and chopsticks, already shoving in a few bites of ramen. “Happy now?” He asks through a mouthful.

Sungyeol grimaces. “You’re spitting everywhere, don’t talk with your mouth full.”

“You sound like Luna.” Myungsoo mutters under his breath.

“Hey!” Sungyeol protests. “I do not sound anything like that nagging furball, I’m insulted. If anything, it’s Sunggyu hyung that does.” He puts a hand to his chest in mock hurt and Myungsoo rolls his eyes. “Speaking of...where is she, anyway?” He asks.

Myungsoo blinks. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen Luna at all today, save for this morning. “She was in your bedroom earlier...I guess she must’ve gone out or something.”

“But how?” Sungyeol frowns. “None of my windows are open and I’m sure if she went out the door we would’ve seen it...”

“How am I supposed to know? She’s a magical cat, I wouldn’t be surprised if she can teleport.” Myungsoo shrugs his shoulders. That would explain a lot of things, honestly. Especially the way she always ended up scaring the hell out of him.

“True.” Sungyeol muses, then shrugs. “Eat.” He goes back to the original subject.

Myungsoo sighs. He understands that Sungyeol cares about him and wants to feel better but all he really feels like doing right now is curling up into a ball and sleep forever.

“We can do that.” Sungyeol speaks. “Except for the forever part, but we can sleep.” He extends his hand.

Myungsoo takes it and lets himself get pulled up. Sungyeol leads him to the bedroom. “I can set up an alarm before the others get here so they don’t...barge in and...” He winces.

That had happened a few days ago. Sungyeol had pleaded for Myungsoo to stop sleeping on the couch and that his bed was definitely big enough for two people, and they would probably never even touch. Myungsoo hesitantly accepted and the two stayed on opposite sides of the bed.

That is, until morning came along and they were woken up by wolf whistling and cat calls, only to find their legs tangled within each other’s and Myungsoo’s face buried into Sungyeol’s shoulder with Sungyeol’s arm around Myungsoo’s waist.

(Sungyeol’s told Myungsoo countless times already that he regrets giving the others all a spare key.)

Dongwoo had been the only one nice about it, considering the rest of the day had been filled with teasing remarks from Woohyun and Sungjong (even Sunggyu and Hoya, sometimes).

Myungsoo decided to go back to the couch.

“How long, again?” Myungsoo frowns, already climbing under the covers. Sungyeol’s bed was indeed a lot more comfy than the couch, and so much warmer, especially now that it was wintertime.

“Five hours at the least?” Sungyeol murmurs, peering down at the clock to set the alarm. “That’s plenty of sleeping time. Sunggyu hyung is usually on time though, so I’ll set it half an hour before.” He replies. He then gets under the covers, letting out a yawn. “Sweet dreams, Soo.” He says quietly, leaning over to kiss Myungsoo’s forehead.

Myungsoo’s face flushes but he closes his eyes, scooting slightly closer to Sungyeol. “Sweet dreams, Yeol.” He mumbles.

Myungsoo doesn’t have sweet dreams. He doesn’t even have any memories (he didn’t think there were anymore to have, but still). They’re nightmares, with him imagining everything that could possibly go wrong tonight. Everyone but him ends up dying some way or another and he can’t do this anymore.

His eyes flutter open and he lets out a sharp exhale, putting a hand to his cheeks. They’re flushed and slightly damp.

“Nightmares?” Sungyeol’s looking at him with a frown on his face and Myungsoo blinks in shock. Sungyeol was a very light sleeper, the complete opposite of Myungsoo. He’s woken up sometimes to see Sungyeol staring at him with this strange smile and it’s so...he doesn’t know how to explain it.

(He likes it. He’s done the same, a few times.)

“I was hoping you wouldn’t have any.” Sungyeol sighs quietly.

Myungsoo sits up, rubbing at his eyes. He glances at the clock and groans. “Two more hours.” He mutters.

Sungyeol smiles. “We can just rest in here then. Or talk.”

“You don’t have to be so worried.” He continues. “Everything will be fine, okay? We’ve gone over the plan a million times. We have a backup, too. You need to trust us.” He replies.

Myungsoo does, he really does, but he just has a stupid feeling in his gut that won’t go away.

“Trust me, please.” Sungyeol leans over and grabs his hands. “Believe in yourself, believe in us.”

“Since when did you get so cheesy?” Myungsoo grimaces.

Sungyeol shrugs his shoulder. “It seemed like the right thing to say. We’ll kick the Queen’s ass, just trust me.”

Myungsoo bites his lower lip. “What do you...want to talk about?” Honestly speaking, he and Sungyeol never really did just have talks with each other. They’d tease and get playful, but never do much serious talking.

Sungyeol leans back against the pillows. “Whatever you want, I don’t know. How’s school going?”

Myungsoo sighs, squeezing Sungyeol’s hand absentmindedly. “Shitty. Exams are in a week and I have so many things to do...” He runs a hand through his hair.

That was one of the bad things about being a Sailor Scout and a student at the same time. Monsters (of course) didn’t care about homework or tests or exams.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine.” Sungyeol reassures. “The university’s Winter play will be in a few’ll come, right? I am the lead, after all.” He looks over at Myungsoo with a small smirk.

Myungsoo smiles. “Wouldn’t dream of missing it.”

He hopes none of them will.

The day passes by too quickly for Myungsoo’s liking and it’s already less than an hour until midnight. That nervousness, that fear he had is back and he’s thankful for Sungyeol holding onto his hand for some comfort, at least, but it’s not working as well as he wants.

“Is everyone ready?” Luna asks as she looks around at the seven of them. “It’s almost time for Myungsoo to get going.” She replies and Myungsoo freezes at the mention of his name. He doesn’t know why (okay, maybe he does), and he swallows.

“It’ll be okay.” Sungyeol whispers.

Myungsoo just nods, not trusting himself to speak.

“This is it. We’ll follow the plan, and if something goes wrong, immediately switch to Plan B.” Luna continues. “Got it?”

Everyone lets out a confirmation some way or another.

“This is it, then. The world is counting on you guys.” Luna replies.

Oh, no pressure, right?

Myungsoo exhales sharply, his free hand clenching into a fist. “I’ll...go ahead and get going, then.” He says quietly.

Sungyeol tilts his chin up and kisses him, short and sweet and why does it feel like a goodbye? “Be safe.” He whispers.

Myungsoo nods again, giving a small wave as he walks to the front door of Sungyeol’s apartment and opens it, biting his lower lip. He steps out and shuts it behind him, making his way down the hallway.

He feels as if he’s going to his own funeral.

The plan was for Myungsoo to ride the subway to the Tower. The others would follow behind fifteen or so minutes later, transformed so they could jump across the buildings.

They had figured if Myungsoo had arrived already transformed and from the top of a tree or something, the Queen would get suspicious and think something was up. He doesn’t want to chance that.

He’s sitting in the back of the nearly empty subway, playing with his fingers nervously. He’d make his way up the Tower and by the time he reached the top, the rest of the Scouts would already be at the bottom inside, ready to go up. He would make it seem as if he was going to give up his powers, holding out his brooch, and that’s when the others would burst out and he would transform.

He just hopes everything goes according to plan. It could work, couldn’t it? She had to believe he would give his powers up in exchange for the other’s lives. (Not to say he wouldn’t, he really would.)

He shoves a hand into the pocket on his jacket, grasping lightly onto the brooch within.

This had to work.

He doesn’t think he’d be able to live with himself if something happened.

Myungsoo’s never been to the Namsan Tower himself, he’s only seen pictures of it and heard stories about it, but now that he’s here in person...

He really wishes he had his camera.

He shakes his head and makes his way inside, trying to stop his heart from pounding so loudly in his chest. His hands are trembling at his sides and he’s terrified. What if this backfired? What if those dreams he had earlier came true?

No, no, he could do this. He just had to find some way to stall the Queen for a while, until the others got there.

The Tower is eerily silent, and pretty damn cold. He wraps his arms around himself and exhales sharply, shutting his eyes. He could do this.

The highest observation deck gives an extremely good view of Seoul, and Myungsoo can’t help but stare in awe at the scenery. It really was beautiful.

Once this is all over, he needs to come back and bring his camera with him. And Sungyeol.

“Enjoying the view? I guess I’ll give you that much, it could be the last time you’ll ever see it.”

Myungsoo feels as if his heart has stopped as he slowly turns around.

The Queen has pale skin and long black hair, a silver crown settled on top of it (he supposes that’s the only thing making her look like a real Queen). Her lips are a painted a blood red and her dress is the deepest of blues. “So we finally meet, Sailor Moon. Or should I say...Kim Myungsoo?” She arches an eyebrow.

How did-

“You shouldn’t underestimate me, Kim Myungsoo.” The Queen smiles and Myungsoo swallows. “I know all of your friends names too...your knight in shining armor, Lee Sungyeol, right? It’s such a pity he’s not here to rescue his damsel in distress.” The sigh that escapes from her mouth is fake and damn Myungsoo can certainly tell why she’s the villain now.

“I guess he’ll just have to find your dead body on top of this Tower when I send him a note, then.” She muses with a shrug of her shoulders.

Definitely a bitch.

Myungsoo swallows again, taking a small step back. “Y-you said if I came alone-”

“You didn’t pay complete attention, sweetheart.” The Queen’s tone sounds as if she’s taking to a little child and Myungsoo’s eyes narrow. “I said to come alone or I’d kill your friends. You’re alone, so they’re safe. Don’t put words in my mouth, Kim Myungsoo.” Her voice drops and her own eyes glow red.

“Give me your brooch.” She extends her hand, and Myungsoo can’t help but grimace at the length of her nails. Damn, did she ever cut them?

“The brooch.” She growls impatiently.

Myungsoo shoves his hand into his pocket and takes out the brooch, shivering at the slight breeze that passes by. Couldn’t she have requested this meeting to be inside or something? It was November for crying out loud.

He licks his dry lips and hesitantly holds the brooch in his hand with his palm up, as if gesturing for the Queen to take it.

The Queen smirks, reaching out to grab it.

Myungsoo’s about to tighten his fingers around it so he can transform when her free hand wraps around his throat.


“You think I’m an idiot?” The Queen hisses. “That’s the oldest trick in the book-I honestly didn’t think you were this dumb, but I guess I gave you too much credit.”

Myungsoo gasps for breath, trying to pry her fingers off of his neck. “Do you think I’d actually believe you’d give up your brooch? Not for a second.”

Myungsoo’s vision is darkening and he’s afraid this is it. At least the others were safe, that was all that mattered.

A huge blast of fire and water knock into the Queen’s body, her hand falling from Myungsoo’s throat and sending her body slamming against the railing.

Myungsoo takes deep breaths, trying to get air back into his lungs.

That had been too close. Way too close. He had just known the damn plan wasn’t going to work-

“You little-! I told you to come alone!” The Queen shrieks, shakily standing up. A black portal opens behind her and monsters comes out. They all look familiar and that’s when he realizes they were all of the monsters he had battles before.


“Handle this, then.” The Queen snaps. “Kill them.” She orders.

Myungsoo massages his throat with his hand and grasps tightly onto his brooch with the other, squeezing his eyes shut.

He opens his eyes and takes a step backwards. This wasn’t going to work. The tower was too small to fit everyone, it was going to tip over if they didn’t do something quick.

“We need to make it to the ground.” Myungsoo says quietly to Sungjong, who had happened to be beside him. Sungjong nods. “But how?” He hisses. “Not even our powers can let us fall from this height and be safe.”

Myungsoo bites his lower lip, knowing Sungjong was right. Goddamnit. What could they do?

He extends his arm out and his scepter appears in his right hand. He moves his arm across his eye-range, hitting numerous monsters and turning them to nothing.

Even so, it seems as if the monsters are just multiplying. Just how many did she have?

The others use their attacks, some combining them, and with every monster that dies, another one pops up to replace it. He can see Hoya in combat with something he swears looks like it came straight from Pokemon.

(It would’ve been much better if his life had turned into that instead, to be honest.)

The Queen raises her staff and slams it into the ground, causing the floor beneath them to crack slightly and the tower to lean over.

Myungsoo hears Dongwoo let out a pained cry and swallows in fear. What the hell were they supposed to do? She had a neverending supply of the monsters and then there was her staff...

“Your scepter.” Sungyeol whispers, appearing by his left side.

Myungsoo almost puts a hand to his heart-people really had to stop scaring him, especially in the middle of a fucking battle.

“Sorry.” Sungyeol apologizes sheepishly. “But your scepter.” He repeats, sending a flurry of sharp-edged cards at what Myungsoo swears is the first monster he had fought. “I’m sure if we combine all of our powers together and into your scepter, it’ll work.” He says quietly.

Something grabs at his ankle and Myungsoo keeps back a yelp, stomping on the damn thing and pointing his scepter at it, turning it to dust. “You think so?”

“It needs to, before we all end up dead from falling seven hundred feet in the air.” Sungyeol hisses. “Trust me.”

Myungsoo takes a deep breath and nods. This was now or never, right?

“Let’s blow this bitch to smithereens.” Sungyeol says as loud as he can with a smirk.

The Queen glares at this, eyes turning red again. “You’ll regret saying that.” She hisses.

“You think so?” Sunggyu raises an eyebrow, grabbing onto the scepter with his left hand.

Five more hands grab onto the scepter and Myungsoo points it right at the Queen, shutting his eyes in concentration. This had to do it.

The Queen raises her staff, about to slam it into the ground again when-

A large blast, one Myungsoo knows he’s never even made before by himself erupts from the scepter and hits the Queen dead in the chest.

The Queen lets out a shriek in agony as she collapses to the ground, a bright light flooding the area before she bursts into dust, just like everything else.

Myungsoo’s palms feel too sweaty, still holding tightly onto his scepter even as the others let go, and he feels so hot. His hands begin to shake and he can faintly hear the clattering of his scepter hitting the ground. He thinks he’s about to throw up.

The ground suddenly comes rushing up and the next thing he sees is black.

Myungsoo’s eyes slowly open to see a frantic-looking Sungyeol staring at him, and the relieved sound that leaves his mouth sounds desperate.

“Y-Yeol?” His voice cracks and his throat is super scratchy-

“You’re alive, you’re alive, you’re alive.” Sungyeol repeats quietly, squeezing Myungsoo’s hand so hard he’s afraid Sungyeol’s going to break the bones.

He frowns. Of course he was alive. What...

“That final drained your powers.” Sungyeol explains. “You fainted as soon as the Queen turned to dust. Would’ve cracked your head on the concrete if Sunggyu hyung hadn’t caught you. Your heart was barely beating and your breathing was slowing and I-” He quickly shakes his head, leaning down to press kisses all over Myungsoo’s face.

“H-hey, I’m fine.” Myungsoo mutters, face flushing in embarrassment. He does feel a little weak and tired though, that was for sure. He makes way to sit up but he winces, his whole body burning in pain.

Sungyeol shakes his head again, pushing him back down. “You need to rest. That’s all you need to do. The others are in the living room, they’ve been here for the past day or so.”

Day or so...?

“How long have I been unconscious?” Myungsoo blinks in confusion.

“Two days.” Sungyeol answers. “I just came in to check on you and saw that you were tossing and hadn’t been moving before.”

How could being drained of your powers put you into a coma for two days?

“The good thing is that you’re okay. You’re okay.” Sungyeol seems to repeat the words as if to reassure himself they’re true. He kisses Myungsoo on the lips this time, parting to sigh quietly in relief. “I love you, Myungsoo-yah.” He murmurs. “So much. It’s all over now.” He whispers.

“I...I love you too, Sungyeollie.” Myungsoo says quietly, biting his lower lip at the words. He had finally done it.

Sungyeol smiles so wide his gums show, and he leans downward to kiss Myungsoo again, only longer, this time.

This kiss breaks and Sungyeol brushes Myungsoo’s hair out of his eyes. “I’ll go tell the others you’re awake and then bug Woohyun hyung to make us all lunch, okay?” That smile is still on his face and Myungsoo thinks he looks so beautiful like that.

“Yah.” Sungyeol laughs lightly, his own face reddening as he makes his way to the door. “You’re beautiful too, princess.” He opens the door and disappears down the hallway. A few seconds later, cheers rise up from the living room and Myungsoo’s unable to fight the grin that comes to his face.

It was all over.


rating: pg-13, fandom: infinite, pairing: sungyeol/myungsoo

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