in your dreams (sungyeol/myungsoo) (epilogue)

May 10, 2013 12:32

in your dreams (epilogue)
pg; sungyeol/myungsoo.
guardian cats and warriors of justice? myungsoo thinks lee sungyeol is insane. (sailor moon!au)

+ so this is it. :c seven chapters and 38k+ words later, we’re at the end. i want to thank everyone for reading this and i’m so glad people enjoyed it. i couldn’t have done this without you all, so thank you. :3 ♥ and you never know, this might not be the end of myungsoo and sungyeol’s adventures after all~ you’ll just have to wait and see. :)

“Are you sure this is the last one?” Sungyeol frowns, peeking over the box in his hands. He walks over to a stack by the wall and is about to drop it because damn is it heavy, but a loud yelp from Myungsoo causes him to tighten his grip onto it.

“That’s full of my camera supplies, set it down gently!” Myungsoo exclaims. “And yes, it is. I’ve checked a billion times, Yeol.” He lets out a sigh.

Sungyeol rolls his eyes and sets the box down as carefully as he possibly can. “Good. So we can get to unpacking.” He muses, eyes roaming around the living room, which currently looked like someone had thrown up boxes all over it.

It was official-Myungsoo moving in with Sungyeol. He had basically been living there anyway, but he had to go back and forth to get clothes sometimes and Sungyeol had just decided to ask if he would move in already.

Funnily enough, during one of the days Myungsoo was packing up his room, his parents had come in. He thinks it had been the first time he had seen them in months, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. They had, of course, immediately asked him what the hell he was doing.

The looks on their faces when he said he was moving in with his boyfriend were priceless, to be honest. They had given him the biggest glare they could muster, said he wasn’t their son anymore, and then rushed out of the house because they had a meeting to attend in half an hour.

No loss, in Myungsoo’s opinion.

(He kind of wonders what their reaction will be if they ever find out he decided to study Photography instead of Business.)

A pair of arms slide around Myungsoo’s waist, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Just one little question, Soo.” Sungyeol murmurs against his neck, trailing his lips up and down the skin.

Myungsoo’s body shudders at the touch and he slowly closes his eyes. “Hm?” He puts his hands on Sungyeol’s and keeps back a sigh of content. He doesn’t think he has been this happy in a long time. There were no more monsters, no more evil Queens...just him and Sungyeol. (And the others, on occasion.)

“Why in the world do you have three boxes full of plaid shirts?”

Myungsoo’s eyes snap open and he blushes in embarrassment, wriggling out of Sungyeol’s grip to shrug. “I had a phase a couple of years ago and I...really like them.” He mumbles, making his way over to the stack of boxes all labeled CLOTHES.

“A phase?” Sungyeol echoes with a raised eyebrow. “More like an obsession. I’ll let it slide, though, because you look good in them.” He nods his head in agreement with himself and Myungsoo grins.

He does?

“I do?” He can’t help but look slightly smug. “I’ll wear them more often, then.”

Sungyeol snorts. “As long as it’s not black. You do know Sungjong and Hoya make fun of you for that, right?”

Of course they do.

Myungsoo keeps back a sigh. Sungjong had finally stopped teasing Woohyun (he claimed it had gotten boring, Woohyun’s reactions were always the same now) and he and Hoya formed some sort of friendship Myungsoo doesn’t really understand. Then again, he also doesn’t understand how Sunggyu and Dongwoo are together, together and even living with each other.

“There’s not much to understand, really.” Sungyeol muses as he opens a box labeled MANHWA with a pocket knife. “Woohyun tells me Dongwoo has Sunggyu completely whipped. It’s kind of funny.”

Myungsoo tries not to grimace. That was not a mental image he wanted.

Sungyeol just grins. “I can give you another mental image, if you want.” He suggests.

“Pervert.” Myungsoo hisses, although his face reddens.

Sungyeol holds his hands up. “I’m not the one thinking about-”

“Sungyeol!” Myungsoo interrupts, sending him a glare. “We need to unpack, otherwise your apartment’s going to be covered in boxes forever.” He points out, trying to change the subject. “When are the rest coming by, again?”

Sungyeol blinks in thought, glancing up at the clock above the television. “An hour, maybe less? Woohyun has some class and Hoya and Dongwoo are teaching, too.” He answers.

Woohyun had enrolled back into university, still for Music Composition. The bakery was doing fairly well after having been just recently finished rebuilt; Dongwoo and Hoya had persuaded some of their dance students to work there (as they were all either high-school or college aged) and it gave Woohyun plenty of time to do both.

Myungsoo thinks they all got their little happily ever after, and he’s glad.

“You’ve definitely been reading way too much.” Sungyeol points out, and he gestures at the manhwa filled box beside him. “There’s not enough room for these on my bookshelf, you know.”

“Then we can buy another one!” Myungsoo blurts. “Please?” He clasps his hand together and gives Sungyeol a pout. Sungyeol can’t resist aegyo, and even though Myungsoo hates doing it, it does come in handy sometimes.

“Aish, you brat.” Sungyeol growls out. “Fine, fine.” He gives in, grabbing the box and dropping it onto the floor. He stares at the one beneath it. “Fedoras? You have a box for-”

“It was another phase!” Myungsoo whines, sliding his hands over his face. He knew he should’ve found some way to trick Sungyeol into leaving the apartment so he could unpack by himself. “I had...a lot of weird phases when I was younger, okay?” He mumbles.

Sungyeol snorts. “Weird doesn’t even begin to describe it. But I suppose that’s why I love you.” He reaches over and ruffles Myungsoo’s hair.

Myungsoo swats his hand away with a glare, standing up slightly on his tiptoes (why the hell was Sungyeol so tall, damnit?) to mess with his hair and see how he likes it.

“It’s not as fun when it’s a shorter person doing it to a taller person.” Sungyeol says with a frown.

Myungsoo’s glare narrows and he runs his fingers through Sungyeol’s hair some more, tugging hard and trying to make it messy as he possibly can.

“You do know this is just going to make it look like we did something.” Sungyeol says pointedly.

“I hate you.” Myungsoo mutters, finally standing back on his heels.

Sungyeol just grins. “You know you love me.”

And he does.

“I do.” Myungsoo says quietly, leaning up on his toes again to grab onto Sungyeol’s shirt and kiss him. “I love you. A lot. I know we’ve had our ups and downs, especially at the beginning, but...I’m glad we had the chance to do this over, to meet again. I...l’ll always love you. My Tuxedo Mask.” He smiles as he kisses Sungyeol again.

(Maybe he was the one hanging around Woohyun too much.)

Sungyeol chuckles, grabbing Myungsoo’s hand and lacing their fingers together. “And you say I’m the sappy one.” He murmurs. “I’ll always love you too, my Sailor Moon.”

rating: pg, fandom: infinite, pairing: sungyeol/myungsoo

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