in your dreams (sungyeol/myungsoo) (6/7)

May 08, 2013 19:29

in your dreams (6/7)
pg; sungyeol/myungsoo.
guardian cats and warriors of justice? myungsoo thinks lee sungyeol is insane. (sailor moon!au)

+ the end is near! :( idk about this chapter...but here you go.

The rest of the weekend goes by well. Extremely well, honestly.

Sungyeol had told him stuff about himself and that’s when Myungsoo discovered Sungyeol’s coffee obsession. They had even gone to the cafe down the street Sunday morning for breakfast and Myungsoo thinks it’s cute, how bright Sungyeol’s eyes get when he drinks his coffee.

(Sungyeol’s cute.)

He just doesn’t know what all of this makes them. Sungyeol would steal little kisses from him whenever Myungsoo wasn’t expecting it (he likes that too) but it confuses him. Were they dating? Sungyeol had never officially asked him out, after all...unless he expected it because of how they acted around each other now.

(And just between you and him: he likes calling Sungyeol Sungyeollie just to see him get flustered.)

When Tuesday rolls around, Myungsoo can’t concentrate on his work at all. His weekend with Sungyeol keeps running through his mind and he wonders if this is what it feels like to be in love. Or like. Or something.

“You are so hopeless.” Sungjong sighs at lunch, raising his arms over his head to stretch. “I know you space out a lot but I’ve never seen you look completely blank.” He points out, taking a bite out of his sandwich. “Got Sungyeol hyung on the mind?” He teases with a grin. “You never did tell me how your weekend with him went.” He wriggles his eyebrows and Myungsoo knows what he’s insinuating.

Damn brat.

“We didn’t do anything, before you ask.” He says under his breath. “Just...kissed.” His face flushes.

“You kissed?!” Sungjong’s voice exclaims so loud, Myungsoo immediately slams a hand to his mouth in alarm, eyes wide.

“Shut up!” He hisses. “But yes. We did. A...few times.” He mumbles, biting his lower lip. He knows if he doesn’t tell this all to Sungjong, the truth would get out sooner or later.

Plus, he wouldn’t put it past his so-called best friend to go ask Sungyeol himself and he does not want that.

Sungjong starts giggling and Myungsoo gives him a glare.

“About time.” Sungjong clears his throat as he finally calms down.

“How is not even a week ‘about time’?” Myungsoo frowns.

Sungjong waves his hand around, sipping at his banana milk. “Well, you know, the past and all, and this time. You said he had bumped into you a month or so ago too.” He says. “I figured it was love at first sight.” He muses.

Hah. More like the opposite.

Myungsoo snorts, rolling his eyes. “Not even.” He says under his breath. “He was an asshole, love was the furthest thing possible I felt for him.” He replies.

Sungjong raises an eyebrow. “Then what changed your mind?”

Myungsoo opens his mouth to answer, then realizes he doesn’t know how. He changed his mind because Sungyeol really was a different person, like Luna had said, right? He acted like a child at times and he teased Myungsoo way too much but...that was just him.

After Sungyeol had saved him that night and took him in, even though Myungsoo had yelled at him, and then on their ‘first date’ when he had blurted out that extremely idiotic question...

“I got to see the real him.” Myungsoo says quietly.

Sungjong lets out a small sigh. “You’ve been reading too much manhwa lately.” He replies.

Myungsoo wants to protest that he actually hasn’t, since he does have to defeat monsters, but he settles with crossing his arms over his chest instead.

That does remind him, though. “It’s been really quiet.” He frowns again. “The last time I fought was a few days ago, when I hurt my leg.” He replies. That was never good, was it? The calm before the storm, as they say.

Sungjong shrugs. “Maybe they’re giving up.”

Myungsoo snorts. “It’s not that easy. Do you even read manhwa?” He asks, reaching over to flick Sungjong’s forehead.

Sungjong lets out a noise in pain, putting a hand to the forming red spot and there it is--the look that Myungsoo is thankful doesn’t kill.

“No, because I have other hobbies.” Sungjong snaps.

Myungsoo sighs. “What I mean is...whenever this happens, the villain staying quiet for a while, it never is a good thing. They’re either lulling the protagonists into a false sense of security so they can strike and catch them completely surprised, or they’re building a large army.”

Sungjong stares at him and blinks once, then twice.

“Why the hell do I even call you my best friend?” He asks. “Any boy would be embarrassed to know this but you--”

“It’s not all I read, alright?” Myungsoo’s face reddens. “They’re not all...lovey-dovey.” He mumbles, shoving a piece of chocolate-ta into his mouth (it was his new obsession; he had found a box that had never been opened in one of Sungyeol’s cabinets and well, surely Sungyeol wouldn’t care that it was missing).

Sungjong rolls his eyes. “Anyway. So you think it’s quiet just to make us forget about everything?”

“More or less.” Myungsoo shrugs his shoulders. “Or maybe they’re staying quiet until we find everyone else, I don’t know.” He hopes that’s not the case, but the more he thinks about it, the more it makes sense. Nearly all of them would be inexperienced and have no idea what to do, what better chance than to attack then? They’d be screwed.

Sungjong winces. “Maybe Luna was right about the whole thing.”

Myungsoo really doesn’t want to admit that the sadistic cat probably is right, but maybe it could help.

The four of them are told to meet up at an old and abandoned gym downtown on Wednesday. Myungsoo doesn’t understand why here of all places, the building looks like it’s going to fall apart at any second.

“Where is that furball?” Sungyeol sighs as he leans against the wall. “She said four-thirty, right?”

Woohyun nods, and Myungsoo can’t help but notice how close the two are standing.

Why was he still so jealous? Sungyeol was...his now, wasn’t he?

The thought makes his face burn and a chuckle from Sungyeol makes it turn even redder.

Sungyeol pushes himself off the wall and walks over to Myungsoo, sliding an arm around his waist. “You’re quite right, I am. But that also means you’re mine.” He leans down to whisper in Myungsoo’s ear.

“Hello, do you know you’re not the only ones in here? Save that for the bedroom.” Sungjong calls out with a grimace on his face.

Myungsoo nearly chokes on air and Sungyeol frowns, thumping him on the back. “That wasn’t necessary, Sungjong-ah.” He replies but there’s a small flush to his cheeks and Myungsoo blinks. That was...odd. Sungyeol blushing, at least. (He likes it.)

Sungjong snorts. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He waves his hand.

Woohyun laughs. “I see you all really haven’t changed.” He muses. “I was kind of scared you’d all be completely different people when I met you.”

Why was it so hard to hate him?

Myungsoo almost sighs but the double doors to the gym slam open and he squints, seeing two silhouettes. One was obviously Luna, and the other--

“Hyung!” Sungyeol exclaims with wide eyes.

“Sungyeol?” The person walking in has blonde hair and super bright clothes. Myungsoo thinks he might be blinded for life.

“This is Dongwoo, Sailor Uranus.” Luna’s voice carries out pretty damn loudly in the gym and Myungsoo winces. “I happened to chance upon him walking down the street, I swear my luck has been just great these days.”

God, she really was insane.

Luna’s eyes fly to him in a glare and he manages a small smile.

“Now that we have Dongwoo, we only need two more companions. And if my hunches are correct, they are a lot closer than you’d think.” She continues.

“Who are they?” Myungsoo frowns. He thinks he at least has the right to know that, right? He was the leader after all (not like he wants to be, but...).

Luna shakes her head. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

Myungsoo resists the urge to groan loudly in frustration. How was that even fair?


“You aren’t allowed to ask Sungyeol either, he won’t tell. Right, Sungyeol?” Luna gives Sungyeol the same glare she had given Myungsoo.

“Right.” Sungyeol says with a nod of his head, wincing.

Stupid cats.

Dongwoo looks completely lost and Myungsoo can’t blame him, this was probably way too bizarre to take in all at once.

“Is this for real?” Dongwoo blinks a few times to make sure he isn’t dreaming (so Myungsoo guesses), pinching himself in the arm.

The yell he lets out makes Myungsoo muffle a laugh into his hands. He likes this Dongwoo guy.

Sungyeol’s grip around his waist tightens and Myungsoo smirks slightly. So he was jealous, huh?

(This was nice, for a change.)

“It’s real alright, hyung.” Woohyun smiles as he squeezes Dongwoo’s shoulder. “What did Luna tell you?”

Dongwoo shrugs slowly, still seeming as if he doesn’t believe any of this. “I’m a...Sailor Scout?” He tilts his head in confusion. “With the ability to heal and some...powers or another.” He replies, a small frown forming on his face.

“That’s basically what she told me, so not much.” Sungjong muses with a roll of his eyes. “So, hyung!” He then grins and bounds over to Dongwoo, grabbing onto his arm.

“I’m Sungjong, Sailor Mars. The short one is Woohyun-”

(Myungsoo can’t keep back the snort.)

“I am not!”

“He’s Sailor Venus. And the two over there are Sungyeol and Myungsoo, or Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon’s our leader but he’s a bit of a klutz. And you really don’t need to be able to tell them apart, they’re practically attached at the hip.” Sungjong explains.

The little-

“Yah, Lee Sungjong!” Myungsoo exclaims with a red face. One day, the brat is going to pay.

Sungjong just grins innocently, as if he’d done nothing wrong.

Dongwoo nods in understanding, eyes roaming around the group. “So we’re...supposed to fight? Fight what?”

“Monsters.” Sungyeol answers simply.

Dongwoo’s eyes then widen. “Monsters? As in...ones that give you nightmares?”

He was quite cute.

“Do you take pleasure in making me jealous?” Sungyeol’s voice asks quietly in his ear.

Myungsoo does, honestly. If Sungyeol could be all over Woohyun sometimes, then he could think Dongwoo was cute.

“It really depends.” He replies, shrugging his shoulders. “I’ve only fought two, though, and one of them was...” He shudders, remembering the last monster he had fought, the one with red eyes and sharp teeth.

Sungyeol’s hand leaves his waist and Myungsoo doesn’t want to admit that he kind of misses the warmth, but the hand slides into his back pocket and Myungsoo’s eyes widen.

“What are you doing?” He hisses.

Sungyeol just grins. “Nothing, nothing.”

“Right, there’s something else you should know.” Sungjong sighs. “Sungyeol hyung can read Myungsoo hyung’s mind. It’s strange and doesn’t make sense but...if you see them speaking to each other and have no idea what the hell they’re talking about, that’s why.” He points out.

Dongwoo looks even more confused. “Oh...okay.” He sounds like he doesn’t understand at all.

“It’ll get less confusing, trust me.” Woohyun smiles, giving Dongwoo’s shoulder another squeeze.

“Enough chit chat, we need to get down to business.” Luna replies and Myungsoo had completely forgotten she was there. He thinks everyone else did too, by the way they looked slightly surprised.

“There’s an uneven number, so one of you will pair up with a group of two and take turns.” Luna continues. “I already know what groups you’re going to make so...have at it.” She sighs.

Sungyeol’s hand squeezes his ass and Myungsoo yelps loudly, face immediately turning red as he reaches behind himself to pull Sungyeol’s hand out of his damn pocket.

“What the hell was that?” Sungjong blinks.

“N-nothing.” Myungsoo squeaks out, seeing Sungyeol try not to burst out into laughter out of the corner of his eye.

Fucking asshole, even if he was a good kisser that didn’t mean-

“I am?” Sungyeol questions, although he doesn’t look too surprised at all. He looks very smug and Myungsoo wants to punch him.

He had been missing that feeling, to tell you the truth.

“Yah!” Luna shouts, and all the noise in the gym halts. “You know what? I will pick your groups. Myungsoo, you’re with Woohyun. Sungjong, Dongwoo, and Sungyeol, you’re all together.”

Sungyeol pouts as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Oh come on, Luna-”

“No. We can’t afford to be playing around, this is serious. Now get into your groups.” Luna snaps and Myungsoo thinks that’s the angriest he’s ever seen her. Damn, the cat did have quite the temper.

But now he was with Woohyun.

Just great.

Three weeks and seven monsters pass, but no sign of the final two companions. Myungsoo knows he had to have jinxed it because the night they had their first so-called defense lesson, a monster had nearly demolished a supermarket. The night after, the instrument store right across from Woohyun’s bakery.

Every so often will the headlines now read, “Five Mysterious Suited Superheroes Save Citizens Again”, or something along those lines, and Myungsoo gets freaked out when he hears his classmates talking about it.

He had figured it was only a matter of time before they were seen, but it just felt weird, having people praise and gush all about you, even if they have no idea it’s you they’re talking about.

He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to it.

But along with the weeks passing, so are the memories. He’s...spent his fair time at Sungyeol’s (and he always sleeps on the couch, thank you), and every single time he dreams of something that had happened in the past. The weird thing is that he hears murmurs of a Hoya and a Sunggyu, but he can never see them. Their figures are always hazy and black and he doesn’t see why. Was it because he hadn’t met them in real life yet?

It’s another thing that doesn’t make sense, and Sungyeol has been true to his word, not saying a thing about who Hoya and Sunggyu are. (He still doesn’t get why Luna won’t just ask him, but the cat was crazy after all.)

But everything else does make more sense now, at least, especially his feelings for Sungyeol.

He’s figured out it’s definitely love, but he’s scared to admit it out loud. Sungyeol can read his mind all he wants, but Myungsoo can’t bring himself to blurt out those magic words.

It’s infuriating and he knows Sungyeol’s slightly hurt about it, but he says he understands.

Myungsoo doesn’t think he does.

It’s a Friday afternoon when Myungsoo finds himself standing outside of the door to Sungyeol’s apartment, bag in hand. College entrance exams were coming up in over a month and Sungyeol had promised to help him study. He’s already decided his major, Visual Arts. He knows his parents won’t be pleased at all (they want him to major in Business and help with whatever the hell they do once he graduates), but he couldn’t care less. They were never home, he shouldn’t have to do what they wanted him to do.

A clicking noise breaks him out of his thoughts and he blinks when the door opens.

“You think really loudly, you know?” Sungyeol muses with a raised eyebrow. “I could hear your voice in my head all the way from my bedroom.”

Myungsoo smiles shyly, shrugging weakly in embarrassment.

“It’s alright.” Sungyeol grins, grabbing his hand and leading him into the apartment. “And I’m glad, by the way, about you deciding to do what you want to do. You’re a great photographer.”

Myungsoo can’t find the words to speak, his face reddening even more instead. “Sh-should we get started?” He stammers out, quickly clearing his throat as he sits down on the couch.

“It’s Friday, we can put off the studying until tomorrow, can’t we?” Sungyeol whines.

And yet, he was apparently the younger one.

Myungsoo shakes his head, putting down his bag and taking out a pile of books.

Sungyeol stares at it with distaste. “Damn. You’re one of those overachievers, aren’t you?”

Myungsoo sighs and shakes his head again. “No, but I want to do well. My only super strong subject is Math, and I suppose I can do okay with English but other than that...” He murmurs.

Sungyeol sits down beside him and grabs the book on top. “History it is.” He says under his breath. “I don’t know why you want to cram so badly, I’m sure you’ll do fine. I passed with flying colors.” He points out, putting the book back as he gets a look on his face, one Myungsoo knows he shouldn’t like.

“We never know when a battle is going to come up so-” Myungsoo’s voice is cut off by Sungyeol’s lips and his eyes slowly shut.

He hated (loved) it when Sungyeol did this.

The kiss breaks just slightly and Sungyeol grins lazily against his lips. “Are you so sure about wanting to study, now?” He asks quietly.

Myungsoo wants to say no, that he likes kissing Sungyeol a lot, but he needs to do well-

Sungyeol groans, grabbing the book again. “Okay, okay, we can study.” He mutters. “But trust me, once you’re done with these damn exams I’m going to make you regret ever choosing books instead of me.” He sounds so sure of himself and Myungsoo just rolls his eyes with a snort, but a small smile makes its way to his face.

Weeks ago, he never would’ve even imagined liking this, liking being with Sungyeol.

But now he doesn’t think he could imagine life without him.

(He thinks he’s spending too much time around Woohyun, something he thought would never happen.)

When everyone has free time, they all hang out. Usually at Woohyun’s apartment, considering it’s the biggest out of them all. It’s weird, that the five of them were randomly thrown together to form a superhero team and they actually got along.

Okay, well, he and Sungyeol and Sungyeol and Woohyun have playful little fights every now and then, but it’s nothing serious. Sungjong and Woohyun, too. Sungjong’s new hobby, instead teasing the hell out of Myungsoo and Sungyeol, is making snide remarks at Woohyun and speaking to him informally just to see how he reacts.

Myungsoo thinks it’s hilarious, to be honest.

“How is the weather down there, Woohyunnie?” Sungjong’s in one of his moods right now as the group are gathered around the large dinner table, eating pizza. (Myungsoo can’t count the amount of times he’s had pizza in the past month, but he doesn’t mind.)

Woohyun just glares. “You do know Dongwoo is shorter than me, right?” He asks, although he sends an apologetic glance in Dongwoo’s direction. Dongwoo only grins back.

“How could anyone ever make fun of Dongwoo hyung? That’s just mean.” Sungjong shakes his head sadly.

Myungsoo tries very hard not to laugh, quickly taking a bite out of his pizza slice to cover it up. He guesses Sungjong has the power of fire for a reason.

Woohyun rolls his eyes, not saying another word. Sungjong grins in triumph.

A sudden knocking on the door makes everyone look that way, mostly in confusion.

“Are any of your other friends supposed to be coming by?” Sungyeol asks with a raised eyebrow.

Woohyun slowly shakes his head, frowning as he stands up and makes his way to the door. “Not that I know of.” He says quietly, unlocking the locks and pulling the door open.

Myungsoo leans over in his seat. He can see Luna, and a bit of a taller shadow to her left...

Another Scout?

“S-Sunggyu hyung?” Woohyun blurts out, and now Myungsoo’s confused. Were they all connected in some way or another? That’s not just a coincidence, right? It couldn’t be.

Woohyun slowly moves to the side and Luna walks in, a guy with small eyes and light brown hair behind her. “This is Sunggyu, Sailor Mercury.” Luna explains, jumping onto the kitchen counter.

Woohyun opens his mouth, a wince leaving it. “The couch, please.” His voice rises an octave.

Luna hisses.

“Or not, you can stay there.” Woohyun quickly rushes out with wide eyes.

“Mercury, huh?” Sungjong tilts his head.

“How do you two know each other?” Dongwoo looks just as confused about that as Myungsoo feels. It was way too coincidental.

Woohyun manages a sheepish smile. “Even with the bakery, I was going to major in Music Composition. I tried to go to university my freshman year, last year, and Sunggyu hyung was the...golden boy, considering he was a senior.”

Can this Sunggyu guy even see the music he has to read, though?

Sungyeol lets out a really loud snort and Myungsoo sends him a look.

Sungyeol covers the noise with a cough and clears his throat. “Excuse me.” He says under his breath.

Myungsoo tries not to smirk. It’s kind of funny, how Sungyeol listens to him now. Just one look (like that) will shut him up.

“So he helped me for a while, until the bakery got a sudden surge in popularity and even with the workers I had it wasn’t enough, so I had to drop out.” Woohyun’s smile is fake this time, and Myungsoo can’t help but frown.

“This means there’s only one of us left, then.” Luna speaks up.

“He’s probably connected to us in some way.” Myungsoo murmurs. “Isn’t that weird, though? Sungjong and I are friends, Woohyun hyung and Sunggyu-ssi know each other, and Sungyeol and Dongwoo hyung are friends...” It couldn’t be a coincidence.

“That is weird.” Dongwoo agrees with a grimace.

“I’m sure we’ll find him soon enough.” Luna replies. “The amount of monsters have been increasing and it’s only a matter of time before the Queen comes out of hiding. Your training hasn’t gone very bad at all, you’re all improving quite well, so I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.”

Myungsoo sees Sungyeol give him a look that he knows says I told you so, and all he can do is stick his tongue out, even though he knows it’s childish.

Sungyeol smiles in return.

“I’m going to do some research and see if I can get any clues to where our last Scout is, so I’ll see you all tomorrow. Don’t forget, noon at the gym.” Luna says, and jumps off of the counter. She then walks out of the apartment. Just like that.

“That cat...” Woohyun mutters.

Myungsoo’s used to Luna’s weird ways-the cat’s namesake was probably lunatic after all.

“A talking cat.” Sunggyu speaks up for the first time. “What the hell is even going on?” He asks. His eyes are narrowed into a glare (Myungsoo’s positive he can’t see) and he doesn’t look happy at all.

Woohyun smiles slightly. “Have a seat, hyung, it’s a long story.”

That’s an understatement.

Sunggyu doesn’t take the news about everything too well. Not well at all, in fact. He goes on a rant about how dumb and childish and immature this was, how there was no way this could be real. Myungsoo’s a bit surprised Woohyun’s neighbors didn’t knock on the door complaining about the noise as Sunggyu’s’ voice rose higher and higher with each sentence.

He had only shut up when Sungjong shoved a slice of pizza into his mouth.

For some reason Myungsoo can’t fathom, Dongwoo takes quite a liking to their so-called Sailor Mercury. Myungsoo thinks this Sunggyu guy is kind of rude and demanding and nagging and he doesn’t like it.

From what he had gathered from the memories he had, Sunggyu had been the same way in the past.

“There’s one more of us left who is it?” Sungjong peers over his glass of soda. “I know at least two of you know.” His eyes land on Sungyeol and Myungsoo.


“I just know his name, not what he looks like.” Myungsoo defends himself as he puts up his hands. “Sungyeol’s the one that knows everything.” He adds.

“Sailor Jupiter. His name’s Hoya. Well, it’s Howon, but he’s not too fond of it so he goes by Hoya.” Sungyeol answers with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Hoya?” Both Dongwoo and Woohyun blurt out at the same time and Myungsoo can’t help but slam his palm against his forehead. He shouldn’t be surprised one of them knows him, but two?

“When I’m not in school I teach a dance class on the side, Hoya’s my co-teacher.” Dongwoo explains, frowning slightly.

“He’s a frequent customer at the bakery.” Woohyun replies. “I mean, when I got my memories slowly his name was always mentioned, but his figure was always hazy...that was the same with most of you until I met you all. I knew all of your names, just not what you looked like. I always figured the names were just coincidences, that there were probably a hundred other Sunggyu’s or Howon’s out there.”

Well if that wasn’t creepy. It was the exact same of Myungsoo’s memories...but why?

“So we all really are connected in some way.” Sungjong says quietly. “That can’t be a coincidence...I guess it was meant to happen so we wouldn’t be spread out all over the place?” He frowns in thought. “That makes it easier, at least.”

“Hoya’s originally from Busan.” Dongwoo speaks, voice soft. “He had wanted to make a career out of dancing and dropped out of school...his parents didn’t support him so they kicked him out. He came up here and stumbled upon one of my classes one day. I saw him dance and figured he’d be a great co-teacher.” He shrugs. “As exams get closer, the less I’m able to teach, so he takes over.”

“This is just weird.” Sunggyu says under his breath. “So I’m supposed to be some...sailor whatever with the power of water?” He raises an eyebrow. “And all of you have powers too and we’re supposed to fight stupid monsters?”

“They aren’t as stupid as you think they are.” Woohyun’s lips form a grimace. “They’re...actually kind of intelligent, the ones lately are a pain in the ass to get rid of.”

Sunggyu doesn’t say a word, just rolls his eyes, and Myungsoo tries not to glare at him. Why was being so rude? Okay, maybe he had been unbelieving about this all too, but that’s because Sungyeol had freaked him out. At least Sunggyu has the proof of five other people.

“Those masked superheroes in the newspaper...they’re you, then?” Sunggyu questions.

Dongwoo nods happily, smiling wide.

(Myungsoo still doesn’t know what Dongwoo likes about him.)

“You’ll see.” Sungyeol replies quietly and Myungsoo almost jumps up in his seat.

If there’s one thing he’ll never get used to out of everything, it’s certainly that.

Myungsoo learns that Sunggyu records demo songs and composes for singers. It’s a cool job, he thinks, but that doesn’t change the fact that Sunggyu was a nagging, rude smartass that was also pretty damn lazy.

The only thing that can make him participate in their training sessions (and in battle) is Dongwoo’s smile.

That was what Sungyeol meant when he said you’ll see, he knows, and even though it is kind of cute and sweet, the thought sends a shiver down his spine. Sailor Mercury was good for a few things, though. He had a nice little visor that could scan the area for enemies and was able to spot the monster’s weaknesses. It comes in handy quite often and Myungsoo admits that he is essential to the team.

(Not that he wants to, of course.)

Luna said she was in the process of trying to persuade Hoya into joining-his reaction had been very much like Sunggyu’s-and she’s sure he’ll give in soon. Dongwoo’s tried talking to him too, but to no avail.

Myungsoo doesn’t see why he’d listen to a talking cat instead of one of his friends, but...whatever.

(Maybe he was just as insane as Luna was and they had some common ground.)

They’re currently trailing down a monster, one that apparently had a very convenient power: invisibility. Its footsteps are loud and giving its location away, but Myungsoo’s heart is pumping hard and loud in fear. One wrong move and it was off with their heads. Or something.

“It’s making its way towards the river.” Sunggyu murmurs, his visor on as his eyes roam around the small screen. “I...the area isn’t completely clear either, it looks like they sent more than one tonight. Quite a handful all over the place, it seems.”

Just great.

Myungsoo sighs. “We should split up, then. Sungyeol and I will take the park, Woohyun hyung and Sungjong can take the river, and Dongwoo hyung and Sunggyu hyung can take the marketplace.”

It always feels weird, giving out orders, but he is the leader after all and he doesn’t want to let anyone down.

Everyone nods and sets off their separate ways.

Sungyeol grabs onto Myungsoo’s hand, leading him down the street. “This is weird.” He says quietly. “For them to send out more than one at once.”

“You don’t think it means something, do you?” Myungsoo frowns. “Maybe she just wants to get this all over with. But we don’t even have Jupiter yet...” He bites his lip in thought.

“We should, soon.” Sungyeol muses. “He’ll give in. It’s just a matter of time.”

Myungsoo hopes he’s right.

A loud roar pierces the night sky and causes the two to freeze in their spots.

“That sounds like it’s way too close.” Sungyeol whispers. “Fuck, are all of them invisible?”

Myungsoo’s eyes fly all around the area, trying to spot the source of the noise, but there’s nothing in sight. The other monster had been huge, surely this one was the same. “Probably.” He says quietly. “So how do we lure it out?”

Sungyeol hums, looking straight ahead. “We distract it.” He answers, running a hand through his hair. “Or I will. I’ll distract it, then you hit it with your scepter.”

(One battle, his nunchucks had upgraded to this weird scepter thing with a moon on top and it looks way too girly for his taste, but it’s a hell of a lot stronger. The whole memories affecting your powers thing was true after all.)

“Are you sure this will work?” Myungsoo asks. He can’t help but be worried, what if this all backfires and one of them gets hurt?

Sungyeol just winks. “No need to worry. Trust me.” He then clears his throat and lets out an extremely loud and high-pitched scream, causing the glass in nearby buildings to shatter. (That was one of his new attacks now, besides the cards. Myungsoo can definitely see why.)

“Ah, shit.” Sungyeol mutters with a wince, then shrugs his shoulders. A monster suddenly visualizes in front of them, standing at at least seven feet tall. It looks like some sort of super sized snake and lizard hybrid with very sharp fangs that Myungsoo is sure are venomous.

“Fuck.” He breathes out. They had encountered some strange and scary looking monsters in the past few weeks but this? Myungsoo slowly takes a step back. “I-I don’t think just us two can-”

“Yah, you overgrown lizard!” Sungyeol shouts and what the fuck is he doing this can’t be what he meant by distracting he can’t be that stupid.

Sungyeol shoots him a pleading glance. “Trust me, alright?”

The monster begins walking right in Sungyeol’s direction, fangs bared and claws up. “That’s it, walk closer! Come on!” Sungyeol exclaims.

Myungsoo swallows, really wishing they had at least night vision or something-it would be a hell of a lot easier navigating in the dark to defeat these damn things.

“Now, Sailor Moon.” Sungyeol says quickly, eyes glued to the creature still walking towards him as makes his way backwards.

Myungsoo slowly nods, making his way around the monster. He shuts his eyes and raises the scepter that suddenly appears in his hands, pointing it at the thing’s back.

He shouts out his attack and a large white blast hits the monster, sending it flying into the air with a loud growl, only to land onto the ground and turn into dust.

Sungyeol sighs in relief, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. “We should go find the others.” He extends his hand and Myungsoo takes it with his free hand, slipping their fingers together.

As they come upon Sunggyu and Dongwoo, they see the monster looks exactly the same as the one they had just defeated. Replicas, then. But there were people screaming left and right, a few of them already unconscious on the ground and there’s a bright ball of light floating in the middle of the air-


“Sunggyu hyung, attack it to weaken it.” Myungsoo orders, letting go of Sungyeol’s hand and wiping it onto his pants as he grasps onto the scepter with both hands.

A blast of water hits the monster and it roars loudly in anger, causing more screams to fill the night.

Myungsoo attacks the thing with his scepter again, the monster turning into dust and causing the ball in the air to disappear.

“Will you ever tell us who you guys are?” A teenage girl with wide eyes asks in awe.

Sungyeol chuckles, winking. “Afraid not.” Numerous groans of disappointment (mostly coming from the girls) sound out and Myungsoo frowns, sliding his arm around Sungyeol’s. “We gotta get going, sorry.” He says quietly and gives a small bow.

“Were you seriously jealous?” Sungyeol asks in wonder. “I’m not attracted to those girls, you know.” He points out.

“I-I know that.” Myungsoo mutters, making his way to the river where Sungjong and Woohyun were.

Sungyeol grins. “It’s cute. Really.” He replies.

Myungsoo just rolls his eyes.

“Guys, guys, help!” Woohyun runs up with Sungjong’s body in his arms. Sungjong’s unconscious and bleeding body.

Myungsoo immediately resists the urge to vomit and stares in shock, mouth opening and closing. “Wh-what happened?”

“The monster had...some sort of water power, it kept putting out Sungjong’s fire and one of its little minions came up and I was taking care of that and I’m so sorry-” Woohyun rambles with wide eyes.

“You did the best you could, hyung, it’s alright.” Sungyeol comforts him with a hand on his shoulder. “They’re all gone, right? We can take Sungjong to my apartment as it’s the closest, and Dongwoo hyung can work on healing him and patching him up.” He replies.

Dongwoo immediately nods, taking Sungjong from Woohyun’s arms. He begins running.

Sungyeol lets go of Myungsoo’s arm, sending him a small look he understands as he walks over to Woohyun, murmuring soothing words in his ear. Sunggyu follows Dongwoo’s steps and Myungsoo just wants to cry. He keeps up with Dongwoo’s pace, trying to get his breathing calm. He had known something like this would happen one day, he had just known it-

“Sailor Moon...”

Myungsoo immediately looks around, trying to hunt where the hell the voice was coming from. All of the monsters were dead, where-

“Saturday night, top of the Namsan Tower. Midnight. Come alone, or else I’ll kill all of your little friends.” A voice hisses and Myungsoo freezes in his steps.


“That was her.” Sungyeol says quietly. “That was the Queen.”

“Shit.” Myungsoo blurts out loud, sliding a hand over his face. This wasn’t good. He had to go alone? He doesn’t care if that makes him a coward, he can’t defeat the damn thing on his own, he’s not strong enough.

“Shh.” Sungyeol’s suddenly right by him, wrapping an arm around his waist and squeezing. “We can make some sort of plan, alright? It’ll work out.”

Myungsoo tries to focus on the warmth of Sungyeol’s skin on his but he can’t. The Queen would surely keep her promise, right? Plan or no plan, he had to go alone. He doesn’t want to put anyone in danger-Sungjong was already hurt and who knew how much the damage was-but how can he even defeat her by himself? It was impossible, wasn’t it? She had to be so much stronger than her creations...

This is it.

This was the end.


rating: pg, fandom: infinite, pairing: sungyeol/myungsoo

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