in your dreams (sungyeol/myungsoo) (2/7)

Apr 22, 2013 10:16

in your dreams (2/7)
pg; sungyeol/myungsoo.
guardian cats and warriors of justice? myungsoo thinks lee sungyeol is insane. (sailor moon!au)

+ THIS WOULD NEVER END OMG and this brings the word total up to almost 11k ;;; idek. also the last half of this chapter wasn't supposed to happen...oops?

Myungsoo wakes up the next morning after what he thinks is the best sleep he’s had in days. It’s strange, because he expected to wake up in the middle of the night suddenly thinking about what the hell had just happened, but he slept like a little baby (not like he minds).

“Good, I don’t have to wake you up.”

Myungsoo swears that damn cat is going to give him a heart attack one of these days. He rubs at his eyes and yawns, throwing the covers off of his body. “What time is it?” He mutters.

“Almost six-thirty.” Luna answers, and all Myungsoo can do is groan, falling back onto his bed. He usually didn’t have to be up until seven at the latest, why was he up early today of all days?

Luna rolls her eyes. “Up, up. You need to get ready and eat breakfast, then head off to school. Afterwards, you’ll meet Sungyeol at the bookstore two blocks down from the bakery we were at last night.” She explains and it is way too early for Myungsoo’s head to be spinning. Why the hell did he have to meet that jerk?

“No protesting.” She quickly adds and Myungsoo shuts his already open mouth with a frown. Damn mind-reading guardian cats. “He’s going to explain some things to you, and I’ll be hunting for your companions.” She replies.

Companions. Right.

He keeps back a snort and only nods, finally getting out of bed.

“Explain what, though?” Myungsoo can’t help but ask, a frown forming on his lips as he grabs his uniform from the clothes hanger on his closet door. “And why him?” He’s well aware he’s whining but he couldn’t care less right now.

Sungyeol believed they were past lovers and Princes of some kingdom or another. Myungsoo thinks he needs help. He can deal with this warrior thing being real (not like he has a choice), but past lovers with a guy who Myungsoo thinks sole purpose is to just annoy him? No way.

“You’ll find out.” Luna answers simply and Myungsoo is starting to hate this fucking cat. “And this him you have so much hatred for is Tuxedo Mask.” Myungsoo really does let out a snort here, trying not to laugh. Tuxedo Mask? How original.

“He may seem...a bit...” Luna falters as if she can’t find the proper word to explain Sungyeol and Myungsoo can’t figure out why, he has a million.

“Obnoxious? Annoying? Cocky?” He supplies, raising an eyebrow. “I could go on.” He points out, pulling his t-shirt over his head to slip on his white blouse.

Luna sighs. “Yes, whatever. He may seem that way but he’s really not. He just likes to tease.” She replies. “He has his memories while you don’t, he’s just happy to have finally found you.”

And now the cat was talking about that insane shit. “Happy to have finally found me?” He rolls his eyes, grabbing his pants and putting them on. “It’s not just him that’s a lunatic, you are too.” He says under his breath. “Is that why your name is Luna?” He blinks, the name suddenly making much more sense.

Well, it would, if this were the case.

“Yah!” Luna’s eyes are narrowed as she hisses, claws bared again and Myungsoo gulps, hurriedly tying his tie and shoving his arms into the sleeves of his blazer. “Just a little morning humor, you know?” He blurts out, practically shoving his feet into his shoes before the cat goes on a rampage and kills him.

(Who’d be able to save the world then?)

Luna calms down, but her eyes are still glaring at him and Myungsoo’s actually thankful looks don’t kill, because otherwise he’d be six feet under. “I’m...gonna go to school.” It’s fifteen minutes until seven now and he thinks he can take his leisurely time walking to school for once. It’d be a nice change, really, instead of running for his life and choking on his breakfast.

“Don’t forget, bookstore afterwards.” Luna reminds him and Myungsoo sighs, waving a hand as he grabs his bag.

“Yes, yes, I know.” He doesn’t think he’d be able to forget, honestly. He gives a goodbye wave and walks downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast and an apple.

His parents are, unsurprisingly, not home. They never are, with their jobs. They end up travelling a lot and leave Myungsoo to take care of his little brother, Moonsoo. Moonsoo stays out most of the time too though, hanging out with his friends and playing football.

He won’t admit it out loud, but he’s kind of thankful for Luna now. At least he had someone to wake him up.

(Even if it was a crazy guardian cat that had powers and could apparently read minds.)

Myungsoo arrives to school with at least fifteen minutes to spare and it’s strange, being early for once. He was either right on time or late, never early. The classrooms are all empty and he shivers, sliding open the door to his homeroom.

“What are you doing here, hyung?” Sungjong, besides a handful, is one of the only ones in the classroom and Myungsoo winces. “You’re usually...not on time.” He muses.

Myungsoo shrugs, walking over to his seat beside the window. “I woke up early today.” It was the truth after all, and instead of wandering around to take pictures beforehand, he actually went straight to school.

“Did you hear about Sweet Delights, that little bakery across from the instrument shop you got your guitar at?” Sungjong questions, turning around in his seat to face him. “Police say it was a robbery but I don’t think so. Nothing was stolen at all, the building was just destroyed. If it was a robbery, it was definitely a failed one.”

Myungsoo tenses, keeping his mouth shut. What did he expect, for the place to magically rebuild itself?

“It’s strange, though, the cameras didn’t catch much at all.” Sungjong continues. “It had been disabled for the majority of the night...but two people were seen. Or not really seen, as it was super dark, but you could see their silhouettes. Both guys, too.”


Myungsoo clears his throat and pulls out his Math textbook. He has a test, if he recalls correctly, and even if it was his best subject he doesn’t want to overestimate himself. “How exciting.” He says under his breath.

Sungjong raises an eyebrow. “That’s all you have to say? You’re usually all over stuff like this.”

Myungsoo isn’t, not really, he just likes humoring his best friend but he’s not in the mood for it today. He only shrugs, flipping open his textbook to the right page.

“You have been acting really weird, hyung.” Sungjong muses. “You’ve been spacing out a lot more lately, you’re paranoid, you’re actually early today...” He tilts his head in confusion, eyebrows furrowed together in thought.

“It’s nothing. Promise.” Myungsoo manages a grin. He feels bad about lying to Sungjong but he doesn’t think that all of...this is a thing that you can just casually tell someone.

Sorry, but I’m Sailor Moon and I have an advisor cat named Luna (which is short for lunatic) and there’s this really stupid attractive guy named Sungyeol that seems to follow me around? Oh, he’s also convinced we were lovers in a past life and that we were princes., that’s definitely not something you tell someone.

He thinks maybe he’ll be able to eventually, but not now. It’s only been one night and he has no idea how he even defeated that monster last night without walking away with a broken bone or something.

“Where’d that come from?”

Myungsoo’s broken out of his thoughts to see Sungjong point at his cheek curiously, and Myungsoo’s hand subconsciously lifts up to brush over the cut he had gotten last night.

Damn, could Sungjong read minds too?

He licks his dry lips and decides to shut his book (he was getting nowhere). “ know me, clumsy as can be.” He answers, trying to be as vague as possible. It wasn’t a lie exactly, considering he had tripped a few times over those broken chairs and tables, which had turned the monster’s attention to him and gotten him that cut in the first place.

Sungjong snorts. “Apparently, you even trip over air.” He says under his breath and Myungsoo opens his mouth to protest (he does not), but he quickly shuts it because that meant Sungjong actually believed him.

And Sungyeol said he was a bad liar. Hah.

“You do know you can tell me anything though, right?” Sungjong suddenly asks and Myungsoo blinks. Where was this coming from? Sungjong couldn’t know something...could he?

He slowly nods. “Of course.” He replies. “Really, Jong, I’m fine.” He flashes a smile at his friend. “Just sleepy, that’s all.” His chest tightens because he really does hate lying to Sungjong, but this can’t be helped.

Sungjong sighs but gives a nod of his own. It looks like he’s opening his mouth to say something but the door slides open and their homeroom teacher walks in, causing Sungjong to sigh again and turn back around to the front.

Myungsoo winces quietly, nails digging into his palms as he clenches his hands into fists. Next week, he’ll tell Sungjong. Next week.

School flies by too quickly for Myungsoo’s liking (for once), and he walks as slowly as he possibly can to the bookstore Luna told him to meet Sungyeol at. Sungjong had barely spoken to him at all after their talk in the morning and had even disappeared at lunch.

But if Myungsoo told him, would he even believe him? Myungsoo had thought Sungyeol to be completely insane at first, he’s sure Sungjong would think the same of him.

He lets out a groan and runs a hand through his hair. Why did he have to be the damn chosen one? This was all so stupid, he knows he’s one of the worst people you could ever find to save the world and yet, here he is.

He’s called Sailor Moon and has to wear the worst outfit ever and he uses nunchucks as his weapon for crying out out loud -- honestly, he wouldn’t believe any of it either.

“You’re late.”

The voice nearly makes Myungsoo jump out of his skin and he tries to calm down his pounding heart. Did everyone like sneaking up on him or something?

“Late? All Luna said was after school, she never stated a specific time.” Myungsoo crosses his arms over his chest as he stares up at Sungyeol. (He really does wish he was taller.)

Sungyeol snorts and puts down the newspaper in his hands back on the table in front of him, gesturing the seat across for Myungsoo to sit in. It is nice outside, but he has no idea why Sungyeol wanted to stay out here.

He pulls out the seat and sits down anyway, still wondering why in the world he was here in the first place. What could Sungyeol even explain? He doesn’t want to know about their so-called past lives, thank you very much, he’d rather watch a horror movie (which he hates, but Sungjong absolutely loves them for reasons he cannot fathom).

Myungsoo subconsciously shudders and only then notices the cup in front of him.

“Is this for me?” It’s a stupid question, he knows, but buying him coffee was a nice gesture...

Sungyeol rolls his eyes. “Of course it is. The reason we’re here today is to discuss some things.” He begins and Myungsoo takes a sip of his drink.

Caramel macchiato, his favorite. How the hell did Sungyeol even know? (But then he remembers about Sungyeol following him around and of course.)

“What things?” He questions once he puts his cup back down. As long as they avoided talking about you-know-what.

“Your memories.” Sungyeol replies and Myungsoo’s lips immediately form a grimace. Apparently not.

He sighs, wrapping a hand around his cup so he isn’t just sitting and playing with his fingers. “I have all the memories I’m supposed to have, Sungyeol-ssi, I don’t know why you’re so insistent on proving otherwise. I can believe me being this...warrior of justice and whatever, I can believe Luna’s a talking cat, but past lives where we were...” His voice trails off and he licks his lips. “That’s pushing it.”

Sungyeol’s eyes narrow. “You are a hell of a lot more stubborn than you were in the past. You need to remember. It ties into the amount of power you have, too. Monsters aren’t always going to be as easy as that one you encountered last night.”

“I didn’t know you in the past, can you just drop it already?!” Myungsoo’s anger is getting the best of him and he just wants to scream. This wasn’t fair, Sungyeol asking of all of this for him. He couldn’t remember whatever the fucking hell Sungyeol wanted him to remember and he sure as hell couldn’t save the world, why was this supposed to be all on him? Why not somebody else?

“I can’t do this!” He blurts out, shoving his chair out and attracting the attention of a few passersby. “I can’t...I can’t do this, this Sailor Moon stuff. I’m lying to my best friend, I have no idea what I’m even doing and why it’s me, I don’t understand anything, this is just---” He begins taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. “I can’t save the world, Sungyeol-ssi. You’re going to have to find yourself a new Sailor Moon. I quit.” He doesn’t bother to look at Sungyeol as he runs off, back the way he had came.

Adrenaline is pumping through his veins and he ends up at his home in no time. He’s out of breath and pauses to place his hands on his knees, breathing heavily.

Should he had done that?

Yes, he should have. Even after one night as Sailor Moon, he knows it might make him a wimp, but he doesn’t think he can do more of it. It was too bizarre and exhausting.

Myungsoo sighs quietly as he walks into his house, dragging his feet up the stairs. The silence throughout the place tells him no one is home (as usual) and he just flops onto his bed, screaming loudly into his pillow.


His head snaps up and he rubs his eyes to see a very unhappy Luna sitting at the edge of his bed.

He swallows, not knowing what to say.

“Isn’t the weather great today?” His voice raises an octave as he tries to come up with something to avoid him getting killed. Luna was a magical cat, she had to have known what he did.

“Don’t try to change the subject.” Luna hisses. “How dare you?!”

She honestly looks like she could kill now and Myungsoo doesn’t put it past her. He swallows again and grabs a pillow, hugging it to his chest for some sort of protection, even though he knows it won’t help. “I-I can explain.” He says quietly.

“Can you?” Luna asks with a dry tone. “I don’t think you can. You had no right to yell at Sungyeol like that. He’s only trying to help!’

“Help?” Myungsoo chuckles bitterly. “All he’s done is make fun of me and make me confused. I don’t know about you but I’m pretty sure that’s not what people call helping, it’s what they call being an asshole.” He replies.

Luna keeps silent and Myungsoo, for a moment, thinks he had won.

“You and Sungyeol were the best of friends.” Luna says.

Oh, here we go. He sighs. “Were, in the past life he’s so convinced exists. It’s not my fault I can’t remember, alright?” Myungsoo mumbles. “It’s not like I asked for any of this.”

“You need to go and apologize.” Luna’s voice softens. “I get you were overwhelmed but you were pretty rude.”

As if Sungyeol had never been rude to him?

“Why should I?” Myungsoo can’t help but snap. “He’s been rude to me, yet he’s never said sorry at all. Why do I have to do it?”

Now the cat was against him. Just his luck.

Luna sighs. “Please, Myungsoo. Once you get to know him, Sungyeol is much different. I promise you.”

Fat chance.

Myungsoo hugs the pillow tighter to his chest. “Doubtful.” He says under his breath. “I refuse.”

“You can’t just quit being Sailor Moon, either. By transforming for the first time you’re automatically put under a contract.” Luna adds.

“That should be illegal. Is it?” Myungsoo’s eyes widen. He had just done what the damn cat told him to do, how the hell was he supposed to know he’d be put under a contract?

“No.” Luna answers simply. “Please, just...go and apologize. And I’ll never ask you to see him again.” She replies.

Myungsoo obviously doesn’t believe that, but if the furball will leave him alone...

“Fine, whatever.” He mutters, getting out of bed.

He’s nearly out the door when he realizes he has no idea where Sungyeol could even be. Maybe he had left the bookstore and gone home. He had to have, right? And Myungsoo hasn’t even the slightest clue as to where he lives.

Today was such a great day.

He bites his lower lip and turns around to go back upstairs and ask Luna, but the cat is already sitting on the couch, tail swishing back and forth.

Myungsoo yelps and puts a hand to his heart, cursing mentally. Even with this Sailor Moon thing he probably wouldn’t die at the hands of a monster, it’d be because of a heart attack due to someone scaring the shit out of him.

He exhales sharply. “We have a problem.” He replies.

Luna just stares at him.

“Where does he live?” Myungsoo frowns. He knew damn well that cat knew what he was thinking, why did she have to make him say it?

“It’s an apartment complex by the Han River, near the Banpo Bridge.” Luna answers. “I’m sure you can find it.” She has a smile on her face and Myungsoo thinks that just cements her insanity.

“If I get lost and kidnapped and murdered, have it over your head.” Myungsoo says to himself quietly as he finally exits the house, jumping when the door slams shut behind him.

He’s going to kill the feline one of these days, mark his words.

An hour later brings Myungsoo lost and confused. Not kidnapped or murdered, at least, but there was still time. Was the apartment complex on the other side of the bridge? If so, he was screwed.

All he wanted to do (well, not really, it was the damn cat) was find Sungyeol, apologize, and get back home as soon as he could. The sky was darkening and the street was becoming more and more empty and all Myungsoo wants to do is sleep.

He then frowns, his feet leading him straight down the sidewalk he’s been on nearly the whole time, and wraps his arms around himself as a light breeze blows by. If he doesn’t find this stupid place in fifteen minutes he’s going to just turn around and (hopefully) find his way back home. Why did Sungyeol live so far downtown anyway? What the hell was he always doing near where Myungsoo lived?

He’s broken out of thoughts by a loud scream and he freezes in his steps.

He was just joking about getting kidnapped and murdered, honestly. What in the...

Myungsoo knows he’s going to regret this, but he makes his way towards the sound and comes across a woman with a tear-streaked face, a tall figure behind her. There was a hand over her mouth and four very sharp claws lingering inches away from her throat (what were with these things and claws?). The monster had blood red eyes and as it opens its mouth, Myungsoo can see very sharp teeth.

He gulps. What the hell was this? It was enough to give him nightmares, nevermind a kid. And where was his brooch? Luna’s always had it, how was he supposed to kill this thing?

“Let her go.” He speaks up, clearing his throat. The monster lifts its head fully to stare at him and Myungsoo swears he sees the thing licks its lips. Ew.

The woman stares at him with fear in her eyes, letting out a cry when the monster tosses her to the ground and begins walking towards him instead.

Oh, how lovely.

“Run.” He hisses out to the woman, who stares at him with wide eyes, but she gets up and rushes off.

He takes a step back, wondering why he was on what had to be the emptiest street in Seoul at this time of night. Where the hell was everyone?

The monster steps closer and Myungsoo bites his lower lip. The brooch could come any day now. Right this moment seemed like the perfect time, otherwise there really would be nobody to save the world. (That’d show Luna to send him out in the city without a clue on where he was going.)

Something suddenly falls onto his head and he whines, reaching to grab the object. “About time.” He says under his breath as he holds the brooch out in front of him.

He’s transformed in no time and he wishes he knew who the hell thought this outfit was a good idea. He’d give them a good piece of his mind and perhaps a lesson on simple fashion. An all black outfit would’ve been perfect, at least he’d blend into the background that way since these monsters seemed to like coming out at night.

The monster’s only a couple of feet away and Myungsoo can smell its breath.

Why do the things always reek? Surely a nice smelling monster existed. Or it wouldn’t kill them to spray febreeze on them or something, at least.

(He might do that sometimes. Might. Just might.)

His hands flash and his nunchuks appear in them, causing him to let out a sigh of relief.

What Sungyeol says runs through his head and he stares straight at the monster. What if he couldn’t defeat this with just his nunchucks? But it was the only weapon he had, what else could he use?

Myungsoo quickly shakes his head. No, he couldn’t be thinking about that now. He begins moving the right nunchuk around, stepping forward to try and get close to the monster.

It doesn’t say a word and Myungsoo think that’s kind of creepy. He could deal with roaring, but why was this one so silent?

He extends his arm further to come in contact with the thing but it swipes at him and knocks his hand away, the nunchucks sailing through the air and landing who the hell knows where.

“Shit.” He curses under his breath, grimacing as he feels a stinging in his hand. Just what he needed, another cut.

He steps back, mind reeling. If the thing did that once, surely it could do it again. So what the hell could he even do?

The monster is walking towards him again, teeth bared and Myungsoo gulps. He doesn’t know what to do. Why did his powers even have to do with his memories anyway? How fair was that?

He shuts his eyes and starts with the other hand, only hearing the sound of the nunchucks cutting through the air. He opens his eyes again to find the monster too close for comfort and jumps away, trying to sink one of the blades into the monster’s shoulder.

It works, momentarily stunning the thing, and Myungsoo pulls the blade out to shove it into another spot. The blood that comes out is black and Myungsoo grimaces in disgust, only to stop in his tracks as a roar fills the area.

Maybe wishing for it to roar wasn’t a good idea after all.

The monster’s eyes glow a bright red and Myungsoo quickly jumps onto a dumpster, thanking the heavens that being Sailor Moon gave him at least one good thing. He kicks out with his left foot and sends the monster crashing into a lamppost.

He smirks slightly in satisfaction, getting down from the dumpster and walking up to the monster. He gives it a good kick to the stomach and is about to give it one more stab when its arm moves and claws wrap around his leg, squeezing.

Myungsoo freezes, having underestimated the sharpness of them earlier. They dig into his flesh and a whimper escapes from his lips in pain. Shit, shit, shit, this was bad.

His breathing quickens and every time he moves his leg just makes it worse. He grips the nunchucks tightly in his hand and tries to lean down to kill the damn monster but this really fucking hurts---

A handful of cards with sharp edges sink into the monster’s body and it lets go of Myungsoo’s leg, causing Myungsoo to gasp as the pain fully hits him.

“Now, Sailor Moon.” Myungsoo can’t help but flinch at the cold tone to what he knows is Sungyeol’s voice but he grinds his teeth together to ignore the unbearable pain in his leg, reaching down and giving the monster its final nail in the coffin, so to speak.

The monster lets out a cry as it turns to dust, and Myungsoo sighs quietly in relief.

“Get on.”

His eyes widen as he sees Sungyeol’s back to him, the boy squatting slightly.

“H-huh?” He blurts.

“Get on. You can’t walk, I’m no idiot. Just do it, before I lose my patience.”

Sungyeol’s voice is different from the way it usually is and Myungsoo doesn’t like it.

He bites his lower lip but hesitantly puts his hands on Sungyeol’s shoulders, trying to jump as lightly as possible onto Sungyeol’s back. Once he’s on there, Sungyeol lets out a noise and grabs Myungsoo’s legs (his right one more gentle than the left), holding onto him as he starts running off.

A few building jumps and five floors up in an elevator ride later bring them outside of Apartment 305, where Sungyeol digs into the pockets of his pants for his keys.

Myungsoo’s thankful the hallway is completely silent and barely lit, considering they’re still transformed.

The door opens and Sungyeol walks in, kicking the door shut behind him. He walks over to the couch and bends over slightly again. “Get down.”

Myungsoo gets onto the couch and winces at the pain in his leg, glancing up to look at Sungyeol.

Sungyeol’s eyes are emotionless and Myungsoo quickly looks back down, not knowing what to say.

“I have a first aid kit somewhere, to fix your wounds.” Sungyeol replies, walking out of Myungsoo’s line of sight and he can hear drawers open and shut.

Myungsoo’s hands clench into fists. Where was his brooch? It always disappeared and he did not want to wear this damned outfit any longer---

He keeps back a noise when the item lands in his lap. At least it listened to him. He grips onto the brooch tightly and he finds himself back into his school clothes.

That had been the last thing he had been wearing. Of course.

He sighs quietly and almost jumps when Sungyeol sits on the coffee table in front of him, putting down a first aid kit box.

“I just have one question.” Sungyeol says quietly as he gently rolls up Myungsoo’s right pants leg.

Myungsoo doesn’t want to hear it, but he nods anyway.

“Why the hell were you here anyway? You don’t even live close to here.” Sungyeol replies, pouring some peroxide into a cotton ball.

Myungsoo opens his mouth to answer, but he doesn’t know how. Would Sungyeol even believe him?

“Luna...told me to come here to apologize. She didn’t tell me exactly where you lived so lost.” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Lost, huh?” Sungyeol snorts. “You shouldn’t have bothered.” He blots the cotton up and down Myungsoo’s leg, ignoring the hisses and whines of pain escaping Myungsoo’s lips. “You made your decision -- or I thought you did, anyway. You said you quit, so why on earth were you fighting that monster?” He looks up and Myungsoo may be imagining it, but he wears he sees hurt in Sungyeol’s eyes.

Myungsoo looks away, shrugging his shoulders weakly. “It was going to kill some lady.” He responds quietly. What did Sungyeol expect him to say? Why was he acting like this?

Sungyeol chuckles. “Alright. If you say so.” He obviously doesn’t sound very convinced. “There’s a large gash, right here.” He changes the subject, finger lightly tracing a line a couple of centimeters below Myungsoo’s knee. “It looks a bit deep and it’s bigger than the others, so I’ll wrap it to prevent further bleeding.” He murmurs and Myungsoo blinks, one of the questions he’s always had about Sungyeol coming to mind for some reason.

“H-how old are you?” He blurts.

Sungyeol pauses in his task of unwrapping a bandage and his lips curl upwards a bit. “Nineteen.”

So they were just a year apart.

Myungsoo nods, fingers gripping the edge of the couch tightly.

“It’s funny, you know.” Sungyeol starts quietly. “I’m an acting major. I’ve always had a passion for acting, and in high school I tried to get into as many plays as I could. But now I’m stuck saving a damsel in distress that can’t even defeat the enemy without getting injured. It’s not something I thought I’d be doing, past lives or not. I thought we’d live normal lives, this time.” He cuts a part of the bandage off with a pair of small scissors and begins wrapping it around Myungsoo’s leg, where he had traced seconds before.

Myungsoo doesn’t know why, but the spot kind of...stings. And it’s not the bad kind.

“You can stay here for the night.” Sungyeol replies, placing a safety pin into the bandage to keep it together. “There’s no way I’m letting you out there alone.”

Myungsoo wants to protest that he isn’t a little kid that needs watching after, but he figures it’d be of no use to argue.

“And with your leg, it’s not safe to walk on it anymore tonight.” Sungyeol adds, closing the kit and standing up. “I can sleep on the couch. My first class isn’t until ten tomorrow, so you can take the shower whenever you want it.”

“N-no, I couldn’t do that.” Myungsoo shakes his head. “I can take the couch, it’ll be no problem.” He says quietly, and he finds all of this strange. Sungyeol hasn’t insulted him this time (well, save for the damsel in distress line), nor has he called him princess.

He doesn’t like it. And he doesn’t like that he doesn’t like it.

Maybe Luna and Sungyeol’s insanity was contagious, he sure feels as if he’s turning crazy.

“No arguing.” Sungyeol replies. “I mean it. Just...please. We need to talk in the morning so you need to get as much sleep as you can.”

Talk about what?

Myungsoo resists the urge to groan. “It’d be easier for me to sleep on the couch, since I’m already here and all.” He points out.

Sungyeol pauses, then sighs. “I’ll get you some blankets and pillows, alright?” He walks off further into the apartment without another word and Myungsoo pulls his pants leg back down, grimacing as the fabric comes in contact with the cuts littering his limb.

Myungsoo then takes the chance to look around the place. For Sungyeol being a nineteen-year-old university student with who knows what for a job, the apartment didn’t look all that too shabby. Most of the furniture seemed new and the apartment was covered in random colorful paintings and pictures, with the back wall basically being the window. It looked...lively. It looked the exact opposite of his own home.

He sighs quietly.

“ you some clothes too. It’d be too uncomfortable to sleep in that.” Sungyeol says quietly, walking out of a hallway, dressed in normal clothes and his arms stacked with pillows and blankets and some clothes on top.

Myungsoo’s face flushes. “It’s alright, really. Thank you.” He murmurs.

Sungyeol rolls his eyes, dumping the pile onto the couch to Myungsoo’s left. “The bathroom is down the hallway and to your right.” He instructs. He pauses for a few seconds and then clears his throat. “Goodnight, Myungsoo-yah.” He gives a small nod and walks back the way he had come.

Myungsoo’s face reddens even more and he slowly grabs the clothes Sungyeol had left for him (a t-shirt and pants, both of which he knows will be too long for him), making his way to the room in question.

Tomorrow was going to be be interesting, that was for sure.


rating: pg, fandom: infinite, pairing: sungyeol/myungsoo

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