in your dreams (sungyeol/myungsoo) (1/7)

Apr 15, 2013 19:55

in your dreams (1/7)
pg; sungyeol/myungsoo.
guardian cats and warriors of justice? myungsoo thinks lee sungyeol is insane. (sailor moon!au)

+ yes i've written 5k words worth of a sailor moon au and this probably isn't even near to being all of it i'm sorry i have no idea what i'm doing ;;;

Myungsoo stares at the red mark on his paper, his lips forming a small grimace. A 40%? His parents were going to kill him. It wasn’t his fault History was his worst subject, he honestly studies and yet...

“What’d you get, hyung?” A blonde head peers over his shoulder and Myungsoo almost jumps in surprise, but he quickly slams the paper face down onto his desk before Sungjong can see it. “What’d you get?” He retorts back.

Sungjong blinks. “90%. It’s not as good as I could’ve done, I guess, but it’s not too bad. So, what’d you get?” He asks and Myungsoo wishes looks could kill.

“It can’t be that bad.” Sungjong replies with a roll of his eyes. If only he knew. “I think it can.” Myungsoo blurts, placing his arms on top of the stupid paper to prevent Sungjong from touching it.

“Oh come on.” Sungjong groans. “Okay, I’ll guess. 80%?”

Myungsoo was not in the mood to play guessing games. “Not answering.” He buries his face into his arms and he feels a hand patting his back. “There, there. You can always raise the grade up next time.”

Myungsoo doesn’t think so.

Myungsoo’s on his way home from school, crumpling up that damn piece of paper into a ball. What his parents don’t know wouldn’t hurt them and if they ever asked he could just say he accidentally left it in his locker or something. They’d never know.

He exhales sharply and tosses the now trash over his shoulder, freezing as he hears a shout.

“Watch it!”

Myungsoo slowly turns around, swallowing as he sees long limbs, a left ear full of piercings, and he’s kind of...attractive. Not like Myungsoo will ever admit that out loud.

“S-sorry.” He mumbles quietly, taking a step back.

“Didn’t your parents teach you not to litter?” The guy raises an eyebrow as he uncrumples the paper ball, and a laugh escapes from his lips. “40%? Seems they didn’t teach you much at all.” He muses.

Myungsoo’s eyes narrow. Nevermind how attractive he was, he was an asshole. “Give me that back!” He exclaims, reaching out to try and take it.

The guy chuckles. “You were the one who threw it away, why do you want it?” He holds it above his head and Myungsoo’s face reddens as he jumps slightly to try and get it.

“I---just---give it!” He’s whining now and he thinks that should weaken the asshole, he’s been told his whining was one of the worst things on the planet. “I was angry when I threw it and now I want it back.” He’s making excuses now but he doesn’t care, anything to not let this jackass get the upper hand.

The guy just stares at him with a small smirk and a raised eyebrow and Myungsoo really wishes he was taller. At least by a few inches, so he could be on the same height as this idiot.

“One condition.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, what is it?” He narrows his eyes again, standing up on his tiptoes and trying to get his test. If it wasn’t for the damn thing he wouldn’t be in this kind of trouble in the first place.

“Tell me your name.” The guy’s smirk turns into a smile and Myungsoo stumbles back onto his feet with a blink. Why the hell did this guy want to know his name?

“Only if you tell me yours.” He crosses his arms over his chest. He thinks it’s a fair trade.

The guy rolls his eyes. “Sungyeol. Now, tell me yours and I’ll give you back your little test. No idea why you want it since you failed, but to each their own.” He shrugs.

“Myungsoo.” He mumbles, reaching out for the paper again. “Give it back.”

A smirk forms on Sungyeol’s lips and he hands Myungsoo his paper. “Myungsoo, eh? I’ll make sure to remember that. Have a nice day.” He walks off just like that, leaving a confused Myungsoo staring after him.

What in the world just happened?

Weeks pass and Sungyeol slips right from Myungsoo’s mind. He has exams coming up, a paper due in Literature, a project due for the Photography Club and he’s so swamped with work he never thinks of him again.

It’s a Friday morning when Myungsoo’s late for school. He hadn’t gotten up when his alarm went off and, surprise, surprise, nobody had woken him up. He doesn’t think it’s fair, considering he’s quite the deep sleeper.

He’s dashing down the sidewalk with a piece of toast in his mouth when he collides into a strong, firm back and he yelps around the food in his mouth.

“Watch where you’re---oh, it’s you.” Sungyeol turns around with a raised eyebrow. “First you throw a paper at me and now you’re running into me...” He shakes his head and Myungsoo really doesn’t have the time for this. “I’d say you’re trying to injure me on purpose or something.” He replies.

Myungsoo chews on the last of the toast and licks his lips free of any crumbs. “S-sorry, I’m just late and I slept through my alarm and I really need to get to school.” He blurts out as fast as he can.

Sungyeol laughs and his eyes roam Myungsoo’s figure as if he’s studying him and Myungsoo can’t help but frown. “I gotta go.” He mutters, not giving Sungyeol a chance to say anything else as he starts running again.

“Found you.” Sungyeol says under his breath, a small smirk playing on his lips as he walks in the same direction Myungsoo had been going in.

Myungsoo believes today is the worst day ever. Aside from being an hour late and his run in with Sungyeol The Jackass, he’d nearly tripped over a black cat and had fallen to his death. The cat had a pink bandaid on its breastbone and had started meowing at him. He knew it was never going to leave him alone if he didn’t do something and he took the bandaid off, giving the cat a small scratch behind the ears as he took off to school.

He had been told to wait outside the classroom with his arms up and it’s already been ten minutes. His stomach lets out a loud rumble and his face flushes in embarrassment. All he’s eaten today was that stupid piece of bread (that he had nearly choked on running into Sungyeol) and he’s absolutely starving.

His lunch was back in the classroom on his desk and he lets out a sigh, leaning his back further against the wall.

He really needed to stop being such a deep sleeper. Or a klutz. Or both, really.

But what was up with that Sungyeol guy anyway? It was like he had come straight out of the shoujo manga Myungsoo’s (definitely not) read. Tall, attractive, and a jerk. But they always ended up getting the girl, so there had to be some redeemable quality about him, right?

Myungsoo groans and moves his fingers to try and get the feeling back into them. It was weird though, wasn’t it? Seoul was a hell of a large city, what were the chances of meeting some random guy twice?

And now that he thinks of it, Myungsoo’s never seen Sungyeol around school so he has to be a University student, right? That meant he was at least a year or two older than him.

He sighs and shakes his head. It wasn’t like it mattered, he’d never meet Sungyeol again.

On the way home that afternoon, Myungsoo decides to take a detour and make use of his camera. If there was one thing he was good at, it was photography. He wouldn’t mind if he did it for the rest of his life, honestly. (His parents, however, think otherwise.)

He ends up at the park a block away from his house and holds up his camera, spotting a pair of bluebirds in a tree.

“Well, well, well, who do we have here?”

The (really expensive) camera almost falls from Myungsoo’s hands but his grip tightens on it instinctively as he turns around, finding none other than Sungyeol.

“What are you doing here?” He asks with a frown on his face.

Sungyeol raises an eyebrow, arms crossed over his chest. “Can’t a person walk around the park?”

Myungsoo doesn’t know what to say, because this all was just...too coincidental. Meeting the same person twice in one day? It was too weird. A small shiver runs down his spine as he clutches his camera to his chest, clearing his throat. “What do you want?” He asks.

Sungyeol’s lips form a smirk. “You.”

What the---

Myungsoo’s mouth opens, only to shut so he doesn’t look like a gaping fish. You? Who even says that anymore? What the hell did this guy want from him?

“Excuse me?” He slowly takes a step back, heart pounding in fear. What if this guy was going to kidnap him or murder him?

“You’re the one.” Sungyeol replies, a look in his eyes that Myungsoo can’t place and he doesn’t think he wants to.

“The one? The one what?” Myungsoo blinks in confusion. “Look, I barely even know you and I-I don’t know what you want with me but just leave me alone.” He says quietly, stepping back more until he finds himself pressed up against a tree trunk. Shit.

“The one to save us all.” Sungyeol looks bored and irritated, as if he can’t believe he even has to explain, and it only leaves Myungsoo more confused.

This guy was insane, he was totally off of his rocker. “Funny.” Myungsoo mutters. “If you don’t mind, I need to go home otherwise my parents will freak.” It was a total lie, they always expected him back late when he went out to take pictures, but anything to get away from this lunatic.

Sungyeol rolls his eyes and walks forward, stopping only when he and Myungsoo’s chests are barely touching. “You’re the chosen one, princess.” He snaps. Myungsoo makes a face at the insulting nickname and he opens his mouth to protest, but a hand slams over it before he can get a word out.

“Only shake or nod your head to answer, alright?” Sungyeol requests. “Now, do you recall seeing a black cat earlier today?”

Myungsoo blinks once. He did, right after he had bumped into Sungyeol and nearly choked on his breakfast. He nods slowly.

“That’s your guardian.” Sungyeol continues. “Well, advisor. Sort of.” He waves his hand around. “And you, princess, are a soldier.”

If Myungsoo hadn’t been convinced of his insanity earlier, he definitely was now. “Soldier? What am I, in the military?” He grimaces, eyes roaming around the park for any way to distract Sungyeol and hightail it out of here. “And stop calling me that.” He hisses out, hands clenching into fists.

Sungyeol chuckles lightly, smirking. “Not a chance, princess.” He murmurs. “And the point is, you’re a soldier. A sailor soldier, if you will. You’re a warrior of justice. You know, you’re supposed to save the world.” He replies, and all Myungsoo can do is stare blankly.

Sungyeol’s batshit. Sungyeol’s a batshit insane (but attractive) guy who is trying to tell him he’s going to save the world. Soldier his ass.

Maybe he should’ve skipped school today.

“Christ, for someone who’s addicted to manhwa, I’d figure you would’ve heard of the cliched plot already.” Sungyeol says with an exasperated sigh, and the hand on Myungsoo’s mouth falls back to Sungyeol’s side.

“H-how did you know that?” Myungsoo’s eyes widen as he flattens his back up against the tree.

That fucking smirk comes back and Myungsoo wants nothing more than to punch it off. “During your lunch break you always sit under a tree to read.”

“How---” That fear is pulling at his heart again and Myungsoo swallows, licking his dry lips. “Do you follow me?” He whispers.

Sungyeol leans back with a shrug of his shoulders. “Sometimes. Only on her orders, though.” He answers as if it’s completely normal to follow somebody around. “So I don’t really have a choice.” He adds.

“Her?” Myungsoo frowns, and he can already feel a dull throbbing start in his temples. Just what he needed.

“Have you not been listening to a word I’ve been saying?” Sungyeol groans, sliding a hand over his face. “Your advisor, that cat you ran into. Her name is Luna.” He replies.

A cat advisor named Luna. That apparently could talk.

Sungyeol is more than batshit insane, he’s a complete lunatic.

“Who are you?” Myungsoo asks quietly, figuring he might as well play along for a while. He’s sure if he listens and agrees, he can be free to go and never have to deal with Sungyeol again.

“I told you when we first met, did I not?” Sungyeol’s eyebrows raise again. “Lee Sungyeol. My name is all you need to know.” He says, and Myungsoo swears he can see a playful spark in Sungyeol’s eyes. It makes his face heat up slightly and he bites his lip, quickly looking away.

“I don’t understand any of this.” Myungsoo’s voice has a slight whine to it but he couldn’t care less right now. Maybe this was all a dream.

Yeah, that had to be it. He had fallen asleep in class and was dreaming. That would explain it all.

“Idiot.” Sungyeol flicks his forehead and Myungsoo lets out a yelp, wincing as he rubs at the spot he’s sure is reddening.

“Ass.” He mutters with a frown.

Sungyeol clicks his tongue. “You don’t understand any of it because you haven’t properly awoken yet. But you will soon. Very soon.”

Myungsoo just blinks again. Awoken? Was this really a dream, then? But...

The throbbing in his temples gets even worse and he winces again. “C-could you let me go?” He murmurs. “I’m getting a headache and you aren’t making any sense at all, but I guess this is a dream so it doesn’t really matter, right?”

“This isn’t a dream, princess.” Sungyeol sighs. “Not even close.” He tilts his head. “Just be ready, Myungsoo-yah.” The way his name falls from Sungyeol’s lips make his heart pound loudly but he knows it isn’t in fear this time.

He doesn’t know what else to do except for nod, and Sungyeol smiles. It’s a genuine one, not sarcastic or similar to a smirk and Myungsoo thinks it’s the first one he’s ever seen from him. “Yeah, whatever.” He says under his breath.

“We’ll meet again.” Sungyeol’s smile turns into a small smirk and Myungsoo keeps back a sigh. So much for that.

“Whatever.” He repeats, not knowing what else to do except for nod as he is finally able to slip past Sungyeol and exit the park.

This was all a dream. Any moment now he’d wake up and tall guys named Sungyeol wouldn’t exist. Advisor cats named Luna wouldn’t exist.


The rest of Myungsoo’s week goes by quite strangely. He swears he’s hallucinating because every day when he’s in his room doing his homework, a black cat with a crescent moon on its breast will be sitting on his windowsill and whenever he tries to shoo it away, all it does is stare at him with a knowing look. It does leave, eventually, right before Myungsoo settles in bed to sleep.

He hasn’t seen Sungyeol at all since that encounter at the park and he doesn’t know why he’s disappointed.

He tries looking around during his lunch break to see if he can spot him anywhere, but he comes up empty. He should be happy, even ecstatic, but he isn’t and he doesn’t like it.

“You’ve been really distracted lately, hyung.” Sungjong muses as he takes a bite out of his sandwich. “You seem super paranoid.”

Myungsoo thinks if he had someone following him around and calling him princess and saying he was a warrior of justice with a stupid guardian cat, Sungjong would be paranoid too.

“It’s nothing.” Myungsoo says quietly, fiddling with the camera in his hands. “I just haven’t gotten much sleep.” It’s not as if it’s a lie, he really hasn’t. He spends most of his nights staring at the ceiling, thinking of everything Sungyeol’s said to him. All it does is make him confused and he just wants a decent night of sleep.

Sungjong obviously doesn’t believe him by the scoff he lets out, but he doesn’t say anything else for the rest of the lunch break.

It’s week two without seeing Sungyeol (not like Myungsoo was keeping count) and Myungsoo was just about to go off to dreamland when a clawing at his window nearly makes him jump up in bed.

His room is on the second floor, he’s sure if someone was trying to break in they would’ve gone for somewhere on the first floor.

He hesitantly gets out of bed and walks over to the window, unlocking it and pushing it open.

Myungsoo jumps back as he sees that damn black cat sitting on the tree outside his window, only to jump onto the windowsill. Her tail is swishing back and forth and she looks as if she had just run a marathon.

Myungsoo doesn’t know what to say because what was there to say? I was told about you by Sungyeol, nice to meet you? And could it even really talk? Maybe Sungyeol was just pulling his leg.

“There’s trouble, down at the bakery.”

Maybe he wasn’t.

Myungsoo’s eyes widen in shock and he tries to keep his mouth from opening. “H-huh?” He stammers out, lifting his hands to rub at his eyes. This had to be a dream, damnit.

“You don’t have time to dawdle around, Myungsoo!” The cat exclaims, and Myungsoo is about to wonder how the hell it knows his name, but then he realizes. Sungyeol.

“Look, Sungyeol told me about this whole...warrior justice thing and I really think you have the wrong person.” He explains calmly. “I’m not fit to save the world, you should find someone else.”

Maybe he’s the insane one, talking to a cat.

Luna stares at him with narrowed eyes. “No, I’m quite positive I have the right person and that person is you, whether you want to believe it or not. Here.” Something suddenly lands in Myungsoo’s hands and he scrambles to catch it, looking down in the confusion at what looks like a brooch, in the shape of a circle. There are mini crescent moon shapes around the edge and Myungsoo supposes that makes sense, with the crescent on Luna and all.

“What’s...” His voice trails off and he rubs his eyes again.

“Hold it up and say Moon Power.”

Myungsoo glances back up in confusion. “What?”

“Just do it, we don’t have much time! You need to do this!”

Myungsoo doesn’t think he does. What the fuck was this...brooch thing anyway?


Damn, the cat had a temper. He licks his lips and holds up the brooch. “What’s going to happen when I do this?” He frowns.


Okay, maybe he shouldn’t piss off the guardian cat any more. She was baring her claws and he doesn’t put it past her to sink those into his flesh and scratch the hell out of him.

“Moon Power!” A bright light floods his room and he’s suddenly dressed in a white sailor shirt with a dark blue collar, white stripes running across it. He has a red tie with a crescent moon in the middle and dark blue pants with black boots----what in the everlasting hell was he wearing?

“Come with me!” Luna exclaims and Myungsoo thinks that this is a pretty damn vivid dream. Luna then jumps out the window and Myungsoo winces, hesitantly walking over to it. He was not going to jump two stories, no way in hell---

“Jump!” Luna’s eyes are narrowed from her place on the grass below and Myungsoo quickly shakes his head.

He wasn’t going to die by jumping out of a fucking window because of a talking cat, thank you very much.

Luna hisses loudly and Myungsoo can’t help but snort. Would could the cat do anyway? A few scratches wouldn’t be so bad, it was better than breaking bones.

“Just jump! You’ll see!” Luna shouts.

You’ll see what? See how it feels for every bone in your body to break?

“Myungsoo, please!”

“Alright, alright.” Myungsoo clears his throat. The damn cat was getting on his nerves and well, if he died, this was all a dream, right? He’d just wake up. He hesitantly pulls himself up onto the windowsill and swallows, staring down.

Shutting his eyes, he jumps out of the window and waits for it. Waits for the inevitable cracking of bones, slamming to the ground---

He blinks as he opens his eyes again to find himself safely on the ground. “What the hell?” He mutters.

“Now that you transformed, you’re a lot lighter on your feet.” Luna replies. “Now, come on! There’s a bakery down the street that’s under attack and you’re the only one that can stop them!”

“Only one?” Myungsoo frowns as he follows Luna down the street, thankful it’s the dead of night so nobody can see him in this godawful outfit. “I don’t think so.” He says under his breath.

He suddenly freezes in his steps as he comes to the bakery in question. All of the windows are broken, pieces of glass scattered about, and Myungsoo can see overturned tables and broken chairs. A loud roar pierces his ears and he gulps.

What the hell was he getting himself into?

“A-are you sure I’m the right one?” Myungsoo stammers out with wide eyes. “I...I can’t do this, what the hell is even in there?” He blurts. “How do I attack it?”

He’s talking to a cat. Wonderful.

“You’ll know. Trust me.” Luna answers, brushing up against his leg to nudge him forward. “Just go in and it’ll come to you.”
Myungsoo doesn’t think so, but he hesitantly opens the door (which, surprisingly, was still in tact) of the destroyed bakery anyway. It seems to be evacuated of people, at least, but there’s a---

That was a monster. Or that’s what he assumes, what in the world was it? It was taller than him by a few feet and looked like an overgrown dough boy, except for the sharp claws it has as nails.

“Shit.” He mumbles, licking his dry lips. How was he supposed to defeat this?

He walks backwards, trying to think up of something. It’ll come to you, my ass. He yelps as he stumbles over a chair leg and that turns the monster’s attention to him.

“Just great.” Myungsoo says quietly, swallowing again as the monster begins walking closer to him. It gives a big swipe with his left hand and Myungsoo tries to dodge, but one of the claws successfully catches him on the cheek and the forming cut begins to sting like hell.

He trips again and lets out a “fuck” -- why did Luna and Sungyeol think he was the one? He was a klutz, there’s no way he was able to save the world.

His hands scrabble at the floor to try and push himself back up but a shard of glass digs deep into his palm and he whines in pain, grinding his teeth together. The monster is getting closer and closer and his heart begins to pound loudly in his chest. This was it. Dream or not, he was going to die because of a stupid overgrown monster with claws. That talking cat really had no idea what she was talking about.

Myungsoo blinks in surprise when a card suddenly sinks into the monster’s face, temporarily distracting it.

“Now, Sailor Moon!” That voice...

Myungsoo looks around to finally find a tall guy in a tuxedo standing in the shadows, a mask over his eyes, and he can’t help but think that he seems familiar.

“Sailor Moon!”

Myungsoo scrambles up with a bit difficulty, trying to ignore the pain in his cheek and palm. Is that what he was now? Sailor Moon?

What was he, in a manga or something?

He lets out a small sigh when a bright flash surrounds his hands and a set of nunchucks with blades attached are gripped tightly in each.

What the fuck?

Myungsoo stares at the weapons, wondering how the hell they even got there. Was that what Luna meant by it’ll come to you? He learned how to use them when he was younger but he never figured that so-called talent would come in handy.

He bites his lip and walks towards the monster, starting to twist and spin the weapons in his hands around.

The blades slash the monster continuously and Myungsoo blinks when the monster turns to dust and disappears.

“The fuck?” He says under his breath. This really was one weirdass dream. It surely couldn’t be that easy, could it?

“Not bad, Sailor Moon.” The masked guy in the corner steps out, and Myungsoo tilts his head in confusion.

“Who are you?” He frowns, only to yelp again when the nunchucks disappear and he moves his hands over the pockets in his pants, trying to figure out where the hell they went.

The masked guy laughs and reaches up a gloved hand to wipe the blood off of the cut on Myungsoo’s cheek. “You must be blind, princess.” He murmurs.


“Y-you---what---why---huh?” Myungsoo doesn’t think he can be blamed for not being able to form a coherent sentence.

Sungyeol chuckles again and grabs his palm this time. “This will hurt a bit.” He says quietly and Myungsoo sucks in a breath as he pulls out the shard of glass, wiping the blood off again. “It’s...quite a long story, really, Sailor Moon.” Sungyeol muses with his lips quirking up slightly. “But if you want me to tell you the condensed a past life, we were lovers.” He replies. “Princes, too, of the Moon Kingdom. Our parents were childhood friends and so...”

Sungyeol is definitely still a complete lunatic.

“L-lovers? With you?” Myungsoo grimaces and crosses his arms over his chest. “Not a chance.” He snaps, taking one step back. Where was Luna? Surely the cat couldn’t just leave him here with the crazy guy? He did have school tomorrow and---oh god, he’s going to be so dead in the morning.

Sungyeol lets out a sigh. “Don’t you feel an attraction to me?” He raises an eyebrow. “And don’t even try to lie, you suck at it.”

Myungsoo wants to ask how Sungyeol even knows that (not like he does, he thinks he’s not that bad of a liar), but he frowns again. “I do not.” He mutters. (He’ll never admit he does, just a tiny bit.)

Sungyeol rolls his eyes. “You do, and that’s because deep down, part of you still remembers.” He explains. “And no matter how many times you trick yourself into believing this is a’s not.”

“Right, right.” Myungsoo replies. He’s honestly starting to believe him. Everything seemed too real to be a dream. It’s odd, but...

“And about that past lovers thing.” Sungyeol grins. “I can try to refresh your memory if you’d like.” He leans down to whisper in Myungsoo’s ear and Myungsoo’s face immediately flushes in embarrassment.

“Yah!” Myungsoo pushes him away. “Pervert.” He hisses.

Sungyeol snorts. “That’s funny, coming from you.” He tilts his head, raising an eyebrow. “You were certainly quite the perverted one back then.”

“Shut up!” Myungsoo takes another step back, trying to navigate his way out of this bakery without killing himself and letting Sungyeol out of his sight, lest he get snuck up upon.

Sungyeol’s grin widens. “You’ll remember eventually, princess. And then you’ll just be dying to kiss me.” He replies.

Myungsoo wonders how much damage he could do if he punched Sungyeol. He was still in this stupid soldier form, he’s sure his punch would be a hell of a lot stronger than it was normally...

“Don’t even think about it.” Sungyeol’s voice brings him out of his thoughts. “I don’t know why you’d ever want to hit poor little old me.” His lips form a pout and that urge to hit him is just getting even stronger, really.

“’s alright, for now.” Sungyeol says. “You’ll remember again, and you’ll have nothing but admiring thoughts about me.” He leans forward again and Myungsoo is going to knock that damned mask off---

Lips brush against his cheek and Myungsoo’s eyes widen. “See you later, princess.” Sungyeol winks and suddenly disappears off into the night, leaving Myungsoo staring after him in shock, face blazing.

What the hell was Sungyeol’s game, anyway? Past lives, who even believed in that? And lovers? Princes of the Moon Kingdom?

Millions of thoughts are running through Myungsoo’s head, and he’s sure Sungyeol just says all of this stuff to make him confused. None of it made sense and he knows he’s going to go to sleep with another headache tonight. Just what he needed.

“Good job, Sailor Moon.” Myungsoo almost jumps when he spots Luna sitting on a lamppost and he wonders how cats can even jump that high.

Luna jumps down and lands safely on her feet. “For a first time that wasn’t too bad, you just need to get some practice and trust me, I’m sure you’ll get it. The enemies are forming an army and it’s not going to be pretty. You’ll need some help, of course, which is why we need to be on a hunt to find fellow companions for you.” She replies and Myungsoo honestly has no idea what she’s even talking about.

If he was the one that was supposed to save the world, why did he even need companions?

He lets out a low groan and runs a hand through his hair. “Question.” He mumbles.

Luna looks up at him with bright eyes, as if she’s happy that he’s actually listening.

“How do I get this...thing off?” Myungsoo gestures at the stupid outfit he’s still wearing.

Luna sighs. “Close your eyes and hold the brooch.” That circle brooch lands in his hands again and Myungsoo blinks in surprise, but closes his eyes. When he opens them, he looks down to find himself back into his white t-shirt and sweatpants, and sighs in relief.

“You have school in the morning, so you need to get to sleep. And I’ll make sure you don’t sleep through your alarm again, you can’t keep doing that.” Luna’s rambling and Myungsoo sighs quietly, wanting to tune her out. Did that mean the furball was staying with him from now on?

“I am not a furball, Myungsoo.” Luna sounds angry. “I am your advisor, and as such, you need to learn how to respect me.”

“Can everyone read minds around here?” Myungsoo whines. Geez, it was one tiny comment.

Luna stares at him with a look that quickly makes him shut up.

“You’re Sailor Moon, now, you’re going to need to straighten up a few things.” Luna replies. “Now get back up the tree and into your bed.”

Myungsoo blinks, finding them at his yard already. “I can’t climb trees, you know.” He mutters. “And I can’t sneak in either or I’ll get killed, my mom’s a pretty light sleeper.” He replies.

Maybe he could just sleep in the yard tonight. He could sneak in in the morning, saying he went out for an early jog. He had done that a few years ago, his parents would surely believe him again -- right?

Luna sighs and the next thing he knows, Myungsoo’s in his bed. His mouth opens and shuts repeatedly but he finally settles on closing it.

“That will not be happening often.” Luna sounds exhausted and she’s sitting on the windowsill again. “Just get a good night’s rest, you’ll need it.”

Myungsoo, for once, falls asleep almost right away, no thoughts of the night’s events plaguing him.

(He suspects it has to do with some strange powers Luna has, but he knows it’ll do no use to think on it.)


rating: pg, fandom: infinite, pairing: sungyeol/myungsoo

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