I smoked before I left for class today, and as I was walking out the gate, a news reporter and camera man stopped me and asked to interview me. I said I was late (which I was...even though I didn't have class until 1:40 today...) but she insisted since it was right on my way out and it would only take a second and she'd really appreciate it blah
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it's official...on friday I move out of my apartment and into sam and ryan's newly emptied master bedroom!!! so not only do I escape from the royal bitch's smelly vagina and dayglo hair, but I also get to LIVE in the place I pretty much already live in right now. so...instead of having to walk up 3 flights of stairs to pass out, I just have to
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yesterday was a beautiful sunny day of longboarding, chilling and tea drinking, turtling, lunching, All That DVD searching, drawing, and partying
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It's fucking hard living with someone who used to be a really close friend and then out of the blue decides she wants nothing to do with you (or anyone else). It's an easy problem to forget considering she spends all day every day in her bedroom with the door closed (and I'm usually at Bryce's anyway) BUT when she does decide to remind me she
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the cops just came to bryce's and arrested him. while one of them spent at least 20 minutes arresting bryce for possession of marijuana, the other one gave all of us a good talking to and informed us of the gang rape and shootings that he deals with in tempe all the time. what a fucking joke.
I have 2 essays due next week, and an essay and 2 exams the week after that. what the hell, didn't school just start??!! or does it just feel like it just started because I've only been to 50% of my classes so far?? damn. damn. damn.
well whatever, I'm getting an hour long seaweed wrap massage at 5:30! sweet!
I bought a toitle because I like toitles. his name is japhy, as in japhy the homeless sage in Dharma Bums. he's just a baby toitle right now and he fits in my hand but in ten years he'll be 30 pounds and in 80 years he'll still be alive. once he gets big enough and I get crazy enough I'll probably give up all my worldly possessions and just ride
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