Gas prices are exponentially higher every time you turn around. The war in Iraq goes on to the tune of untold amounts of money, lives of Americans and Iraqis, (to say nothing of why the world at large now hates us) and all with no end in sight. We're fighting insurgents, NOT 'terrists'. Meanwhile, the Taliban in Afghanistan has never been better
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Comments 16
How we know that sounds good in practice... but... in reality.. it is not. I believe that one could make a strong argument at the SCOTUS level if you used the 1, 13,14, and 15th amendments in arguments.
go ive said before its your right as enshrined in the declaration of independance.. from what i can see the administration are a bunch of clueless pricks with their priorities all wrong.time to kick their complacent butts
Lets talk about "Marriage" and how sacred it really is.
Back in the day, Marriage was property transfer. A woman was not treated as a person, but treated as property, a commodity. She was basically there to "sweeten the deal" for a man to gain some more property. If the woman was homely, they father built up a dowry.
The Commandment, "Thou Shall not Commit Aldultery" is not against Marriage... it is like "Don't mess with the goods unless your serious!"
Marriage between inter-racial couples was forbidden in some areas of the Country until the 1970's.
AND... Marriage was really a sacrament until the 1800's anyhow... before then... it was REALLY only a property transfer.
When I look at your posts overall from yesterday (and all very good ones) there seems to be this everlasting rage inside of you. Granted, your LJ name is angry_biscuit, but was wondering where the positive stuff is? Or, is this mainly an outlet to unload your frustrations?
Just trying to find the source of this anger is all. Not suggesting a change in tone here because this is your journal--not ours. Just an inquiry here.
I, too, have much to be angry about as well, but it tends to be focused on my hate of my current job (and working on that I assure you) and how I deal with things. Just made a post this morning about how I allowed myself to be ripped off by The UPS Store because I was too lazy and in a rush.
It's hard to not make assumptions about people based on LJ content. Just because you post a lot of angry things does not mean he's an angry person. But, I do feel you have a little bias towards anger as I do and was just exploring that aspect trying to figure out where I get it from too.
This is like people who want to know why the news is always "so negative." (I'm a journalist.) I tell them they can take heart that it's the bad stuff that gets attention because that's what is unusual. (And with any luck, maybe things'll stay that way, though the past few years have sorely tested my hypothesis.) It's sort of a glib response, but anything less than several paragraphs to explain it properly IS glib, IMO.
As for this post: I always figured this sort of shit - gay marriage, abortions, yadda yadda - got the attention because it can be rendered in black-and-white terms (even if it's not) of Right and Wrong, and involves no hinky moral paradoxes or complex thought beyond "it's what my minister told me to think." *shrug*
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