So uh, I was going to write a fandom secret for this, but then I decided, what the hell, I might as well come out and say it. I might as well say it publicly, actually. ( About Cosplay and such. )
Cosplay turned into a major confidence booster for me when I wore my Four to the Renaissance Faire and everyone just about fell over squeeing. It left me with the hugest grin on my face (which only lent to the Tom Bakerness!)
Cosplay photos? I'm a retard and didn't take any myself, but there are some from Sunday at megacon over here. Sadly, that was after my headset broke. D:
I didn't even do a huge con, but I feel the same way - I got a huge confidence boost when I saw several people really like my outfit, having an appreciative smile, or even a kid yelling "IT'S THE FUHRER" when I walked into a room. It makes you really want to do it more, y'know? :D
Comments 5
It left me with the hugest grin on my face (which only lent to the Tom Bakerness!)
I don't think I've ever seen your cosplay photos?
Cosplay photos? I'm a retard and didn't take any myself, but there are some from Sunday at megacon over here. Sadly, that was after my headset broke. D:
Confidence boosts are the greatest, aren't they? I need some o' that.
Also, your Scout costume rocked my socks off. I hate to use the word "adorable" but Scout's always made me kind of aaawwww, and you were no exception.
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