The Spritas 9.5

May 28, 2011 19:11

Semester is (almost entirely) over, hopefully I can play enough Spritas updates to keep people updated over the winter break/semester 2 :D Yeeeeee. I don't have much more to say than that.

Warnings: the usual - profanity, violence, nudity.

Everyone was very torn up about Turin's death :(

...except Cinna.




Anyway life goes on and it was Johanna's birthday, so you know...

Uhhhhhh oops.

So anyway, here's Johanna as a child~

As you can see I am doing an A-grade amazing job managing 16 Sims in the one house :D

So I opened the game again and this is what Kevin wanted. And it's like, umm, the elderly hostess with dyed hair at that club Downtown? Really? ... :\

Gale and Effie get along! :D

Mac and Veronica don't D:

Veronica: lolz Mac steals other people's partners to sleep with them

IF you read the Antikvas which BY THE WAY YOU TOTALLY NEED TO, you'll know that Alexandra and Kevin had the beginnings of a thing. This is that thing reaching fruition.

Umm, and this is the consummation of that thing which had reached fruition. You see.

Jake that is not your bed :|

I don't really know why I'm bothering to mention this because NONE OF THE GODDAMN SPRITAS KNOW WHERE THEIR BED IS. I MEAN NONE.

So uhhhh Veronica and Danielle were WooHooing and I was really confused because I thought Veronica hated everyone in the entire world.

But apparently she doesn't. Geez, maybe one day they can even have that wedding that they haven't been able to have due to that minor detail of them hating each other throughout most of their engagement.


Effie: PLEASE CHANGE ME ;________________________________;
Bellatrix: No. *minus*

Effie seriously cried for half an hour over this :\ Bellatrix, your heart is made of ice.

Bellatrix: I bet that was how that bitch Kevin slept with started out too... demanding others change her nappy. WELL I'M NOT FALLING FOR IT!!!
Me: ...k.

Then I remembered that it was also Katniss' birthday.

And Effie remembered that playing in the toilet is good attention-seeking.

Soooo... Katniss! I realise her hair looks a little weird :\ Also she rolled Pleasure/Romance which is SO LOLARIOUSLY DISSIMILAR TO HER NAMESAKE that I pretty much cracked up when that's what the random generator told me. Still, that's how it is.

Oh and... Johanna got a better hairdo.

Aurora: Let's dance!
Mac: Oh yeah baby *eyebrow waggle*
Veronica: WHAT


What. A. Hypocrite :|

Aurora: *swoon*

Okay in all honesty I REALLY DO NOT GET THIS. If anyone slapped me around I might feel murderous, but... aroused? NO. THIS GAME IS STUPID.

Classic dancing is still cute though. I don't really care if one of the dancers is violent with all the people she loves... :| I mean at least not while she's dancing. And for as long as she remains not a real person.


And this is where my laptop died (literally, in fact: I was in the middle of playing the Sims and had just taken this picture when it shut down), so everything that happens after this, has happened three months later.

So. Alabama is growling about how hungry he is when he's not even hungry.

Severus threw him some birthday cake.

Alabama: *plus*

I really hope that wasn't chocolate cake.

Alabama: More cake?! What is with these humans and their endless supply of cake???

Classic dancing!!!!!!

Yes, I know the last time you saw this was a few pictures ago. The last time I saw this was three months ago, so stfu.

o Kevin, y u so devious.

Veronica still hates almost everyone... :\

Oi Danielle! That's how you RUIN your newfound peace with Veronica and cause her to hate you all over again! I RECOMMEND YOU STOP.

~Katniss rolling one of the most annoying LTWs ever nbd~

For some bizarre reason Luna chose to perform piano rock for tips (in a skimpy nightdress at that), and only Severus was generous enough to oblige her.

Luna, just sayin', but I think you'd have better luck performing for tips in a skimpy nightdress like... Downtown. Or at least with people other than your family. JUST SAYIN'.

Remember when this exact thing happened when Gale was like five years old. Well, now Gale is seven years old, and it's happening again.

Unfortunately the parents still haven't hardcored the fuck up >:|

Soooo... Veronica's life seems to revolve around stalking people and waiting to beat them up.

I win so hard at managing umpteen Sims. You can't deny it.

lol Alabama ♥

Yay birthdays!!!

ummm... but... she's a college student. and in Sims-land college students can't work. How is she working. What.

I thought about this a bit more and realised that Jake does work in the criminal career track. I guess organised crime isn't too fussy about labour laws. But still Alexandra, how did you get into this line of work behind my back :(

Jake: So, I hear you're one of the women Kevin cheated on his wife with!
Alexandra: hahahahahahahahahahah... yes.

Ummmmm... I don't want to turn this down or anything but Severus totally did not have the skills o_______O

Yeah, Janine visited again and somehow can't get home because she apparated into the sideyard or something and can't apparate out. How sad.

Kevin... things are still a bit shaky with Bellatrix at the moment, I'd be careful if I were you...

Fantine Sprita (gen. 3/4) randomly invited herself in. I'm not even sure which of the current Spritas she even knows, but ok. The more the merrier!!!

Luna: Why don't I have tips?? D:
Me: Like I said. Go Downtown, baby.

lol Kevin totally ignoring my advice and acquiring more lovers. Well, if it works, I guess... just don't blame me if Bellatrix finds out!

Aurora: Kiss me, baby~
Danielle: NO.

Perhaps this is the end of the all-the-Spritas-fucking-all-the-others era.

Prim's birthday!

rudely interrupted by VIOLENCE.


and flirting?

and violence again.


Veronica won..., uh, Luna decided to take revenge on Mac's behalf...

...but Veronica won again.

You'd think Effie would eventually work out how the blocks work.

Ummm... what? Who?? So confused.

I'm going to guess that Kevin gets a delicious thrill out of doing this right under the nose of his wife or something.

Cinna's birthday! And it may LOOK like Cinna is saying "noooooo I don't want to be a child, too soon, too soon," but actually she's super-pumped. I promise you.

Yeah, Fantine is simultaneously saying that Mac is hot AND thinking that Kevin is hot. I'm thinking that she was a part of this family a few generations too soon: she'd have loved this whole free-love thing.

dhtdyhtrnhetyknheukt Sims why do you always try to make this more and more complicated.

While this is going on, Effie's trying to be cute by toddler-dancing. Which she is. But it's a bit not-the-time.

This is the face Cinna made immediately upon becoming a child.


Well, I mean, she wanted it.

This reminds me of the photos I see on Tumblr sometimes, where there's a line or two of heavily-armoured, armed police and before them a pair of young lovers kissing or making out, and I really like them because they contrast the inhumanity of policing with the humanity of love, I guess.

Only in this case, it's Veronica and Luna beating each other up, not the police. So it's not quite the same.

So, this is Prim, by the way, since I forgot to finish off her birthday before. She rolled Fortune/Romance, LTW to be the Hand of Poseidon.

Yeah, Janine's still stuck here.

And hours later? Still here.

Alabama got glitched and stuck in the bath.

Me: Well, YOU are the one who somehow got into that enclosure in the first place.

It was Effie's birthday too. But I totally spazzed on capturing what she looks like as a child.

Townie: I can't believe the Spritas haven't stashed the girl they kidnapped somewhere where the neighbours won't see... WHEN WILL THEY LEARN?!

You know, in amidst the chaos of the rest of the house, I have deep respect for Jake and Severus's calm, consistent love. Deep respect.

Janine: Ugh... where am I? Oh, that's right...

Yeah, I took pity on her and gave her a way out. I kind of didn't want the social worker to save her arse and confiscate all the other Sprita kids with her.

btw then Prim met this guy. I think he's sounseelie's Monroe.

I think you're lucky that Bellatrix can't read your thought bubbles, Kevin. Really lucky.

Veronica and Danielle are both lining up to slap Bellatrix... for some reason. Don't ask me.

omg, pleeeeeeeeeeeease, this family is already too complicated :'(

After a whirlwind romance of standing-on-the-veranda-flirting, Prim and Monroe share their first kiss :)

People are seriously obsessed with whinging about how "stinky" Alabama is. His hygiene is not even below half. Grrrrrrr.

I don't understand how Daystar is stealing the newspaper at the same time as being on the phone to Luna... but okay.

This picture is a perfect representation of Sprita love. You know, the new lovers being in love, and the old lovers hating each other's guts. You know it's true.

Pillow fight!!

But apparently Monroe didn't find that very fun :| And went home.

So yeah. I loaded up my game again, DETERMINED to get some proper shots of Effie and Cinna as children. As you can see Effie decided to be ~very helpful~ :)

Seeing as Aurora and Veronica ~apparently~ still hate each other, Aurora autonomously decided to try to patch things up :\

and no, Veronica did not autonomously decide to do the same. Luckily Aurora thinks that Veronica being forced to apologise against her will is hot.

Uhhhhh unfortunately Danielle didn't much like my forcible-apology-extracting ways.


Oh look! Cinna ~the cooperative child~ letting me take a cute picture of her ho hum~

Unsurprisingly Effie felt pressured to match up to that shit.

Veronica: FUCK YOU I want nothing to do with you you dumb slut
Aurora: but just before you said-
Veronica: I WAS FORCED.

wtf?! A tree owned by THE SPRITAS not being whiny and even having a GREEN healthy face?!

I bet you it'll turn out to be a green face of food poisoning and then the tree will DIE. D:< Because trees definitely eat food. And get food poisoning. Yep.

And let's finish this update with a townie randomly doing the smustle on the footpath.

Credits for Sims~~~
simsforaranya for Bellatrix Forest
simmericangirl for Jake Payton
cuddlesgirl for Danielle
sea_serpent for Aurora Scallywag
sounseelie for Monroe
bondchick_nett for Daystar Ouroboros
rhiannon_alexis for Finn (aka the townie who was dismayed at the Spritas' lack of abducted-child-concealing skills)
katu_sims for Times New Roman Dork (aka the townie who did the smustle)

Oh wait: one last thing!! Veronica and Mac Sprita are now available for download at the Download a Sprita post :D Enjoy.

the sprita legacy

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