
Jan 20, 2011 01:56

I need parenting advice. :( I don't wanna post on the parenting comms tho, cos I am scared of most of the people there.. really I just read them for the entertaining dramz. :P ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

dungeoncandy January 19 2011, 15:22:16 UTC
gosh, i don't know muich but i'll try
i wouldnt think its a good long term way of dealing with it.it sounds .negative and being around angry/mean people isn't fun. it could work short term maybe, if ther is more positive stuff??
Anyway of talking to her, so she understands why it's wrong or bad and using a timeout corner??? or even get her to write a few lines of why it isn't nice to do that?


thiscantbesoy January 19 2011, 19:33:48 UTC
Oh man. Boy do I know how you feel. Maya has always been, like, an angel child, and now she's a demon. Nothing I do helps. If I calmly explain how she's been naughty, it doesn't work. If I yell and flip out and take away her toys, it doesn't help.

she always says "I'm sorry Mama, I won't do it again" but this means absolutely nothing.

This is EXACTLY how it is for us too. Every day she tearfully tells me, "I'm sorry, I will learn. I will do better next time." And then next time, it's the same old story.

Not to mention, on top of all her shenanigans, she isn't sleeping anymore. She used to sleep so well, and now she's getting like 7-8 hours a day, max, with no nap EVER. Which makes her very grumpy, and makes me unspeakably grumpy.

So yeah. I don't really have advice, just wanted to say, we're going through this same thing (Maya is 3 years 3 months). It sucks so hard. :((((


carrieb January 19 2011, 22:18:49 UTC
You don't know me and I don't mean to intrude. I am really, really, really bored with a sleeping baby on my chest, reading random journals and ran across this.

A lot of that is stuff a 3.5 year old will do. I can't recommend the book/DVD 1-2-3 Magic enough. Read it. Try it. Prepare to be amazed. It made our life so much better.


wired_dolly January 20 2011, 07:50:59 UTC
well im no parent and im not exactly maternal either but i have a handfull of nephiew s and a niece that can be a handfull to look after. all of them have gone through a naughty stage. one of my nepheiws in particular was terrible for about a year very badly behaved and embarrassing to take out anywhere and just mean when he talked to anyone. now he is a bit older its like his personality has completely changed though and i think that has alot to do with the fact he has been around other kids because he started preschool. i can say similar things with the other kids too. mostly i think kids act up because they are bored. if she doesnt have friends or siblings then she is going to cause trouble if only to get a little bit of attention. even if you are yellingat her at least she isnt bored.other then getting her some friends to hang around with or putting her in daycare i would suggest reasoning with her. explain to her exactly why you dont like what she is doing and explain that the fact she does it makes you sad. most kids dont even ( ... )


A few suggestions sifukatara April 2 2011, 17:39:19 UTC
Hi! My name is Lauren. I hope you and your daughter are doing well. I’ve read some of your parenting entries in the parenting 101 comm. I just joined it. I’ve been reading up on some of the entries until I get approved ( ... )


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