Rules da yo!! (The Rules and FAQ)

Jul 06, 2009 12:46

Give me a J! Give me an A! What's it spell?

'Yes' in many Slavic languages or the Jamaican conception of God. Ok, yes, smarty pants, that is correct. But what's it stand for?

Johnny's & Associates!

We know why you're here. You're here because you love Johnny's. This exchange was set up because we, like so many others, love so many Johnnys so very much that we find it hard to limit ourselves, at all really. We're taking Koyama's theory to the next level and promoting Jimusho-Ai! Welcome to the J&A Intergroup Unity Fic Exchange!

On to the Rules and FAQ!

1. Fic must be be a minimum of 1500 words in length. There is no maximum. (If you want to write the Queen of Pirates novella, provided Pi is in there somewhere as Jin's long lost childhood sweetheart, we whole-heartedly approve. Bonus points if he has amnesia!)
2. Fic must be beta-read. If you are really in a bind and can't find a beta-reader let us know, and we can work something out.
3. Ratings will be open for anything from G to NC-17 However, fic rated R or above must not contain relations between underage boys. For anyone under the age of 18, sexual relations more explicit than boy-kissing will not be tolerated. We will not compromise on this, end of story.
4. The most important rule! The focus of all fic must be intergroup interaction!

Let's move on to the FAQs for some clarification, shall we?

1. What are the dates for sign-ups, assignments, deadlines, etc.?

Dates are important, we like dates. Consider the end points of these dates to be midnight, Eastern Standard Time (sorry west coasters)

- Sign-ups will be open fromJuly 4-July 11
- Assignments will go out post-haste, Hopefully by the end of the day on July 13.
- The due date for fic is September 27. This gives everyone over two whole months!
- The week between September 27 and October 2 is reserved for ironing out pinch-hitters and last-minute checking should we need them. If you are all the fabulous people we know you can be, we won't need either of these things and we can start posting right away.
- Otherwise, we shall begin posting on October 2nd.
- Reveals will go up some reasonable time after all fic has been posted.

Note: We realize that je_squickfic will be running right at the same time, so we have off-set our dates by two weeks. The length requirement is only 1500 words which isn't all that long, really. We think it's doable. As one of us is actually the mod for je_squickfic, we are fairly certain both exchanges can peacefully coexist.

2. If I request a specific rating, will I absolutely get a fic with that rating?

Basically, if you absolutely must have porn, you should have signed up for FQF, you may be in the wrong place. We are leaving the rating options open to include everything up to NC-17 but we are not requiring any of the participants to write smut. What we can guarantee is that you will never get a fic rated higher than what you request. If you request NC-17, you very well may get it so request away! You may also get something tamer. If you cap your request at PG, you will not get anything higher than that. And again because we are very, ahem, firm on the issue... no rating above PG-13 for boys below 18! If you ask for it anyway, we will turn the full force of our scathing wit upon you. By which I mean, send you a terse e-mail.

For the purposes of this fic exchange, The Rating System is as follows:
G- Genfic, fluff, friendship, no sexual situations
PG- romance, light kissing (drama kissing, like face-pressing, not Seminar kissing a la Shige)
PG-13- Makeouts and very light touching, all clothes stay on, no orgasms please
Soft R- groping, frottage, glossed over non-penetrative sex acts, glossed over fellatio
Hard R- descriptive non-penetrative sex acts, descriptive fellatio (explicit hand- and blowjobs)
NC-17- penetrative sex acts such as anal or vaginal intercourse, any hard kinks regardless of penetration (hard kinks include but are not limited to things like breathplay, bloodplay, BDSM, etc.)

* This Rating System focuses on sexual situations. Excessive violence or language will earn a PG-13 rating on principle.


3. The big one: What constitutes "intergroup"?

The main focus of the story should be the interactions between a member(s) of two or more J&A groups. We know this sounds straightforward but the second we started to think about it, we came up with all sorts of questions.

- The Ryo/Uchi Clause: When Ryo/Uchi are interacting with members of NewS, they count as members of NewS, not Kanjani 8. And visa-versa, of course. Ryo and Yoko pummeling each other at Mario Cart does not count. Ryo and Yoko being pummeled at Halo by Junno? Totally counts. Uchi and Kei-chan shopping for fabulous shoes does not count. Uchi and MatsuJun arguing over the most effective hair-care products? Counts. (And let us tell you, that is one bitch fest we would love to see.)

- The Kusano Addendum: Kusano counts as a member of NewS now and forever. We don't care if they have him listed as a generic junior.

- The Drama Debate: Do drama roles count? Simply put, yes, we are allowing any and all drama roles this includes both fics about drama characters and boys role-playing their drama characters. However! They must still be intergroup pairings. For example, a fic involving Ariake Koichi and Ariake Taisuke (played by Nino and Ryo respectively), counts. A fic involving Shochikubai Miroku and Bido Granmarie (as Jin and Junno are both still members of KAT-TUN, despite their occasional chagrin), does not. But what about cross-drama pairings you might wonder. Cross drama pairings are A-Ok with us. As long as the actors associated with the characters are from different groups. Katase Riichiro (Shige) from Hokaben hooks up with Naruse Ryo (Ohno) from Maou for hot lawerly action? A+! Sakaki Makio (Nagase) ends up at Ishibashi Wataru's (Kokubun Taichi's) guidance office by mistake? Although hilarity would ensue, it would not, alas, count.

- The Threesome Exemption: What about fics involving more than two people? Well, we hope with all of Johnny's at your disposal fics will include more than just two charcters. But when the focus of the story is more than two people, it is totally admissable as many of them as you want to be part of the same group as long as at least one is not. *Bonus points for threesomes covering three different groups, b/c that's just how we roll.* By all means, please write/please ask for K(Y)AT-TUN fics! Request MatsuJun cozying up to Kanjani8 in an attempt to improve his sense of humor (and drive Nino nuts in the process)! Toss Ohkura in the middle of a room full of Hey! Say! JUMP boys and have him pick up a few dance moves along the way! We approve. Note: The threesome exemption even extends to include characters outside of J&A. I want to include a girl, you might say. This is fine with us as long as there is also at least two J&A boys (of course, from at least two different groups) This also goes for other actors, ie: MatsuJun, Oguri Shun, and Toma eat a debatable batch of brownies and hijinks ensue? Great! Pi and Kusano are trying to pick up chicks with Shirota Yuu? Not great. Pi and Kusano count as both being members of NewS, so this is not Intergroup unless Jin is in on the action, which, in our opinion, would be hilarious.

- The Junior Clarification: Ikuta Toma is a free-standing junior, he qualifies with everyone. Uchi Hiroki is not a free-standing junior; no matter how "juicy" "Hi Hi Hirocky" is, he is the Pink Ranger and everybody knows it. He counts as both NewS and Kanjani 8 for the purposes of this exchange. Members of Kis-my-Ft2 can be paired with members of A.B.C.-Z. Yes, we know the company sometimes lumps them together under the name Ebikisu (which we find kind of inadvertently charming) but for our purposes, they are separate groups.

- The Temporary Unit Corollary (For Extra-Super-Picky-Smartypants People, b/c you know someone will ask): Temporary units do not count as a group. If you want to write about Domoto Tsuyoshi and Kokubun Taichi, go ahead, the temp unit TorajixHaiji does not mean they are 'in the same group', nor does Shuuji to Akira, just to name a few.

- The AU Postulate: AUs are allowed in general (we ♥ AUs!). If you don't want to read them, specify that in your request. If you don't want to write them, specify that in your request. If you do want to read them... you get the idea, ne?

4. Which J&A groups does this include again?

Seriously, all of them. Check the community's user info and look at the interests section. If you can find it there, they are fair game. Personally, we think Ishigaki Daisuke is way overdue for some good fic.

5. Is there anything else we oughtn't do?

Don't blatantly ignore your assigned request. It's bad karma, and in a fic exchange, that can really come around to bite you in the metaphorical ass. Also, remember that what other people want to read will not necessarily be what you want to read. If you don't like what you see when posts go up, don't read it, it is not required. Also, do not break the cover of anonymity until the reveals go up.

Just overall, be excellent to each other.

6. I am worried that my sign-up comment is too detailed/ not detailed enough/ confusing/etc.!

As a general rule, make your request comments as detailed as possible. Give us several options, give us some prompts, give us as much info as you can. This will ensure happier writers and thus more satisfied readers. Do make sure to specify your preferences about ratings and AUs. If you don't tell us, we won't know and then you won't have valid grounds to complain, and if you try we will taunt you in outrageous accents.

7. What if I have additional questions?

DO NOT EVER CONTACT YOUR RECIPIENT DIRECTLY! All questions must go through the mods! You can private message imifumei or email with questions, we promise not to leave you hanging for unreasonable amounts of time.

8. Deadlines

Deadlines are important! Yes, I know we all enjoy the lovely whooshing noises they make as they go by. But should you find yourself contemplating fritzing out at the last minute remember that there is a high likelihood that A and B will end up writing as many of the pinch-hits as we need to and if there are many of them things will start to get really wonky really fast. YOU DO NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN TO YOUR REQUEST! So don't let it happen to someone else's. If you do require an extension, let us know within a week of the official due date, that is, on or before September 20th.

9. How do I submit my fic when it is finished?

Please e-mail your fic to this address:

Please make sure it has HTML tags and the following header (tip: preview as a private post in your journal before submitting)--code for expected header will be posted/emailed when assignments go out.


10. Anything else?

Join the community to stay on top of updates! Membership will be kept open.

DO NOT sign-up by commenting to this post. There will be a separate sign-up post!

That's everything.

Much Intergroup Love,

Your Mods A + B = J&A♥


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