Title: Lighting Matches
Rating: PG-13
Group/Pairing: Kanjani 8/News; Ohkura/Shige
Warnings/Genre: none
Notes: This is my first remix ever. I hope I didn't fail too hard.
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MatchmakerLink to Original Writer:
helicoptersky (
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Comments 2
After the initial shock Ryo’s immediate response had been protective. It seemed that even though Ryo spent his time with two groups he was protective of them both, even to members of the other group.
LOVED this part, lol:D
I could see Okura saying that and I like Ryo's reaction:)
But that night he had spent a long time trying to convince Ryo of Shige’s hotness and his undying love for the other man, something he came to regret the next morning when his words came flooding back to him in a big mess of embarrassment as he attempted to sit up off where he lay on Ryo’s floor.
Ryo is conniving that way and knows exactly what buttons to push:p He knows Okura would have done that;) And by doing that, Okura's probably convinced himself of it too:P
I enjoyed the fact that we see more of what's going on while Ryo's matching-making:)
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