
Nov 05, 2008 07:06

YAY! :)

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Comments 10

gadyke November 5 2008, 14:00:52 UTC
I couldn't agree more. I watched his speech this morning with Mandy and we both had tears in our eyes. My fingers are still crossed that Prop 8 fails in CA...doesn't look promising though.


jenocclumency November 5 2008, 15:16:13 UTC
I stayed up last night for his acceptance speech and I had tears streaming down my face. What a night. His attitude was sort of like just...stunned and grateful. It's so sad that his grandma died the day before the election so that she couldn't see her grandson become president.


nefretiti November 5 2008, 14:27:32 UTC


nefretiti November 5 2008, 15:17:37 UTC
SO FUCKING AWESOME! :) I'm so proud to be an American this morning. :) (Not necessarily proud that I live in a Red State, but I guess we can't have everything, lol)


nefretiti November 5 2008, 15:53:16 UTC
I know IT FEELS SO AWESOME just to be an American today! :) It must be awful for a Dem to live in a Red State. I think what I'm the happiest about, is that not all traditionally Red States voted Red. Obama got Virginia a state which hasn't voted Blue since 1964! Now that's COOL!


jenocclumency November 5 2008, 20:55:52 UTC
VERY cool! I loved that so many red states turned blue. :)

But honestly, being here in a red state, I'm surrounded by people who are very upset about last night's results. One of my former coworkers emailed me to say that she started vomiting last night when she realized he was going to win. And I have absolutely no response to that.

It's nice to get online and find my beloved BLUE-voting-people. :) You make me feel normal, and I'm an odd duck around here.


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