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Comments 10

kingyo_mint March 18 2012, 23:41:39 UTC
Unfortunately, considering the way some of their self-appointed "justice league" handled themselves in the past week, many are inclined to not consider them "professionals" at all. I kind of share that sentiment after the discussions on the DMG forum I've read.


jennmichael March 21 2012, 22:55:39 UTC
I've read some of the many postings on DMG forum, and I couldn't bear to continue reading anymore...there was sooo much ugliness, negativity and gloating over shutting down scanlation groups... Such a pity. Between their holier than thou attitude and the way they run the business...I definitely will not touch them with a 20 foot pole.


backwardsfish March 18 2012, 23:44:33 UTC
What exactly spurred this wave of C&D rerun do you know?


jennmichael March 21 2012, 22:58:38 UTC
Haven't the foggiest idea. I reckon it's always been there bubbling away in the background, so it's not a sudden C&D rerun. My guess is, they aren't making enough money from sales and decided to blame everyone else but themselves. I am not surprised.


backwardsfish March 21 2012, 23:30:53 UTC
Sigh. They are already going through mediafire and taking down links. :_: I guess this has been going on for some time but I guess I am way too optimistic.


mantou_chan March 19 2012, 08:27:46 UTC
I hope those peons will refrain from doing something that they're not being paid for. Seriously DMG is kinda greedy, they only give meager fee to the peons and led the peons into delusion that they have to be proactive alerting groups(and some of those peons even resort to harrasing, coz lets face it the meager fee they receive makes them desperate and no longer have any shreds of logic). If DMG gonna let the peons do the grunt works for them they should've been paid for more. The current 12% of the sales is ridiculous( https://ninteenpointzerofour.wordpress.com/2011/08/31/digital-manga-guild-smells-like-exploitation/ )! DMG didn't even bother with quality checker whatsoever, then if the sales not good blame it on scanlator without researching(their prize is ridiculous for emanga that you can't save in your harddrive). They don't do their homework at all! In my opinion most of the time it's DMG fault that ( ... )


petapepy March 19 2012, 10:36:31 UTC
It's ironic that they should call themselves "professionals". I had considered buying DMG's works, but after seeing how they act, I'm not going to support people like that.


jennmichael March 21 2012, 23:00:13 UTC
Uh huh. We definitely need to boycott ppl like that. They definitely will take our boycott the wrong way and blame scanlation groups AGAIN and then start the whole wave of C&Ds again. Coz didn't you know, it's the scanlation people's fault they don't get money.


kyotoxox March 21 2012, 05:29:27 UTC
I would like to be able to believe it...


jennmichael March 21 2012, 23:01:17 UTC
LOL! Somehow I think you're right. They definitely won't change.


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