100 TV Shows: Doctor Who (2005) - "RUN!"

Apr 23, 2012 12:48

 The Adventures of the last of the Time Lords (portraied in the new
 series by Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith)
 from the planet Galifrey and his different companions (including Billie Piper, John
 Barrowman, Freema Agyeman and in the season 4 Christmas Special even Kylie
 Minogue). They travel in the TARDIS (stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in 
 Space) - it looks like a British police box due to it´s chameleon circuit being jammed and is much bigger in the inside than the outside - and move back and forth in time
and to different planets.

I was introduced to this awesome show by a friend of mine who is originally from Scotland but worked at the theater with me. I got him hooked on Buffy and in return he gave me his first Season of Doctor Who and told me to enjoy.

And enjoy I did. I watched the first 2 seasons with my mum in english with subtitles on since my mum´s english wasn´t that good back then. We both loved the show for entirely different reasons: my mum loved the episodes in which they went to the past (the one with Dickens and the WWII being her favorites) whereas I mostly enjoy the ones where the Doctor and his companions get to interact with people from different planets as well as the humans from the future - mostly due to the satiric views towards our own society. 
And I really love the somewhat wacky-sarcastiv British humor as well as the Doctor´s will to give everything and everyone a choice. He´s not prejudiced and definitly doesn´t judge by outer apperance but rather based on character. And I love that he at least tries to remember the names of everyone he comes across (I am horrible with names myself).
Another thing I love is the (maybe subconcious) stress on uniqueness - and I don´t mean the fact that the Doctor is the last o his kind. I´m refering to the fact that the 2 biggest enemies of the Doctor - Daleks and Cybermen - always try to turn make everyone exactly like they are - and to me this is what is really scary about them.
And then there is the regenerating. Whoever came up with that is gonna get a big smooch from me if I ever come across him/her. When the William Hartnell, the first actor to play the doctor got sick and it became clear that he could no longer play the part the creators of the show came up with the idea that the doctor can "regenerate" when he´s close to death, thus changing his apperance as well as character. And just like that they avoided what I like to call the "007 conundrum": How the heck am I supposed to believe that this guy is the same as this guy and also this guy? (Really guys, just say that the name James Bond is an alias given to the agent with the number 007 and everything would be fine..)

Since they stopped airing Doctor Who in Germany after the second season and Alardyce moved to the States and I moved out as well - and also because Rose stopped travelling with the Doctor (my mum keeps saying "Everybody I like has left the show...") my mum and I kinda stopped watching.
But I am currently busy catching up with it - starting Season 4 as soon as I post this - and my mum has already voiced intrest in watching at least the Shakespeare Episode from Season 3. So we´re both gonna be back in swing pretty soon...

And yes, the old Doctor Who series is defintily on the list of shows I still need to watch.

100 things challenge, the other side of the screen

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