To brighten your day....

Aug 18, 2010 11:16

I bring you funnies. Specifically, A web comic of Mary Sue on the Enterprise.Quite clever and I've been quoting bits of it at the person who sent it to me all day. So now I inflict it on you ( Read more... )

writing, fiction, roadtrip:minnesota

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jenna_thorn August 18 2010, 17:21:27 UTC
Lorne/Zelenka, meeting his sister

Lorne's escorting the casket.

Yeah, *nods* that.

Which is why I can still remember it. You know how you just get something caught? My brain is wierd.


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Z/L Lorne's nephews! jenna_thorn August 18 2010, 19:19:08 UTC
“Mommamommamommamomma ( ... )


fadesdog August 18 2010, 16:46:47 UTC
Thanks for sharing that web comic, it's a treat!


jenna_thorn August 18 2010, 17:23:47 UTC
I love the faces in the background - Spock Prime when she first shows? Hee!

But yeah, if I tell her, "Heal me with your warm embrace, doctor" one more time, she's going to snap and throw something at me.


zortified August 18 2010, 17:43:21 UTC
Eliot Spencer and Aeryn Sun talking about fashion.


jenna_thorn August 19 2010, 21:03:38 UTC
Aeryn answered, “No, leather, granted, unwieldy, but heavy enough to turn a glancing or light bow from a blade.”

“Heavy enough to bind,” Eliot countered.

“Oh, you’re one of those who gets undressed at the beginning of a fight.”

“When necessary.”

“Dress properly and it isn’t necessary.”

He snorted, “Sh’yeah, right. Well, then, go nuts, let’s go with steel splints set into body fitted clothing, metal rod up the front of the shin, each forearm, up the side of each arm, spine plating and ---“

“Well, yes, if you want to get complicated. I was thinking of a steel boning in a corset.”

He paused, blinked, raised his beer, took a swig. She smiled.

He said, “Black leather corset, of course.”

“Of course.”

“I get undressed for other reasons.”

“I thought you’d never ask.”


zortified August 19 2010, 21:24:00 UTC
Wheee! :->


jenna_thorn August 19 2010, 21:31:36 UTC

everything's better with corsets.

And in the Two Live Crew Job, when she got sprayed and took of her shirt, Himself laughed and said, "So much for recognizing their audience" and then he took off his shirt and I just grinned and said "Fanservice!" and he fell off the couch laughing.


cluegirl August 18 2010, 18:15:36 UTC
Orient/Sam Winchester, on the banks of the Big Bloody.


cluegirl August 18 2010, 18:16:30 UTC
Oh, and I"M SO SORRY I didn't show you that comic weeks ago! I thought it a sure thing that you knew about it already.



jenna_thorn August 20 2010, 01:05:22 UTC
Smooch, love you anyway.

Your bit comes up tomorrow because I need to check something.


jenna_thorn August 23 2010, 13:12:21 UTC
The pull got stronger at the river’s edge and I resigned myself to wading. I could go home, trade out jeans, but these were as good or as bad as any other. I walked past a guy sitting hunched into himself and realized why this damn thing seemed to be moving. It had been ( ... )


beadslut August 18 2010, 18:18:09 UTC
Give me the mountie or I won't put the fruit on a stick.


jenna_thorn August 18 2010, 19:30:30 UTC
dude, that one is a full story, give me something quick, a nibble, not a meal.


beadslut August 18 2010, 20:42:32 UTC
Inara has a scare


jenna_thorn August 18 2010, 21:43:06 UTC
She was months and miles beyond measure from anyplace she could call home, in the company of alleged thieves by her own hand. She’d been warned, Zarah had been positively gleeful in her promises of the dangers of the world outside the civilized systems, describing the starvation and random violence of the outer worlds with near-delight, assuring Inarra, even as she packed, that her belonging would be redistributed within a year to parlor-house whores and pawn shops, stolen by the unruly fugitives from commerce that she’d signed on with. Mal insinuated over her contacts, and Kalylee cooed over her closet, but no one on the ship had touched her ( ... )


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