To brighten your day....

Aug 18, 2010 11:16

I bring you funnies. Specifically, A web comic of Mary Sue on the Enterprise.

Quite clever and I've been quoting bits of it at the person who sent it to me all day. So now I inflict it on you.

I can't tell whether I'm exhausted by the last flurry of activity before posting or if I'm just in a fugue state brought on by too much non-fannish input. I feel like I've forgotten how to write anything but what I've already written. It's kind of strange. I'd call for prompts, but I've grown to fear you people. (1)

Oh what the hell, give me two characters and a setting or single phrase and I'll do my best. I reserve the right to switch out one or both characters with someone I recognize or write it and not share it.

Reception to the Big Bang has been reassuringly positive. Yes, I caved and skimmed through the anonymeme post, though I was virtuous and didn't respond to anyone. I'm particularly amused at the comment that warned people away from it because we had too much plot and too much worldbuilding and too much emphasis on characters and not enough sex. 0_o There are probably fifty thousand word stories out there that are nothing but sex, but I think I'd have to buy a fresh bottle of KY to read them, let alone write one.

But it's now free, in the wild, and authorial intent doesn't count, which works both ways, so people who like it and read it will get to laugh along with us at Mike's steepled fingers and Chris' cowboy hat and the people who don't read AU's or RPS or who hate country music won't and really, that's completely out of my control, and I'm trying very hard to ignore the heck out of all of it.

Which is actually very easy to do, because I have a semi-fannish trip coming up; semi because it's a personal trip, not to a convention, and fannish because I'm gonna go spend a weekend with beadslut and go to her State Fair, because my State Fair is huge and concrete filled and car-centric and all the food is deep fried and her fair is four states north and so twenty degrees cooler and animal-heavy and all the food is onna stick. Mac-n-cheese onna stick. No seriously, it's on the website. I'll report back, I promise. Immagonnahuggallama. Or more likely an alpaca, because I've been told they are friendlier. I'm not hugging a sheep. I've met sheep. I know what they smell like.

There will be knitting. There will be video-watching. There will be lots of walking and plotting out her Leverage BigBang, because she's a glutton for punishment and signed up for it, whereas I pulled up my WiP file and stared at it which gave me the strength to say, "No, no more Big Bangs, ever. I don't have a novel in me, no" as the deadline for signups pass. Feel free to link back to this the next time I post a BagBang notice, 'kay? But I'm behind on reading two B!Bangs and two more are set to go live soon and this, yes, this may be why I feel I can't write right now, yes. There may be a trip to places references in War for the Oaks. There will be beer, or possibly girly cocktails with colored liquors and fruit. Onna stick.

So, prompts if you want. Or ask for a prompt. Or just ask a question. I feel like I've pulled myself out of the general discussion area, and I'm just trying to ease back in.

(1) gblvr I don't think I ever explained why I never answered your last prompt. the story I came up with was sad, and once it set, I couldn't unset it. So really, it's not you, it's me. You really don't want to know what I came up with in response to your perfectly innocent and charming prompt. Ulfrikr, you gave me Teyla Emmagan/ the guy from Futurama. It's not me, it's you. (Yes, I actually figured out a way to make it work, but I couldn't do her voice justice.)

writing, fiction, roadtrip:minnesota

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