Fiction: ThunderBird Wine

Aug 17, 2010 08:06

Hey guys,

If you've been wondering where I've hared off to, beadslut and I have been working on a BigBang. (Well, and my day job expects an honest day's labor from me. Silly people. Don't they know I've got fic to write? Yeah, not so much.)

Actually, y'all knew that already, hunh? (on both, yes.)

Anyway, we are live. It's on DW because of their longer character per post limits. Almost fifty thousand words of rock and roll and romance. edited: it's for the spn_j2_bigbang. You can tell that it's been on my mind a bit lately, since it didn't occur to me to specify. *headdesk*

If you read this journal for the fiction, you might like it. My trademark clever dialogue is in there, along with her talent for writing sex scenes. Not to say she doesn't write clever dialogue, because she does, but ... well anyway, you get my drift.

Warnings: The ones on the package are for silliness and CW RPS bingo (count the number of people we worked in. No, really, count 'em. 8D )

Actual warnings (for Catt): It's RPS. AU RPS, so it may not trigger your squick, since really these guys are guys from Texas who wanted to be in a rock-n-roll band and have very little to do with two boys from Texas who are actors on a television show, so it may not cause the cognitive dissonance that RPS normally does for you.

For those who aren't squicked by RPS, it's AU, so if you want actors working in Vancouver, yeah, not so much. Ditto for anyone looking for ghosts or angels or werewolves. On the other hand, we've already done werewolves (and found out yesterday that someone is doing NCIS werewolves, no less. I'd be flattered, but I doubt anyone outside a tight handful of people knows about the one we posted last year, so I suspect I'd be arrogant to be smug about doing it first.)

Anyway, if you like my stories, there's a nice long one. Go read. Tell me what worked, what didn't. I'd like to know. But put concrit here in my journal, please, rather than there in the shared one.

If you like my stories and don't wanna read a novel, or can't handle RPS (I really do understand) or have no interest in a rock-n-roll band (okay, that's no excuse. It's a cute story.), then tell me which of my works-in-progress you'd like me to work on next.

Becuase I suddenly have some spare time. Forty-eight-thousand-words. Holy cats.


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