
Oct 07, 2009 11:13

Some time ago,
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not.on.skyehawke, fiction, not.on.ao3

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Comments 7

cynaera October 7 2009, 21:26:16 UTC
Okay - it took several tries to cut and paste the monster into a Word document so I could print and read it (Word is a dinosaur, but it has its uses) and once it's printed, I'ma spend all day tomorrow in bed, with a cuppa tea, some nibblies, and the pages.

Don't worry - I reduced the font size, widened the margins, and cut it all down to about 63 pages (reminder: I have a high-production printer that kicks out 23 pages a minute, and I have two reams of paper [which reminds me - when I have a little disposable income, perhaps another box of paper should be in the plan...])

This is a total win-win situation. And anything with Gibbs and Abby has GOT to be good.

I'll get back to you. Reading now.


jenna_thorn October 7 2009, 21:39:20 UTC
Wow, I didn't realize it was 63 pages. It reads quicker than it looks, since it's a case file and it's at kind of a headlong pace for most of it. 8-) Lots of Abby, not so much Gibbs, but he's got a couple of shining moments. I hope you enjoy it.


beadslut October 8 2009, 11:48:33 UTC
*laughs at you*

It's 36K, how many pages did you think it was? We get wordy when we're on a roll.


So right brained it's a wonder I don't flop over. jenna_thorn October 8 2009, 12:58:54 UTC
Oh you know...


Says the woman who re-read the pattern last night. size seven needles, not size eleven. No wonder the hat was looking more like a skirt. I frogged and cast on again today. Sigh.


cynaera October 9 2009, 00:13:18 UTC
Okay, I read it. I loved it. You nailed the characters SO accurately, from the Gibbs glare to the Abby-grabby-hands. I loved the line (and I know I'm getting it wrong...) "Tim put two and two together and got fish. Twice."

This was really an enjoyable read. The dialogue flowed so naturally, and it was easy to get mental pictures of what everone was doing at any given time. There were some very involved moments (Gibbs commandeering the werewolves; the attack on Tim...) It's always difficult to write scenes that have a lot going on at once - maintaining the balance so every little event gets its spotlight without upstaging the other events is tricky. You did it quite well! (I hate you.)

I'm keeping my printed version of this story on my library shelf, along with all those other things I love to read over and over when the weather's terrible and/or I'm depressed and don't feel like whipping up a stellar meal in the kitchen.

Thank you, jenna_thorn, beadslut, and florahart for this wonderful story and artwork. Definitely worth the paper on which it was printed! *


Yay! I'm glad it was worth the read. jenna_thorn October 9 2009, 15:16:42 UTC
Thank you for the kind words.

The extra time and additional beta made a big difference. I'm really bad about glossing over stuff like fight scenes and I need someone to pull me back (Catt pointed out when I sent her Midsummer that I'd neglected to write an entire scene. Because I knew everyone's motiviation, I'd neglected to clue the reader into it.) and make me actually put it on the paper.

So it's really nice to hear that we got it right, the movement choreography, the blocking and action and such.


It could make the tube as a dream sequence... helenv1 October 9 2009, 16:13:12 UTC
I think you should cut just a tiny bit and sbumit it to the NCIS writers as a dream sequence. What a hoot! Even if they didn't buy it, they would LOVE reading it.


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