Jul 18, 2011 22:49

Since the official announcements are up in PM, I can finally share the news ( Read more... )

writing, altered

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Comments 15

robinellen July 19 2011, 03:18:53 UTC
Wow, very cool :)

(I haven't seen the docu-drama yet, but I've heard the story, and it's amazing!)


jengt July 20 2011, 23:33:29 UTC
The docu-drama was fun and inspiring. You should watch it if you get the chance!


fabulousfrock July 19 2011, 04:48:47 UTC
Awesome!! Foreign rights do indeed just seem like icing on the cake... That's why they're one of my favorite parts. I'm so excited good things are finally coming in way in proportion to your long wait. =D

And I just watched the Rowling movie. Some parts were pretty cheesy, I thought, but...I felt so excited when her book was actually selling. Like when she's waiting for the call about the American auction it was crazy to think, most people watching this movie are just like, watching a dramatic part in a movie, but I actually *know what that feels like*. It never stops being awesome!


jengt July 20 2011, 23:35:41 UTC
Yes, I love foreign sales! Just a bonus, since I don't technically have to do anything but write the books for my US publisher. How awesome is that?

Cheesy parts? You mean like the part where Jorge said, "I'm falling in love...with a brilliant writer" like two seconds after he met her? :) I did really enjoy the movie though, for the same reasons you mentioned. Like when she got the call about the offer. I'm like, YES! YES! Even though I knew what was going to happen, it was still exciting.


lisa_schroeder July 19 2011, 13:33:04 UTC
Yay!!!!! Congratulations! How exciting!


jengt July 20 2011, 23:35:50 UTC
Thanks Lisa! :D


edgyauthor July 19 2011, 15:39:01 UTC
Whoa, France and Germany?! That's amazing, and so inspiring! Congrats! ~\o/~


jengt July 20 2011, 23:36:34 UTC
Thanks! I know! I'm super excited that not one, but two countries offered. I'm crossing my fingers super hard that there *might* be one more...two more? =D That would be awesome!


anabelgonzalez July 19 2011, 16:58:32 UTC
Congratulations! That's amazing! I haven't seen the docudrama, I don't know were to find it but I will search.


jengt July 20 2011, 23:36:43 UTC
Thanks! :D


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