Jul 18, 2011 22:49

Since the official announcements are up in PM, I can finally share the news.

ALTERED sold in Germany, at auction, in a three-book deal!!


French rights sold last week. WOOT!

When I got the news that ALTERED was going to auction in Germany, I couldn't believe it. I really didn't put much thought into subrights. I didn't want to be disappointed if it didn't sell. The very idea that people in foreign countries were looking at my book was amazing enough.

But now it will be translated in at least two other languages! To say that I'm shocked would be an understatement. I'm just thankful it's being published in the US, let along anywhere else. So much has changed this year. It's hard to wrap my head around everything that has happened. If you're still querying agents, hoping for a book deal, trying to get a contract with Special Treats bakery for your Pink Sprinkle Cupcakes, KEEP PUSHING. A year ago, I hadn't even written ALTERED yet (or at least hadn't come close to finishing it), and now...

All I can say is, it will happen if you keep trying.

And, random side note--- If you have the opportunity to watch Lifetime's docudrama based on JK Rowling's life, watch it. It will inspire you. And possibly make you cry.

writing, altered

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