
Jul 12, 2011 00:45

The question I often thought about when I fantasized about selling my book was: What will I buy with my advance?

The responsible side of me said, "Pay off some bills, get new tires for the car."

But responsible me is a small me, and besides, you're supposed to treat yourself to something totally ridiculous, right? It takes a LONG TIME to break into the publishing industry. It takes even longer to sell your book, for the contracts to come in, for the advance to finally reach your doorstep. So why not splurge? Why not buy something totally impractical?

So I did. You see, I have a thing for sunglasses. I currently own twelve pair. And I really like aviators. I owned a pair of $5 aviators long before aviators were cool. I still have them, as a matter of fact. They're missing both nose pads, are scratched to hell, and sit crooked on my face.

And you know what a sunglasses enthusiast wants more than anything? A pair of Ray-Bans.

Yes, peoples, I bought a pair. And I LOVE THEM. They are so comfortable, and solid. And they fit perfectly. And they came with a hard carrying case!

This is the pair I picked out---

I've already decided to make this a tradition. Whenever I hit a writing milestone---sell another book, meet a deadline (and therefore receive next payment)---I'm going to buy a pair of Ray-Bans. And I won't even feel guilty. Maybe ten years from now, I'll pull out this pair and I'll remember that I bought them when I sold ALTERED. And they will remind me of this year, how awesome it was.

So what did you buy or plan to buy with your advance? Make it totally ridiculous! 

fun, writing, altered

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