
Jul 12, 2011 00:45

The question I often thought about when I fantasized about selling my book was: What will I buy with my advance?

The responsible side of me said, "Pay off some bills, get new tires for the car."

But responsible me is a small me, and besides, you're supposed to treat yourself to something totally ridiculous, right? It takes a LONG TIME to break into ( Read more... )

fun, writing, altered

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Comments 6

deenaml July 12 2011, 11:24:18 UTC
LOL! What a great splurge. :)


jengt July 13 2011, 22:36:23 UTC
And I could tell right away that they were worth the money. Solidly built, quality frame. I don't regret it! So...how've you been lately? I haven't talked to you in a while!


crissachappell July 14 2011, 14:57:46 UTC
Ah! Those are classic!

I always try to put the advance money back into the book (for things like postcards, buttons, author swag). But....I also buy one fancy dinner.


jengt July 18 2011, 19:15:26 UTC
A fancy dinner is a fun splurge! And yes, it's smart to reinvest! Since this was my first advance, I wanted to invest in a good working space and I'm so glad I did.


edgyauthor July 15 2011, 16:21:22 UTC
Very cool! Ray-Bans are a great way to "ridiculously" spend your advance. ;)

I've never thought of how I'd spend my advance, if I ever got one, honestly. That kind of possibility still seems too unreachable at this point, heh.


jengt July 18 2011, 19:15:57 UTC
It'll happen. :D You must be prepared!


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