Now that the meme's off my flist, it's time for me to do it (even though I never asked anyone who posted it >_>;;):
Comment with a pairing or character from a fandom of mine and I'll tell you my opinion on the matter.
...yeah, my fandoms are rather limited. I like it here in my box, TYVM =P
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Comments 48
Um. Um. Fandom: FF7. Pairing? Hm...I guess I'll go with the one I just wrote a ficlet for, Rufus/Reno.
Rufus/Reno... ahhh. Aesthetically speaking? YUM. But I'm not really a huge fan of the couple. They could make a good match; Reno is loyal to him, as all of the Turks are (we've already discussed this XD); and Rufus looks like the type who doesn't like dipshittery but he hasn't fired Reno yet (though his dipshittery kind of exploded only in AC), so that's a plus =P They work well as employer and employee.
But for Rufus, I kind of like Tseng more because he acts more mature and is less of a slacker. Rufus looks like the demanding type who expects his subordinates alert, on their toes, and dedicated to their job, and I'm guessing he'd expect that same level of attentiveness in the bedroom in his personal life as well. Reno may be a little lax for that... but who knows. And for Reno, with what's been shown in AC and BC, he and Rude are practically inseparable -- old friends, I know, but man do they act like they're married XDD -- so I'd feel bad if Reno neglected his buddy ( ... )
Hee! Well, I understand why. And it's not like Rufus and Reno's personalities are so contrasting to the point where they're polar opposites or anything; it could work. Like I said, Reno's lasted in the Turks THIS long, so he must be doing SOMETHING right XD
And OMG yes. ShinRa only hires them when they're young and pretty, I think =P Hell, look at the SOLDIER unit XD
I have a couple doujin of them that I'm planning on rescanning into a better quality and a couple I have to scan in the first place, but yes, I do ^_^ "Hysteria" by Hideki Kawai (don't be thrown off by the Cid/Cloud thing on the cover *cough*), and "Secondaries".
Ha! No worries about the long comments, I don't mind <3
Is that The Sims 2? If so i need help getting mine working again if your at all good with computer xD
Fandom: FFVII. Pairing: ElenaxReno or TsengxElena? I know, they're a little obscure. >,<; Soweh.
I really want the Sims.
And your mom knows you buy porn period...? And hasn't kicked you out yet...? Luck~y...
Elena's crush on Tseng is cute, I think, and since he asked her out, I can definitely see something maaaaybe happening there... but the thing about that is, he's her superior, and since they're both very professional... it may not be the wisest choice for keeping up a healthy work environment.
With Reno, however... I kind of like the idea of RenoxElenaxRude since he's Reno's wife or something, and it's not like it couldn't work. Reno acts like a bit of a jerk to her at first, but I think that's just his laxness talking; she wants to work-work-work and he... doesn't XD It could work. And it'd be sexy =P
( *shamelessplug* It's oldish. So it sucks. Oh well.)
I'm not at all surprised that he'd seriously join the terrorists he was sent to spy on. I mean, the guy had to watch the company that he was loyal to for what must've been decades destroy part of the city he helped design, build and clearly cares about. Not cool. I'm glad Reeve has at least some morals, unlike the rest of ShinRa. He's a strong man for sticking with them for as long as he did. And he's not spineless goddammit.
I'm looking forward to DC. I'd love to find out more about Reeve... like, oh, what compelled him to wear that snazzy orange tie (which he no longer has, o noes ;_;).
Joey, PLEASE stop referring to peanut and/or almond butter as 'nut butter'. Oh my GOD. ROFL. But nut butter is so good! And really convenient for lazy people who don't want to say peanut or almond.
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