Now that the meme's off my flist, it's time for me to do it (even though I never asked anyone who posted it >_>;;):
Comment with a pairing or character from a fandom of mine and I'll tell you my opinion on the matter.
...yeah, my fandoms are rather limited. I like it here in my box, TYVM =P
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Heh, see, as much as I love those two, I really love messing with opposing personalities more. I'm quite bad when it comes to pairing two incredibly serious, most likely angst-driven characters together because all my muses want to do are stand in the corner and lament the world's demise. So I'll do Rufus/Reno and Tseng/Reno, but rarely Rufus/Tseng (or vice versa - btw, how old is Tseng? A lot of doujin I've seen, Rufus is exaggeratedly young with an older Tseng, kind of the surrogate father thing). Still, it's a very plausible pairing, and I've seen great renditions. As for Reno/Rude or Rude/Reno - you are absolutely right. Those two are practically married XD and no doubt more than just drinking buddies...*cough* I was actually considering a Rufus/Reno/Rude triangle after reading a wonderfully done songfic on renorude. Hm...Rufus and the Turks are all so pretty, dammit XD XD. They should just do like the GW people do and have a massive orgy.
Awww I want doujinshi of them T_T I can't seem to find any; you have a link by chance? And yes, that plot device has been overdone...took advantage of it myself before *shifty eyes* makes for good angst, I'm sure. I can see it happening.
...Yes, I spam people's comments with long essays when procrastinating work at 2 AM.
Hee! Well, I understand why. And it's not like Rufus and Reno's personalities are so contrasting to the point where they're polar opposites or anything; it could work. Like I said, Reno's lasted in the Turks THIS long, so he must be doing SOMETHING right XD
And OMG yes. ShinRa only hires them when they're young and pretty, I think =P Hell, look at the SOLDIER unit XD
I have a couple doujin of them that I'm planning on rescanning into a better quality and a couple I have to scan in the first place, but yes, I do ^_^ "Hysteria" by Hideki Kawai (don't be thrown off by the Cid/Cloud thing on the cover *cough*), and "Secondaries".
Ha! No worries about the long comments, I don't mind <3
You think he gets extra paid vacation days for it too? ^_~ Tee hee. Let me see...another thing I guess they could relate to is an absence of a maternal parent...or much of a parent at all, considering Rufus's bastard of a father (what're the theories regarding his mother anyways? I've only seen one where she's actually reference, it was some comic and she apparently killed herself --> young!Rufus = traumatized --> everyone proceeds to angst).
GWAH XD I wander what their criteria is...
Oooh OMG thanks O_O. Hysteria's is so pretty! OMG Rufus tying Reno up, say what? XD XD I am so amused at the video camera. And then random...father...death...huh? So confused. Where'd you buy them?
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