3057: We Follow. I Fly.

Mar 02, 2009 16:32

I am out early because the only other person who bothered to show up was Other Supers, who came in at 10:45 and decided she would leave at 2 so I could [read: had to] leave at the same time. Return trip was significantly less crap, at least. Problem is I get to spend all my extra free time [after writing all this crap] working on a guide before it catches me in the ass =p

via shingallon OOH SEE WHAT I DID THERE:You have a time machine, but it only works twice: Once to take you to some point in the past, and once to return you to your present time, afterwhich it will self destruct in such a manner that it cannot be repaired or used to make another. What do you do?
[cut, paste] The lower-brow answer [assuming you aren't interested in my ten-dimensional postulation] is that I am too Zen to attempt even a theoretically-beneficial overhaul of the overarching timeline--not even Dubya--because every badness comes with its goodnesses, and it is simply up to ourselves to see that.

So I would either 1. break it without using it or 2. go back to when my aunt caught me drawing random Sonic fan art and NOT draw it so she wouldn't take it from me unfinished and show it to my grandmother, who made the most painfully unimpressed face EVAR as one of the last times I ever saw her.

Fifth- and sixth-dimensional travel enthusiasts would be wiser to clone the machine before breaking it, though.

The tl;dr version is that time travel IS possible--we just as a species do not know how to do it, because we traverse through time along vectors--always going in one direction and never in reverse. Borrowing from the ten dimensions, travelling "forward" in time as we do allows us to choose between each branch of a specific timeline, but those timelines in fact already exist, much like the story of a Choose Your Own Adventure novel. If we learn how to go backwards along the fourth-dimensional axis [W?], we could see time rewind, or simply jump along the fifth-dimensional axis [V?] to get there instantly a la most time-travel stories. The trick is that travelling in our four dimensions as we are capable of doing only allows fourth-dimensional branching--going along one "logical" path--though leaving the current timeline means never coming back to it [at least, not logically].

In an infinite set of possibilities, though, are you really going to notice the slightest of differences? It may matter to the timeline you left, but not to you...

The upside of the concept of ten dimensions is I've more or less gotten past the irrational... not "fear," exactly, but a feeling of being overwhelmed by the concept of Nothing: the "What if NOTHING ever existed?" In times that has overcome me, the only remedy has been to think about anything--literally anything at all--and make myself stop thinking about Nothing. I mean, yeah, I'm thinking about it NOW, but it's kind of like vertigo from looking over the side of a building: I don't feel it now, but if I let myself look, I'll get scared as fuck.

The downside of believing what I believe is Back to the Future is a complete crock =p [that is, I don't believe a time paradox could exist with fifth- and sixth-dimensional travel, as nothing would ever get overwritten]

Char put in the "less crap" dub of Akira last night. It's like a whole other movie! o_O and I have to admit that Ichigo Kurosawa is better as Kaneda than Leonardo, even if the "funeral" crack was kind of... whut =p

Aggrieved with the changes eBay is doing to the selling area and that I no longer have a clear summary of who has left feedback for me already... good thing I'm getting out of this mess! XB

Is that enough tangenting yet? Okay, going out to get this rent bullshit settled.

afeared, zen, internety, ihatesnow, ebay, thunk, workcrap, anime, philosophy, sciency

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