2827: Money, Money, Money

Jul 15, 2008 02:43

[photo of my eBay stoof here]

I made the mistake of calculating the cost of stock vs. earnings from my store, and I think it's pennies on the item--if that--even considering that I've been stealing the boxes from work* they just throw away. The rare thing that nets a substantial profit isn't enough to offset the other crap, and the rare things sell out immediately if not sooner, vs. the other crap, which kind of stagnates FOREVAR.
*because that's a savings of $1.50/each right there

I know I should quit, because this is precious time I could be better devoting to ANYTHING ELSE, but I feel like I would otherwise have all this Neojank that I kind of but don't really want* cluttering up the place** [not to mention the odds-and-ends stuff Chars wants to GTFO that I'm selling for him because I already have the store set up, so he only has to deal with the occasional of his games he wants to sell himself]. Also, it's sort of karmic to help spread the merch and get the economy circulating, even if it's at a little loss... hey, I'd rather have the +1 and a few cents than the Dragonball comics I've long tired of =p
*the strategy being, if I get rid of it and don't miss it, all the better
**for stuff like, with the Key Quest Series 3 stuff, I have to buy the whole set to get the one special limited plushie

Despite going to bed early yesterday, I suffered from an Extensive Sleep Paralysis + Lethargy S++ Combo that beat the productivity out of me, so I couldn't remotely get around to taking my car in to be serviced. I wrote to my father about it Saturday, with the idea that he would write back [ideally before I did anything] with his thoughts about the estimate they gave--and he thinks it's a total scam to put that much money into a minimal-market-value car like mine. Maybe it was a good thing I/we did what I/we did? [the oversleep + going to see Hellboy II so we could only get an estimate, not a con job]

So I will prolly head around to Sears/Wal-Mart, as per his recommendation, and prolly call him while there if they try to sell me the same con job. I mean, I'm not a mechanic, so I can't tell if my car would genuinely need all this replacement stuff. To me, it just sounds annoying, and I'd prefer to only buy a $30-40 muffler if the alternative is a $600 exhaust system--unless it actually DOES make my car a death trap otherwise.

[in which case, new car!--waste of registration renewal be damned]

Speaking of hating money, I'll have to get back with Marc--not about drawing my comic [the one, if any, I would like him to do is this year's coming Nano] but for how much he would do it should I hire him. I decided that houndkolbsedek must be my own work, due to I don't want to redo the thumbs to make sense for someone else [they're pretty haphazard, and I'm only adding the dialogue when I scan them in] + I don't want to see if TEH FURREIS will squick him + I'd rather commission one comic at a time, which TOHKBS will definitely not be.

Also--as I presumptuously Tweeted--I refuse to accept volunteer work for my comic(s) for these reasons:

1. There is [usually] a direct correlation between price of commission and its quality.
2. No one should have me as a boss for NO PAY.

Mostly the latter, though =p I recognize I volunteered to help with certain projects for which I'm not being compensated, but I have my reasons for that, and I would rather no one does the same under ME.

ihatedriving, scammy, ebay, breakdown, ihatemoney, maily, nocomic, taghappy, karma, seepy, lazy, philosophy, self-loathing

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