Title: “In the Name of the Moon ...”
Pairing(s): Liz/Linkara. Appearances by Dodger Of Zion and assorted TGWTG people
Warning(s): So sugary sweet that you might get diabetes.
Word Count: 1591
Rated PG: For cosplay, sentimentality, secrecy, and true love (and just a few cuss words)
Summary: Liz and Linkara return to MagFest with some other Channel
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Comments 12
Sugary sweet, yes, and just what I needed to cheer me up today. -hugs- Grats on your first fic and welcome!
I was really worried someone was going to keel over from "OMGTOOMUCHFLUFF", but maybe not :J
Originally it was going to be the Critic, but they I thought, "Who is the only person from the site with any sort of religious training ... SUEDE!" And he would totally conduct a ceremony in the name of the mood XD
Joking aside, lovely fluffy fic. Nice one!
And since I don't want to make everyone sick, I promise the next one will have 100% more Face Punch!
Don't mind the pile of tissues or the puddle on the floor...just...don't mind it...
Why did it take me so long to find this?
*leaves an offering of candy, puppies, and rainbow bubbles*
Thank you! I was *so* nervous writing this that it would turn out weird or crappy or just ... not good >_< I love that you love it :D
Don't mind the pile of tissues or the puddle on the floor...just...don't mind it...
That's the greatest compliment you could give me ;) *hands more tissues*
Why did it take me so long to find this?
Well, since it only occurred to me about 5 days ago, I'd say your discovery was pretty timely ;)
*leaves an offering of candy, puppies, and rainbow bubbles*
*YAY!!!!* Hugs the puppies, noms the candy, chases the bubbles
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