Title: Having Day Dreams, About Night Things,
In the Middle of the Afternoon - Part Two
Author: Jellie_RayneLuv
Rating: NC17 eventually (adult content people, don't like it, don't read it) This part is still rather tame.
Pairing: John & Ellie (like you had to ask?!)
Spoilers: None, really ... although this isn't exactly following canon. The
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Comments 14
Curious to see what kind of contract he and Ellie agree upon. :-)
I liked that little role reversal twist too, and I had fun with John's inner dialog ... the contract will be interesting as well, I hope.
There may be a twist or two left before this part of the tale comes to a close.
Hope to have more posted in a few days. So stick around, it's gonna get interesting.
But John always does like to have some sort of plan in place, diligent lad that he is.
Hope to have more posted soon ... probably more talk and a whole lot of action. LOL.
It's sure to be a festive time. ;) So stay tuned.
Then the rest of this tale is gonna melt my computer! How sexy was that, with the fancy footwork?
Wow, lady, you've outdone yourself!
..."He wouldn't be her dirty little secret." Nice twist on the classic 'hidden relationship' fear. I love how he wants the openness, not hiding anything from the rest of their circle. Yeah, Devon's gotta take a hike ... literally! ;D
So very, very glad you're writing again, and thrilled with this story! Keep rockin' with this, gal!
and compared to what I have in mind, this was tame. You should know if you read the general outline that was in the e-mails. (Which I would love your thoughts on btw)
You know how I love twists and surprises ... So expect a big one before it's done.
Gotta run now, lots to do.
Thanks Again Evil Triplet!
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