Having Day Dreams, About Night Things ... Part Two

May 14, 2011 18:30

Title: Having Day Dreams, About Night Things, 
         In the Middle of the Afternoon - Part Two
Author: Jellie_RayneLuv
Rating: NC17 eventually (adult content people, don't like it, don't read it) This part is still rather tame.
Pairing: John & Ellie (like you had to ask?!)
Spoilers: None, really ... although this isn't exactly following canon. The wedding never happened. So it's kinda AU, but not really.  Some things from season three and four have happened, some haven't.
Beta Reader: not beta'd yet.  Hopefully laterparts will be.
Disclaimer: You all know the drill, I don't own 'em, just like to play with 'em.


"Did the bad man come in, to do dirty things to me, John?"  She increased the pressure of her toes on his groin, and she was impressed that he didn't move away.  She was even more impressed with what she felt beneath her toes.  Her body began to tingle in anticpation of what could happen next, as she noticed that his mouth was beginning to twitch, and his eyes were growing dark and hooded as he looked down at her. "Are you the bad man, John? Have you come to do bad things? To me? With me?"

John could hardly believe what was happening.  Was this really happening? He asked himself.  He had to admit, her foot rubbing his cock through his pants, felt pretty damn real, and Fuck ... it felt so damn good and if I wake up in a hospital bed somewhere, only to discover that I've been shot, and this is all a dream, oh God, please don't let this be a dream.

Not that he had never dreamed about his lovely neighbor before, because believe you me he had.  He thought about those dreams and didn't think they had been half bad, him being the aggressor and all.  But my, oh my, how the tables had turned ... his dreams had never been like this.

It was at this point in John's ruminations that Ellie decided to make a change in her tactics.  Her hand that had, until now, been running contently over the top of the fabric of her panties, moved to beneath the lacy material.  She closed her eyes and moved her hips against her hand as she reached down lower ... sliding her fingers back and forth across her slick wet folds.  Then she curled them up and into herself, moaning to him as she increased the pace of her strokes.

"Mmmm, John" she purred. " I need ... I want ..."

Her voice fell off to incoherent  mumbling, as John watched her every move in utter fascination.  He knew exactly what she was doing to herself, and he wanted to draw those fingers to his mouth, suck them into himself and taste her on his tongue. Better yet, he wanted to be those fingers, and know the feel of her sex and then he wanted to know what it felt to be buried deep inside her, to be surrounded by her heat.

John wanted so much.  So many things he had denied himself for so long. He wanted to possess her - body, mind and soul.  He wanted to brand her skin with his hands, his lips, teeth, tongue, claiming her as his own.

"John ... please...." she keened again and he watched as she writhed on the pristine white sheets of the bed.

Ellie began to move more frantically against her fingers, at the same time increasing the pressure of her toes against his rigid cock,  as she continued to rub him through his pants.  His breath was becoming labored as was hers.

He grunted and leaned into her touch.

He had to close his eyes. He had to try to relax and think this through. He knew this could not be a one time thing.  Not with a woman like Eleanor.  If they started this now, he would not be able to call it a day and walk away.  This had to be something more.

One voice told him to retreat, run away and try to forget this had ever happened.  Like that is likely to happen, he told the voice. The other voice, the louder voice, told him to stay and see what she had in mind, to find out just how serious she was. In the end, the louder voice prevailed.

After all, the invitation that she was so not subtley issuing him, was one hell of an invite.  Not one that was likely to be reissued if turned down the first time.  No second chances, no rain checks. It's now or never Johnny boy.  And seriously, he told himself, who was he to turn down an invitation from such a gracious hostess as Ellie?

But accepting this oh so sweet invitation would be on his terms.  There would be no take backs, no acting like it hadn't happened.  Take it or leave it  ... they would both be all in, with both feet.  Eyes wide open and all that. He had never been good at sharing and he wasn't about to start now.

Ellie would have to agree to his way of thinking.  There could be no turning to Devon after this.  She would be his, and he would be hers.  No hiding from friends and family.  He wouldn't be her dirty little secret.

And as hard as it would be, and no matter how many cold showers it would take to wash this afternoon away, if she could not or would not oblidge him in this, then he would walk away.  Even knowing he would regret it every day for the rest of his life, he would walk away.

He took a deep breath, and stepping back just a bit, he opened his eyes to look at her once again ... to tell her how it was going to be.

jellie, smut

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