Mostly, nothing

Feb 09, 2014 17:51

If you are doing
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life, fandom, merlin, update, fest

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Comments 6

rocknvaughn February 9 2014, 23:26:43 UTC
You know I'm up for it. *winks* But I don't think you get to choose who you get? Unless they're changing how things work this year?

Hope you're feeling better soon! *hugs*


jelazakazone February 9 2014, 23:29:08 UTC
Hurray!!!! We can angst together.

Nah, you don't get to choose who you get, but you can do treats for people too, so there is that.

Thanks! Just having some nasty cramps, which was why I drank the cider. I probably should eat some food too.


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jelazakazone February 10 2014, 01:11:59 UTC
Well, they had it set up so the kids had to wait a lot. They went up and down some stairs at the beginning, not knowing where they were going. Then they were sort of crammed together in a small space (but the cramming wasn't very crammed -- this crowd was smaller than other groups have been in the past apparently). They went to four different stations (medical, legal, train tickets, and bank) and then got their papers stamped. The whole thing took hours. Then this guy talked to them at the end. I thought it was very effective and interesting.


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jelazakazone February 10 2014, 01:21:13 UTC
I think she did! I mean, she's quite introverted and I'm pretty sure she found the experience overwhelming, but I think it was good. We'll have to chat later and see what she thought after she's had time to process.

Ugh. Thanks. Alcohol actually helps a great deal! I will take some Advil and Tylenol in a bit and just go to bed.


fleete February 10 2014, 16:33:56 UTC
I'm doing camelotremix, and you know I'm always down for podfic!


jelazakazone February 10 2014, 16:35:03 UTC
Awesomesauce! Maybe I should find something else of yours to pod then:D

Oooh, maybe I'll do those Dolma fics we did....


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