Mostly, nothing

Feb 09, 2014 17:51

If you are doing
camelotremix and don't mind being podficced, please let me know. I feel like I need to get some more podfics by qualifying authors done before the deadline in a couple weeks. I could always do my own crap, but would prefer to have some more options. <3 <3

In other news, I did a faux Ellis Island field trip with DD1 this morning that was very interesting.  Took up a good part of the day.  Then I took the kids over to
lizcommotion 's house for doggie time (and adult time for me) and we all had a great time.  I'm currently slightly buzzed on a hard cider that I drank for medicinal purposes (fucking cramps).

Hoping to get to bed early.  Life is boring and life is good.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

life, fandom, merlin, update, fest

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