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Comments 10

dunderklumpen October 11 2013, 13:35:10 UTC
Yeah, go ahead and kill me. I'm just 32. Who needs more years when he can die the sweet death of fangirl!heartstroke.


jelazakazone October 11 2013, 13:47:23 UTC
*sticks a fork in you* Yep, you're done. :D :D I think you've summed it up pretty well!


alba17 October 11 2013, 14:15:53 UTC
"compulsory vacation" is a funny way to put it, LOL. It's called a holiday, lady. :) Is he a govt contractor? The shutdown is complete idiocy.



jelazakazone October 11 2013, 16:27:11 UTC
Heh. I know, right? It comes out of their PTOB, so yeah, not such a great deal. I'd prefer he just got the day off without pay. Yeah, I guess he's a gov't contractor. Don't get me started on the shutdown. I had to put clamps on my lips last night at dinner talking with MIL and she agrees with me.

UNF UNF UNF for real.


teprometo October 11 2013, 16:24:03 UTC
Oh, no, I think I'm an anomaly. I find everyone stunningly unattractive in these photos. Nice to see something, though! Can't wait for more like this to pop up.


jelazakazone October 11 2013, 16:27:59 UTC
:::hugs::: You are allowed to be different! I like it when people have different opinions, but scruff does soemthing to me. YUM. I love it.

also looking forward to more promos:D


teprometo October 11 2013, 16:54:28 UTC
I think it's the tense facial expressions, the angles, and the lighting that are throwing me off, because normally, scruffy Colin Morgan is a one-way trip to tingles in my pants.


jelazakazone October 11 2013, 16:56:26 UTC
Ah, could be. The angles are weird. Poor guys. They don't fare well in this story:(


dk323 October 12 2013, 02:48:31 UTC
Saw the Mojo pics on Tumblr -- Colin's looking really good. :) Thanks for the Daniel Radcliffe interview link -- well he's definitely applying his high energy well in the acting arena. ;)

I hope the government shutdown ends soon too. It's ridiculous.


47eleven October 12 2013, 12:22:35 UTC
*in a coma of swoon*

*love and kisses*


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