Mojo pictures

Oct 11, 2013 09:14

Pictures found here who got them from here.

Also, I heard bits of a great interview with Daniel Radcliffe by Terry Gross. I was most impressed by him talking about being hyper and not fitting in at school, not feeling valued for his high energy.  We all have our places that we fit in and I think a lot of us don't fit particularly well at school. Many of us can fake it for a long time.  Ugh. I have lots of thoughts on education and how badly it needs to be revamped, but no time or energy to get into it here.

I'm still working my way through that list I posted a few days. I have to finish up dh's London travelogue and do yuletide signups and the letter.  Ack!  MIL is here through tomorrow. Hopefully I can manage some sewing while she's at school for Grandparents' Day. Also, dh has compulsory vacation on Monday. I hope to god Congress pulls their shit together.  I am not worried about our situation, yet, but seriously, do they not see the harm they are doing to a lot of people? I call bullshit. /rant.

Oh, it's been chilly and raining for days. Upside is that I can now drink tea without feeling like I am going to spontaneously combust. Downside is that I feel like someone pushed the off switch.

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life, fandom, fests, colin morgan, update, ben whishaw

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