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Comments 30

archaeologist_d June 4 2013, 13:54:27 UTC
Yeah, that look that Bradley and Colin share. Oh, love it.


jelazakazone June 4 2013, 13:58:26 UTC
It had to be at least half the charm of the show, if not more, right?:D


subtlefire June 4 2013, 13:57:19 UTC

You're a twin? I missed that about you. Identical or fraternal? I never thought of twinness as having an effect on romance/gen/kink perspective. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

Have you tried meditating? I'm trying to find a good way that works for me. I have a guided meditation thing that lasts for 30 minutes, but I can't do that every day. And some days I'm just too restless for it. I want to be able to take it with me. I'm due for some meditation Google-fu.


jelazakazone June 4 2013, 14:01:09 UTC
Good grief, if looks could actually harm, so many people would be up in smoke, right?

Heh. It's one of those things I forget to tell people because people always knew. We are identical. Not sure it does have an effect on the general population of twins. It was a half-formed thought and more of it has not yet emerged, but I think I have this immersive idea about relationships and romance just doesn't fit in my framework.

I have not tried meditating recently. I did it for a while a long time ago, but always fell asleep. I find the "to do" list here very helpful, actually. So, expect to see those again on a regular basis:D


47eleven June 4 2013, 14:05:08 UTC
These gifs! Too sweet.



jelazakazone June 4 2013, 14:06:50 UTC
OMG. You are still standing. I was sure I'd have to wave the smelling salts for you:) <3

Will mail quilt tomorrow, by the way. I forgot I had to finish it. Oops:D


47eleven June 4 2013, 14:11:15 UTC
*answers from where I am indeed prone upon the floor*

That will be lovely - thanks hon.

*looks at Bradley's smile again*

*loud resounding thud*


jelazakazone June 4 2013, 14:12:05 UTC
LOL. Ok, *scoops you up* :D EEEEEe. His smile is the best here, right?


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jelazakazone June 4 2013, 14:09:03 UTC
\o/! The lists help me so much.

LOL. I will never be super organized and efficient. That stresses me out. I tried it.

I just feel like there is all this stuff that needs to be attended to and I'm worried about dropping balls, but so far things have worked out ok, so I'm trying not to worry about the ball dropping, kwim? I think it will be ok. Partly it's the time of year too, I think. And my allergies are bad this year and I just feel fuzzy headed which never helps anything!



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jelazakazone June 4 2013, 15:37:46 UTC
LOL. Ok, I will endeavor not to worry about the balls and figure out which ones to drop in the meantime. I do keep sort of punting them into the future.


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jelazakazone June 4 2013, 15:39:31 UTC
Heh. Well, I am not shipping them yet, but I too am amused by this.


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