Draw your own conclusions

Jun 04, 2013 09:31



To do:
post office
hand back quilts
clean kitchen
register quilts
deal with other stuff that needs to be mailed (phone call has been made)
make a quilted name tag 
acquire a white shirt for DD1
face threading?

I have this desire to watch Star Trek 2009 again. I guess this is a good thing. I just watched it yesterday. Uh.

Not too much else to report. I am still feeling overwhelmed and this may be the new state? I don't like it. I may not get back to that meta post:( I keep having more thoughts about romance vs gen vs kink though.  I wonder if being a twin has an impact on what I look for/relate to in stories.

I am attempting to rest this week. I think I did ok yesterday, except the part about actually going to bed at a decent hour. Oops.

I also have a Johari window here
. If you feel inclined, please throw a few words in:D

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/729658.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

zachary quinto, bradley james, to do, chris pine, star trek, colin morgan

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