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Comments 17

archaeologist_d May 9 2013, 20:13:45 UTC
He is so adorable.


jelazakazone May 9 2013, 21:52:30 UTC
Too cute for words! :D


issy5209 May 9 2013, 21:22:47 UTC
Is there something in the air I'm not aware of? (or maybe its the new movie has just come out) but lots of people are watching the 2009 movie

what a big gorgeous smile!


jelazakazone May 9 2013, 21:53:15 UTC
Who else is watching it? I wasn't away lots of people were. I think a new movie is coming out or just came out or something? I don't generally follow Trek.

*sigh* God, why is he so cute?


issy5209 May 9 2013, 22:01:55 UTC
I was just talking to catsdownunder and she's just watched it, so has one of my sisters, probably because the new movie is out/coming out.
I also just saw the car ad on tumblr, which is very funny too.


jelazakazone May 9 2013, 22:02:58 UTC
Oh yeah. I need to find that ad, actually. I figured I'd wait and watch it after I'd seen the movie. :D


millionstar May 10 2013, 02:25:08 UTC
I'm a big fan of the remake, and am pretty excited for the sequel, tbh.

Alex is damned adorable.


jelazakazone May 10 2013, 02:33:12 UTC
Oh, very good to know!

You know I agree:D Fucking adorable, I would dare say.


47eleven May 10 2013, 02:44:15 UTC
He's too gorgeous to even........no, I don't know. Words fail me. I'll just swoon.......


jelazakazone May 10 2013, 02:45:43 UTC
Excellent. Swooning works for me.

Oh, by the way, I'm working on Mordred wing!fic set in the 1800s. Elliemusica planted the idea in my head when she said she was going to draw Mordred with wings:D


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jelazakazone May 10 2013, 18:42:07 UTC
Maybe I'm confused? I thought it was Abrams who was being excoriated, but I don't always pay good attention to these sorts of things.

I loved ST 2009. I was a little disappointed that the kick ass women completely disappeared throughout the arc of the movie. *sigh* At least they were in there at all.

I doubt I'll see the new one, but who knows. I don't go to the movies alone and I actually do have someone to go with these days.

I love that you and Larry have a tradition of seeing Trek together. My dad used to take us to everything. We saw Star Wars, and ET and Star Trek and Steve Martin etc etc etc growing up. I remember seeing Wrath of Khan when I was like 10 and being terrified. Isn't that the one where the woman has a shaved head and there is something about Voyager but they pronounce it differently?


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jelazakazone May 10 2013, 19:01:48 UTC
Oh. I'm probably wrong then. That's awesome!

Seriously. We need good strong storylines with real women. Amen.

LOL. People stream movies these days. If I wait long enough, I can buy the dvd for less than it costs to see the movie:D

Oooh, a con. I feel so conflicted about cons because in theory I'd love to go and hang out with other fans, but I really cannot handle crowds. So, I'd need to go to a con with like 200 people.

Dude. I am OLD. I was about 10 when the movie came out. LOL.

Ah, apparently the bald woman was in the first Star Trek movie. Whoa. Who knew? I am pretty sure she refers to Voyager in that film.


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